
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Introduction to Medical Terminology Flash Cards - Word Parts

These flash cards highlight fifteen word parts that are often used in medical terminology and are associated with Introduction to Medical Terminology.

  1. Click on the first graphic below to enlarge.
  2. Click on each slide or thumbnail at the bottom to advance to the next slide.
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Introduction to Medical Terminology Flash Cards

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Hyper- definition

Med Term for excessive, increased

-otomy definition

Med term for cutting, surgical incision

-rrhexis definition

Med term for rupture

Dys- definition

Med term for bad, difficult, painful

-plasty definition

Med term for surgical repair

-osis definition

Med term for abnormal condition, disease

-rrhea definition

Med term for flow, discharge

-itis definition

Med term for inflammation

-sclerosis definition

Med term for abnormal hardening

-ostomy definition

Med term for surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface

-algia definition

Med term for pain, painful condition

-rrhage definition

Med term for bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid or discharge

-ectomy definition

Med term for surgical removal, cutting out

-rrhaphy definition

Med term for surgical suturing

Hypo- definition

Med term for deficient, decreased

Student Survive 2 Thrive Blog

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