
Monday, July 3, 2023

Week 9 U.S. History: Transformation in the North 1800-1850


Photo of old quilt by Julia_S at
Photo of old quilt by Julia_S at  

U.S. History Week 9

Transformation in the North, 1800-1850

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  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 9 Transformation in the North 1800-1850
U.S. History Week 9 Transformation in the North 1800-1850 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Upon which type of power did America’s earliest factories depend? Answer choices include: solar, electric, water/steam, wind
Upon which type of power did America’s earliest factories depend?
Answer choices include: solar, electric, water/steam, wind

The correct answer is water/steam.
The correct answer is water/steam.

Which is true of the putting-out system? Answer choices include: Skilled artisans made hand-crafted goods. Earliest workers were primarily New England farm families. Wages were higher. Production costs were higher.
Which is true of the putting-out system?
Answer choices include:
Skilled artisans made hand-crafted goods.
Earliest workers were primarily New England farm families.
Wages were higher.
Production costs were higher.

The correct answer is: Earliest workers were primarily New England farm families.
The correct answer is: Earliest workers were primarily New England farm families.

Who was the British founder of the first successful American cotton mill? Answer choices include: Samuel Slater, Benjamin Franklin, Michel Chevalier, Thomas Jefferson
Who was the British founder of the first successful American cotton mill?
Answer choices include: Samuel Slater, Benjamin Franklin,
Michel Chevalier, Thomas Jefferson

The correct answer is Samuel Slater.
The correct answer is Samuel Slater.

The idea that laborers provide necessary resources to create profits and should be compensated fairly is the ___. Answer choices include: Pythagorean theory, all-or-none theory, taxonomic theory, labor theory of value
The idea that laborers provide necessary resources to create
profits and should be compensated fairly is the ___.
Answer choices include: Pythagorean theory, all-or-none theory,
taxonomic theory, labor theory of value

The correct answer is labor theory of value.
The correct answer is labor theory of value.

The Land Law of 1796 allowed people to purchase land from the government for $___ per acre. Answer choices include: 2, 5, 10, 50
The Land Law of 1796 allowed people to purchase land
from the government for $___ per acre.
Answer choices include: 2, 5, 10, 50

The correct answer is 2.
The correct answer is 2.

America experienced its first economic depression called ___ in 1819. Answer choices include: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis, The Panic, Tulip Mania, Black Monday
America experienced its first economic depression called ___ in 1819.
Answer choices include: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis,
The Panic, Tulip Mania, Black Monday

The correct answer is The Panic.
The correct answer is The Panic.

Who invented/patented the cotton gin that could extract seeds more efficiently than doing so by hand? Answer choices include: Richard Arkwright, Moses Brown, Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney
Who invented/patented the cotton gin that could extract
seeds more efficiently than doing so by hand?
Answer choices include: Richard Arkwright,
Moses Brown, Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney

The correct answer is Eli Whitney.
The correct answer is Eli Whitney.

The Clermont, Fulton’s first ___ in 1807, greatly increased development along the Mississippi River Valley. Answer choices include: steamship, mechanical tractor, threshing machine, car
The Clermont, Fulton’s first ___ in 1807, greatly increased
development along the Mississippi River Valley.
Answer choices include: steamship,
mechanical tractor, threshing machine, car

The correct answer is steamship.
The correct answer is steamship.

What American created the telegraph? Answer choices include: Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse, Wilson Bentley, John Deere
What American created the telegraph?
Answer choices include: Alexander Graham Bell,
Samuel Morse, Wilson Bentley, John Deere

The correct answer is Samuel Morse.
The correct answer is Samuel Morse.

A national highway connecting Maryland to Illinois called ____ was begun in 1811. Answer choices include: Cumberland Road, Route 66, Blue Star Turnpike, Blue Ridge Parkway
A national highway connecting Maryland
to Illinois called ____ was begun in 1811.
Answer choices include: Cumberland Road,
Route 66, Blue Star Turnpike, Blue Ridge Parkway

The correct answer is Cumberland Road.
The correct answer is Cumberland Road.

The ___ connected the Hudson River with the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Valley. Answer choices include: Champlain Canal, Cape Cod Canal, Panama Canal, Erie Canal
The ___ connected the Hudson River with the
Great Lakes and Mississippi River Valley.
Answer choices include: Champlain Canal,
Cape Cod Canal, Panama Canal, Erie Canal

The correct answer is Erie Canal.
The correct answer is Erie Canal.

By about 1840, ___ were able to travel about 20 miles/hour, which was significantly faster than other modes of transportation. Answer choices include: cars, steamships, wagons, trains
By about 1840, ___ were able to travel about 20 miles/hour,
which was significantly faster than other modes of transportation.
Answer choices include: cars, steamships, wagons, trains

The correct answer is trains.
The correct answer is trains.

After the War of 1812, wealthy families distanced themselves, creating cities segregated by class. Answer choices include: true, false
After the War of 1812, wealthy families distanced themselves,
creating cities segregated by class.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Most northern elites strongly opposed slavery. Answer choices include: true, false
Most northern elites strongly opposed slavery.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

____ was an inventor who became wealthy through hard work rather than a pedigree. Answer choices include: Junius Spencer Morgan, George Peabody, Peter Cooper, Cornelius Vanderbilt
____ was an inventor who became wealthy
through hard work rather than a pedigree.
Answer choices include: Junius Spencer Morgan,
George Peabody, Peter Cooper, Cornelius Vanderbilt

The correct answer is Peter Cooper.
The correct answer is Peter Cooper.

Most American middle class children did the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: attend school, play an instrument or read, play with skill-based toys or games, work in factories
Most American middle class children did the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
attend school,
play an instrument or read,
play with skill-based toys or games,
work in factories

The correct answer is work in factories.
The correct answer is work in factories.

Middle-class women did not typically work for wages. Answer choices include: true, false
Middle-class women did not typically work for wages.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

The middle class generally encouraged abstinence from alcohol. Answer choices include: true, false
The middle class generally encouraged abstinence from alcohol.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

A circus promoter & showman named ___ was popular with America’s working class. Answer choices include: P.T. Barnum, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, Marquis de Lafayette
A circus promoter & showman named ___ was
popular with America’s working class.
Answer choices include: P.T. Barnum,
Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, Marquis de Lafayette

The correct answer is P.T. Barnum.
The correct answer is P.T. Barnum.

American wage workers in the 1800s typically welcomed immigrants & sought to abolish slavery. Answer choices include: true, false
American wage workers in the 1800s typically welcomed
immigrants & sought to abolish slavery.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

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