
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Week 10 U.S. History: A New Political Style from John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson


Photo of mask with tear streaks by Joseph_Berardi at
Photo of mask with tear streaks by Joseph_Berardi at  

U.S. History Week 10

Jacksonian Democracy, 1820-1840

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U.S. History Week 10 A New Political Style from  John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson
U.S. History Week 10
A New Political Style from John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Before the 1820s, a deference code focused the common good over self by leaders with a family pedigree or ___. Answer choices include: educational pursuits, military success, business success, any of these
Before the 1820s, a deference code focused the common good
over self by leaders with a family pedigree or ___.
Answer choices include: educational pursuits,
military success, business success, any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

By early 1800s, voting rights were extended to all ____, even if they did not own property. Answer choices include: women, white males, indigenous people, free black males
By early 1800s, voting rights were extended to all ____,
even if they did not own property.
Answer choices include: women,
white males, indigenous people, free black males

The correct answer is white males.
The correct answer is white males.

Henry Clay’s efforts to achieve John Quincy Adams’ presidential victory despite losing the popular vote was called a/n “___.” Answer choices include: corrupt bargain, foul play, cheater's conquest, abominable affair
Henry Clay’s efforts to achieve John Quincy Adams’ presidential
victory despite losing the popular vote was called a/n “___.”
Answer choices include: corrupt bargain,
foul play, cheater's conquest, abominable affair

The correct answer is corrupt bargain.
The correct answer is corrupt bargain.

In 1828, a new ___ political party formed. Answer choices include: Libertarian, Reform, Republican, Democratic
In 1828, a new ___ political party formed.
Answer choices include:
Libertarian, Reform, Republican, Democratic

The correct answer is Democratic.
The correct answer is Democratic.

What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname? Answer choices include: Old Sink or Swim, Old Granny, Old Hickory, His Accidency
What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname?
Answer choices include: Old Sink or Swim,
Old Granny, Old Hickory, His Accidency

The correct answer is Old Hickory.
The correct answer is Old Hickory.

____, or Spoils System, is when an incoming President removes civil officers & hand-picks replacements. Answer choices include: Changing of the guard, Pinch hitter, Anarchy, Rotation in office
____, or Spoils System, is when an incoming President
removes civil officers & hand-picks replacements.
Answer choices include: Changing of the guard,
Pinch hitter, Anarchy, Rotation in office

The correct answer is:Rotation in office.
The correct answer is:Rotation in office.

President Andrew Jackson’s informal advisors were nicknamed the ___. Answer choices include: Coin Commanders, Petticoat Jacksons, Donkey Advisors, Kitchen Cabinet
President Andrew Jackson’s informal advisors were nicknamed the ___.
Answer choices include: Coin Commanders,
Petticoat Jacksons, Donkey Advisors, Kitchen Cabinet

The correct answer is Kitchen Cabinet.
The correct answer is Kitchen Cabinet.

South Carolina farmers promoted ___ as they opposed federal tariffs contributing to decreased cotton profits. Answer choices include: insubordination, nullification, non-compliance, dysfunction
South Carolina farmers promoted ___ as they opposed federal tariffs
contributing to decreased cotton profits.
Answer choices include: insubordination,
nullification, non-compliance, dysfunction

The correct answer is nullification.
The correct answer is nullification.

What contributed to the Panic of 1837? Answer choices include: Cotton prices soared. Paper money was required for land sales. England decreased loans to the U.S. All of these.
What contributed to the Panic of 1837?
Answer choices include:
Cotton prices soared.
Paper money was required for land sales.
England decreased loans to the U.S.
All of these.

The correct answer is: England decreased loans to the U.S.
The correct answer is: England decreased loans to the U.S.

___ was an artist who depicted Native people as exotic savages in an aboriginal state. Answer choices include: George Catlin, Carl Sweezy, Mason Locke Weems, Henry Clay
___ was an artist who depicted Native people as exotic
savages in an aboriginal state.
Answer choices include: George Catlin,
Carl Sweezy, Mason Locke Weems, Henry Clay

The correct answer is George Catlin.
The correct answer is George Catlin.

Which was true of the “Five Civilized Tribes?” Answer choices include: They retained Native religions; They only spoke Native languages, Some held slaves; All of these
Which was true of the “Five Civilized Tribes?”
Answer choices include:
They retained Native religions;
They only spoke Native languages,
Some held slaves;
All of these

The correct answer is: Some held slaves.
The correct answer is: Some held slaves.

What was discovered in Cherokee territory in 1828 in northern Georgia? Answer choices include: obsidian, gold, oil, silver
What was discovered in Cherokee territory in 1828 in northern Georgia?
Answer choices include: obsidian, gold, oil, silver

The correct answer is gold.
The correct answer is gold.

When did Congress pass the Indian Removal Act proposed by Andrew Jackson? Answer choices include: 1813, 1825, 1830, 1845
When did Congress pass the Indian Removal Act
proposed by Andrew Jackson?
Answer choices include: 1813, 1825, 1830, 1845

The correct answer is 1830.
The correct answer is 1830.

The following supported the Cherokee right to live in America as an independent nation EXCEPT ___. Answer choices include: William Wirt, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay
The following supported the Cherokee right to live
in America as an independent nation EXCEPT ___.
Answer choices include: William Wirt,
Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay

The correct answer is Andrew Jackson.
The correct answer is Andrew Jackson.

Worchest v. Georgia centered on a law stating that non-Native people could not live on Native lands. Answer choices include: true, false
Worchest v. Georgia centered on a law stating that non-Native
people could not live on Native lands.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Approximately 4,000 Native men, women, and children died on the ____, a forced migration to Oklahoma. Answer choices include: Great Migration, Apartheid, Bataan Death March, Trail of Tears
Approximately 4,000 Native men, women, and
children died on the ____, a forced migration to Oklahoma.
Answer choices include: Great Migration,
Apartheid, Bataan Death March, Trail of Tears

The correct answer is Trail of Tears.
The correct answer is Trail of Tears.

In 1832, chief ____ led the Fox and and Sauk to reclaim their ancestral home in Illinois, resulting in a brief war. Answer choices include: Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Pontiac, Black Hawk
In 1832, chief ____ led the Fox and and Sauk to reclaim
their ancestral home in Illinois, resulting in a brief war.
Answer choices include: Sitting Bull,
Geronimo, Pontiac, Black Hawk

The correct answer is Black Hawk.
The correct answer is Black Hawk.

Who wrote of the tyranny of the majority in Democracy of America? Answer choices include: Charles Dickens, Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry David Thoreau, Edgar Allen Poe
Who wrote of the tyranny of the majority in Democracy of America?
Answer choices include: Charles Dickens,
Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry David Thoreau, Edgar Allen Poe

The correct answer is Alexis de Tocqueville.
The correct answer is Alexis de Tocqueville.

What was the unofficial campaign slogan for William Henry Harrison’s bid for president? Answer choices include: A Choice for a Change, New Freedom, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, A Chicken in Every Pot
What was the unofficial campaign slogan for
William Henry Harrison’s bid for president?
Answer choices include: A Choice for a Change,
New Freedom, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, A Chicken in Every Pot

The correct answer is Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.
The correct answer is Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.

Whig political rallies and Tippecanoe Clubs served ___ to help garner support. Answer choices include: whiskey or booze, caviar & escargot, milk & honey, beans & cornbread
Whig political rallies and Tippecanoe Clubs
served ___ to help garner support.
Answer choices include: whiskey or booze,
caviar & escargot, milk & honey, beans & cornbread

The correct answer is whiskey or booze.
The correct answer is whiskey or booze.

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