
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Jordan Lake State Recreation Area Word Search

Located in Chatham County about 30 miles west of Raleigh lies Jordan Lake State Recreation Area. This free printable word search incorporates words related to the recreation area. My dad and I caught more fish at Jordan Lake than any other place in all the years we fished together, so this area holds some special memories for me!

Click on the images below to print the word search pages and enjoy this resource I created for free!

Find additional information, such as hours, directions, trails, camping information, and more regarding Jordan Lake State Recreation Area by visiting the North Carolina State Parks official web site. Click here to find photos or lists of plants or animals found in the area. Find educational resources related to Jordan Lake by clicking here.

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Jordan Lake State Recreation Area Word Search Page 1

Jordan Lake State Recreation Area Word Search Page 2

Raven Rock State Park Word Search

Raven Rock State Park, located 40 miles southwest of Raleigh, is one of North Carolina's central region state parks. Try your hand at this free word search puzzle by clicking on the images below to print.

What do Dutchman's breeches, yellowbelly sliders, and Slow Poke have to do with Raven Rock? You can learn the answers to these questions and a lot more by visiting the official Raven Rock State Park web page. That page will also provide information about hours, directions, trail map, camping, and more if you wish to visit this state park. Click here for educational resources related to Raven Rock. If you would like to see lists and pictures of some animals and plants at Raven Rock, click here.

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Raven Rock State Park Word Search Page 1

Raven Rock State Park Word Search Page 2

Singletary Lake State Park Word Search

Looking for a fun and free indoor activity? Try this printable word search featuring terms related to Singletary Lake State Park in Bladen County, North Carolina.

Curious about why the Red Cross is on the list or what a white wicky is? Find this information and much more at the Singletary Lake State Park page of the North Carolina State Parks web site. Click here to find lists and photos of plants and animals at Singletary Lake State Park.

Click on the images below to print the word search and terms.

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Singletary Lake State Park Word Search Page 1

Singletary Lake State Park Word Search Page 2

First Ladies of the United States Trivia Game

This trivia game includes twenty First Ladies of the United States. Each slide offers clues and the years that First Lady served in the role. The correct answer is highlighted on the next slide. How many do you know?


  1. Click on the first image below to enlarge.
  2. Click on the next arrow or on the next image at the bottom of the screen.

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United States First Ladies Trivia Game

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

First Lady serving 1809 to 1813. Credited with creating the office of First Lady

Dolley Madison

First Lady who served 1933 to 1945. Wrote daily newspaper column & served longest term as First Lady

Eleanor Roosevelt

First Lady 2001 to 2009. Established the annual National Book Festival

Laura Bush

First Lady 1915 to 1921. Made many decisions after her husband suffered a stroke while in office

Edith Wilson

First Lady 1981 to 1989. Started Just Say No anti-drug campaign

Nancy Reagan

First Lady 1797 to 1801. Husband & son were both President of the U.S.

Abigail Adams

First Lady 1929 to 1933 during the Great Depression. Spoke multiple languages.

Lou Henry Hoover

First Lady 1961 - 1963. International icon of style, fashion, & culture. With her husband when he was shot

Jackie Kennedy

First Lady 1963 - 1969. Started beautification project & 1st to have own press secretary & chief of staff

Lady Bird Johnson

First Lady 1789 - 1797. Married to the first President of the United States

Martha Washington

First Lady 1889 - 1892. Established White House china collection & raised money for Johns Hopkins Med School

Caroline Harrison

First Lady 1857 - 1861. Niece of a President who never married. Donated personal art to create National Gallery of Art

Harriet Lane

First Lady 1974 - 1977. Openly discussed past mental health treatment, breast cancer & alcohol & drug dependence

Betty Ford

First Lady 2009 - 2017 Raised awareness of poverty, supported healthy eating & created childhood obesity task force

Michelle Obama

First Lady 1845 - 1849. Banned dancing, hard liquor, & card games at official receptions. Husband died 3 months after leaving office

Sarah Polk

First Lady 1989 - 1993. Developed foundation for family literacy. Supported civil rights & AIDS awareness

Barbara Bush

First Lady 1886 - 1889 and 1893 - 1897. Became First Lady at age 21 & married in the White House

Frances Cleveland

First Lady 1861 - 1865. Son and husband both died while she served at First Lady. Supported Union soldiers & newly-freed slaves

Mary Lincoln

First Lady 1993 - 2001. Focused on national health care reform & later ran for U.S. President

Hillary Clinton

First Lady 1977 - 1981. Focused on mental health, elderly, & performing arts. Traveled to South American & held multiple meetings

Rosalynn Carter

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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Morrow Mountain State Park Word Search

Morrow Mountain State Park is part of North Carolina's state park system and is located in Stanley County around Albemarle. This word features various areas, flora, fauna, and recreational opportunities at the state park.

For more information regarding Morrow Mountain, including camping fees, directions, hours of operation, etc., visit the NC Parks offical web site. Click here to find lists and pictures of plants and animals found at Morrow Mountain State Park.

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Morrow Mountain State Park Word Search Page 1 © Katrena

Morrow Mountain State Park Word Search Page 2 © Katrena