
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Week 7 U.S. History: Creating Republican Governments 1776-1790


Shackles photo by Arcaion at
Shackles photo by Arcaion at 

U.S. History Week 7

Creating Republican Governments, 1776-1790

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  1. Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 7 Creating Republican Governments 1776-1790
U.S. History Week 7 Creating Republican Governments 1776-1790  

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Before 1776, under what type of governmental system had most English colonists lived? Answer choices include: Monarchy, Democracy, Republic, Communism
Before 1776, under what type of governmental system
had most English colonists lived?
Answer choices include:
Monarchy, Democracy, Republic, Communism

The correct answer is Monarchy.
The correct answer is Monarchy.

Which governmental system focuses on majority rule? Answer choices include: Democracy, Monarchy, Socialism, Oligarchy
Which governmental system focuses on majority rule?
Answer choices include:
Democracy, Monarchy, Socialism, Oligarchy

The correct answer is Democracy.
The correct answer is Democracy.

According to political theory, citizens in a republic must be virtuous in order for the society to survive. Answer choices include: true, false
According to political theory, citizens in a republic
must be virtuous in order for the society to survive.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Many founders of the new nation wanted to give political power to those who were wealthy. Answer choices include: true false
Many founders of the new nation wanted to give
political power to those who were wealthy.
Answer choices include: true false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

A married woman’s status & economic ability was tied to her husband via ___ during this time in American history. Answer choices include: Indentured Servitude, Coverture, Human Trafficking, Emancipation
A married woman’s status & economic ability was tied to
her husband via ___ during this time in American history.
Answer choices include:
Indentured Servitude, Coverture, Human Trafficking, Emancipation

The correct answer is Coverture.
The correct answer is Coverture.

Who wrote to her husband that “all men would be tyrants if they could?” Answer choices include: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Betsy Ross, Martha Washington, Abigail Adams
Who wrote to her husband that
“all men would be tyrants if they could?”
Answer choices include:
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Betsy Ross,
Martha Washington, Abigail Adams

The correct answer is Abigail Adams.
The correct answer is Abigail Adams.

Who published published ideas about educational equality for girls and women? Answer choices include: John Adams, Thomas Paine, Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren
Who published published ideas about
educational equality for girls and women?
Answer choices include:
John Adams, Thomas Paine,
Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren

The correct answer is Judith Sargent Murray.
The correct answer is Judith Sargent Murray.

___, an African American, was one of the best-known poets of the 1700s in America. Answer choices include: Dolley Madison, Ona Judge, Phyllis Wheatley, Harriet Tubman
___, an African American, was one of the
best-known poets of the 1700s in America.
Answer choices include:
Dolley Madison, Ona Judge,
Phyllis Wheatley, Harriet Tubman

The correct answer is Phyllis Wheatley.
The correct answer is Phyllis Wheatley.

Who suggested sending all enslaved people out of the newly formed country, even if it destroyed the slaveholders’ wealth? Answer choices include: Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, A southern planter
Who suggested sending all enslaved people out of
the newly formed country, even if it destroyed the slaveholders’ wealth?
Answer choices include:
Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine,
Benjamin Franklin, A southern planter

The correct answer is Thomas Jefferson.
The correct answer is Thomas Jefferson.

Some slaveholders freed the people whom they had enslaved, called ___. Answer choices include: decommissions, manumissions, omissions, transmissions
Some slaveholders freed the people whom
they had enslaved, called ___.
Answer choices include:
decommissions, manumissions, omissions, transmissions

The correct answer is manumissions.
The correct answer is manumissions.

What did the 1783 Treaty of Paris say about land in the new nation under control of Native people ? Answer choices include: It specified its worth & gave bargaining tips. It provided detailed maps indicating where Native land was. It said to take the land by force. It ignored the issue.
What did the 1783 Treaty of Paris say about land in the
new nation under control of Native people ?
Answer choices include:
It specified its worth & gave bargaining tips.
It provided detailed maps indicating where Native land was.
It said to take the land by force.
It ignored the issue.

The correct answer is: It ignored the issue.
The correct answer is: It ignored the issue.

In 1776, there were ___ independent colonies in the newly formed nation. Answer choices include: 13, 27, 39, 50
In 1776, there were ___ independent colonies
in the newly formed nation.
Answer choices include: 13, 27, 39, 50

The correct answer is 13.
The correct answer is 13.

John Adams suggested three separate government branches, including all of the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: judicial, executive, customary, legislative
John Adams suggested three separate government branches,
including all of the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
judicial, executive, customary, legislative

The correct answer is customary.
The correct answer is customary.

New Jersey and ___ both had constitutions with democratic tendencies in the late 1700s. Answer choices include: Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Massachusetts
New Jersey and ___ both had constitutions with
democratic tendencies in the late 1700s.
Answer choices include:
Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Massachusetts

The correct answer is Pennsylvania.
The correct answer is Pennsylvania.

How long did it take the 13 colonies to approve the Articles of Confederation? Answer choices include: 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months, 4 years
How long did it take the 13 colonies
to approve the Articles of Confederation?
Answer choices include:
4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months, 4 years

The correct answer is 4 years.
The correct answer is 4 years.

During this time, a minimum of ___ states had to agree to pass a new law under the Articles of Confederation. Answer choices include: 5, 9, 11, 13
During this time, a minimum of ___ states had to agree to
pass a new law under the Articles of Confederation.
Answer choices include: 5, 9, 11, 13

The correct answer is 9.
The correct answer is 9.

Amending the Articles of the Confederation required the consensus of ___ states. Answer choices include: 3, 8, 10, all
Amending the Articles of the Confederation
required the consensus of ___ states.
Answer choices include: 3, 8, 10, all

The correct answer is all.
The correct answer is all.

Soldiers who fought in the Continental Army were paid in full for their service within 3 years. Answer choices include: true, false
Soldiers who fought in the Continental Army were
paid in full for their service within 3 years.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

The ____ gave specific directions for dividing land in unincorporated territories. Answer choices include: Land Trust Deals, Northwest Ordinances, Preambles, Tract Treaties
The ____ gave specific directions for dividing land
in unincorporated territories.
Answer choices include:
Land Trust Deals, Northwest Ordinances,
Preambles, Tract Treaties

The correct answer is Northwest Ordinances.
The correct answer is Northwest Ordinances.

The 1787 draft of the Constitution included all of the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: The President would be elected by popular vote. The ⅗ Compromise gave advantage to slaveholders. The House of Representatives was based on a state’s population. Each state’s two Senators were chosen by the state legislatures.
The 1787 draft of the Constitution included
all of the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
The President would be elected by popular vote.
The ⅗ Compromise gave advantage to slaveholders.
The House of Representatives was based on a state’s population.
Each state’s two Senators were chosen by the state legislatures.

The correct answer is: The President would be elected by popular vote.
The correct answer is:
The President would be elected by popular vote.

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