
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Week 8 U.S. History: Growing Pains - The New Republic 1790-1820


Photo of field with single tree under a cloudy sky by juergenPM at
Photo of field with single tree under a cloudy sky by juergenPM at 

U.S. History Week 8

Growing Pains: The New Republic, 1790-1820

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  1. Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 8 Growing Pains: The New Republic 1790-1820
U.S. History Week 8 Growing Pains: The New Republic 1790-1820 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

In 1789, ____ became the first president of the United States. Answer choices include: George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine
In 1789, ____ became the first president of the United States.
Answer choices include: George Washington,
John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine

The correct answer is George Washington.
The correct answer is George Washington.

The majority of those with high ranking positions sought equality for all. Answer choices include: true, false
The majority of those with high ranking
positions sought equality for all.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

In 1791, 10 amendments were added to the Constitution called the ___. Answer choices include: 10 Commandments, Statutes of Limitation, Articles of the Confederation, Bill of Rights
In 1791, 10 amendments were added
to the Constitution called the ___.
Answer choices include: 10 Commandments,
Statutes of Limitation, Articles of the Confederation, Bill of Rights

The correct answer is the Bill of Rights.
The correct answer is the Bill of Rights.

Which Amendment guaranteed the right to free speech and religion? Answer choices include: 1, 2, 5, 7
Which Amendment guaranteed the right
to free speech and religion?
Answer choices include: 1, 2, 5, 7

The correct answer is 1.
The correct answer is 1.

Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of treasury, wrote reports on all of the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: Manufactures, Public Credit, National Bank, Poor Houses
Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of treasury,
wrote reports on all of the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include: Manufactures,
Public Credit, National Bank, Poor Houses

The correct answer is Poor Houses.
The correct answer is Poor Houses.

In which state could women vote from 1776 to 1807? Answer choices include: New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island
In which state could women vote from 1776 to 1807?
Answer choices include: New York,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island

The correct answer is New Jersey.
The correct answer is New Jersey.

In 1793, how did the United States respond to the French Revolution’s request for help? Answer choices include: They sided with Great Britain. They sided with France. They maintained neutrality. They assisted France & Great Britain.
In 1793, how did the United States respond to the
French Revolution’s request for help?
Answer choices include:
They sided with Great Britain.
They sided with France.
They maintained neutrality.
They assisted France & Great Britain.

The correct answer is they maintained neutrality.
The correct answer is they maintained neutrality.

Many refugees from Saint-Domingue & French West Indian Islands went to ____, held by Spain. Answer choices include: Florida, Louisiana, California, New York
Many refugees from Saint-Domingue & French
West Indian Islands went to ____, held by Spain.
Answer choices include:
Florida, Louisiana, California, New York

The correct answer is Louisiana.
The correct answer is Louisiana.

Pennsylvania farmers in western counties rebelled against the tax on ___. Answer choices include: whiskey, tea, beef, wheat
Pennsylvania farmers in western counties
rebelled against the tax on ___.
Answer choices include:
whiskey, tea, beef, wheat

The correct answer is whiskey.
The correct answer is whiskey.

In 1795, the Western Confederacy agreed to the Treaty of Greenville, settling fighting over land in ___. Answer choices include: West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
In 1795, the Western Confederacy agreed
to the Treaty of Greenville,
settling fighting over land in ___.
Answer choices include:
West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana

The correct answer is Ohio.
The correct answer is Ohio.

In 1796 when Adams became President, how many vessels did the U.S. have in their Navy? Answer choices include: 1, 5, 20, 52
In 1796 when Adams became President, how many
vessels did the U.S. have in their Navy?
Answer choices include: 1, 5, 20, 52

The correct answer is 1.
The correct answer is 1.

___ turned public opinion against France in 1797? Answer choices include: French abolishment of slavery, the XYZ affair, The Terror, Jay's Treaty
___ turned public opinion against France in 1797?
Answer choices include:
French abolishment of slavery, the XYZ affair,
The Terror, Jay's Treaty

The correct answer is The XYZ affair.
The correct answer is The XYZ affair.

Virginia and ___ felt the Alien & Sedition Acts encroached on the 1st Amendment right to free speech. Answer choices include North Carolina, Massachusetts, Maryland, Kentucky
Virginia and ___ felt the Alien & Sedition Acts encroached
on the 1st Amendment right to free speech.
Answer choices include:
North Carolina, Massachusetts, Maryland, Kentucky

The correct answer is Kentucky.
The correct answer is Kentucky.

Who became the first U.S. Democractic-Republican president in the Revolution of 1800? Answer choices include: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison
Who became the first U.S. Democractic-Republican president
in the Revolution of 1800?
Answer choices include: John Adams,
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison

The correct answer is Thomas Jefferson.
The correct answer is Thomas Jefferson.

For which profession did Thomas Jefferson particularly advocate? Answer choices include: Bankers, Construction Workers, Farmers, Artists
For which profession did Thomas Jefferson
particularly advocate?
Answer choices include:
Bankers, Construction Workers, Farmers, Artists

The correct answer is Farmers.
The correct answer is Farmers.

The first conflict in which the U.S. fought overseas was off the coast of ___.  Answer choices include: India, North Africa, Italy, France
The first conflict in which the U.S. fought
overseas was off the coast of ___. 
Answer choices include:
India, North Africa, Italy, France

The correct answer is North Africa.
The correct answer is North Africa.

The three U.S. Presidents holding office from 1815 to 1828 were from ____. Answer choices include: Virginia, New York Massachusetts, South Carolina
The three U.S. Presidents holding office
from 1815 to 1828 were from ____.
Answer choices include:
Virginia, New York Massachusetts, South Carolina

The correct answer is Virginia.
The correct answer is Virginia.

Which two politicians had a duel in which one shot and killed the other in 1804? Answer choices include: Adams & Madison, Lewis & Clark, Washington & Jefferson, Burr & Hamilton
Which two politicians had a duel in which one
shot and killed the other in 1804?
Answer choices include:
Adams & Madison,
Lewis & Clark,
Washington & Jefferson,
Burr & Hamilton

The correct answer is Burr & Hamilton.
The correct answer is Burr & Hamilton.

From 1808 to 1809, American businesses declined by ___% due to the Embargo Act of 1807. Answer choices include: 25, 50, 75, 90
From 1808 to 1809, American businesses declined by ___%
due to the Embargo Act of 1807.
Answer choices include: 25, 50, 75, 90

The correct answer is 75.
The correct answer is 75.

Who led troops against Britain in New Orleans after the Treaty of Ghent was signed & the War of 1812 was over? Answer choices include: James Monroe, John Adams, Andrew Jackson, John Jay
Who led troops against Britain in New Orleans after
the Treaty of Ghent was signed & the War of 1812 was over?
Answer choices include:
James Monroe, John Adams, Andrew Jackson, John Jay

The correct answer is Andrew Jackson.
The correct answer is Andrew Jackson.

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