
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Human Body in Health and Disease Flash Cards

Below are fifteen common medical terminology word parts associated with the human body in health and disease. Happy studying!

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Additional articles:
The Human Body in Health and Disease Flash Cards

-ologist definition

Med term for specialist

adip/o definition

Medical term for fat

end- endo- definition

Med term for in, within, inside

Poster/o definition

Med term for behind, toward the back

Caud/o definition

Med term for lower part of the body, tail

Path/o -pathy definition

Med term for disease, suffering, feeling, emotion

Aden/o definition

Med term for gland

-ology definition

Med term for the science or study of

Plas/i plas/o -plasia definition

Med term for development, growth, formation

Cephal/o definition

Med term for head

Hist/o histi/o definition

Med term for tissue

-stasis -static definition

Med term for control, maintenance of a constant level

Anter/o definition

Med term for before, front

Exo- definition

Med term for out of, outside, away from

Cyt/o -cyte definition

Med term for cell

Student Survive 2 Thrive blog - free medical terminology study resources

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