
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Week 11 U.S. History: A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion 1800-1860


Photo of rainbow at Pacific Ocean by Wostemme at

Photo of rainbow at Pacific Ocean by Wostemme at

U.S. History Week 11

A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion, 1800-1860

I designed a quiz related to chapter 11 at the bottom of this article.

Directions for the quiz:

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  1. Choose an answer for each question.
  2. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  3. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  4. Compare your answers with those provided.
  5. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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Review the following Chapter 11 pages:

Practice learning Chapter 11 Key Terms on Quizlet.

Week 11 Videos:

Consider planning to see an outdoor drama in warmer months, such as Unto These Hills or Horn in the West in North Carolina. I've included links at the bottom of this article highlighting those two dramas when my family saw them.

Review the following information featuring the U.S.:

Additional Resources:

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U.S. History Week 11 A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion 1800-1860
U.S. History Week 11 A Nation on the Move:
Westward Expansion 1800-1860 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Who did Jefferson task with exploring, documenting & mapping the land & resources of newly acquired western American territories? Answer choices include: Lewis & Clark, Simon & Schuster, Boone & Findley, Raleigh & Drake
Who did Jefferson task with exploring, documenting
 & mapping the land & resources of newly
acquired western American territories?
Answer choices include: Lewis & Clark,
Simon & Schuster, Boone & Findley, Raleigh & Drake

The correct answer is Lewis & Clark.
The correct answer is Lewis & Clark.

What enslaved person served as an interpreter and diplomat to the Shoshone people on the expedition? Answer choices include: Pocahontas, Sarah Winnemucca, Sacagawea, Nancy Ward
What enslaved person served as an interpreter and diplomat
to the Shoshone people on the expedition?
Answer choices include: Pocahontas,
Sarah Winnemucca, Sacagawea, Nancy Ward

The correct answer is Sacawagea.
The correct answer is Sacawagea.

In 1818, what treaty established Florida for America, set the Mexico boundary at the Sabine River, & forgave Spain’s debt? Answer choices include: Versailles, Adams-Onis, Douglas, Peace & Friendship
In 1818, what treaty established Florida for America,
set the Mexico boundary at the
Sabine River, & forgave Spain’s debt?
Answer choices include: Versailles,
Adams-Onis, Douglas, Peace & Friendship

The correct answer is Adams-Onis.
The correct answer is Adams-Onis.

In the 1800s many private, unauthorized military adventurers called ___ tried to claim territories in the Caribbean & South America. Answer choices include: traders, beavers, filibusters, generals
In the 1800s many private, unauthorized military adventurers
called ___ tried to claim territories in the Caribbean & South America.
Answer choices include: traders, beavers, filibusters, generals

The correct answer is filibusters.
The correct answer is filibusters.

Disagreements centered on the topic of ___ when Missouri petitioned to become a state. Answer choices include: slavery, land borders, rights of indigenous peoples, protection of natural resources
Disagreements centered on the topic of ___ when
Missouri petitioned to become a state.
Answer choices include: slavery, land borders,
rights of indigenous peoples, protection of natural resources

The correct answer is slavery.
The correct answer is slavery.

The Missouri Compromise admitted Maine as a ___ state and Missouri as a ___ state. Answer choices include: free/free, slave/slave, free/slave, slave/free
The Missouri Compromise admitted Maine as
a ___ state and Missouri as a ___ state.
Answer choices include:
free/free, slave/slave, free/slave, slave/free

The correct answer is free/slave.
The correct answer is free/slave.

In the 1820s, Spain recruited ___ to settle in Texas and convert to Catholicism in exchange for generous land grants. Answer choices include: indentured servants, sharecroppers, empresarios, tenant farmers
In the 1820s, Spain recruited ___ to settle in Texas and
convert to Catholicism in exchange for generous land grants.
Answer choices include: indentured servants,
sharecroppers, empresarios, tenant farmers

The correct answer is empresarios.
The correct answer is empresarios.

By 1829, Mexico faced numerous issues in Texas, including the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: Americans wanted freedom of religion. Americans disrespected Mexicans. Americans wanted to abolish slavery. Americans outnumbered Tejanos.
By 1829, Mexico faced numerous issues in Texas,
including the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
Americans wanted freedom of religion.
Americans disrespected Mexicans.
Americans wanted to abolish slavery.
Americans outnumbered Tejanos.

The correct answer is: Americans wanted to abolish slavery.
The correct answer is: Americans wanted to abolish slavery.

In 1836, Sam Houston led troops to ambush a sleeping Mexican regiment with the words, “Remember the ___!” Answer choices include: Promises, Mission, People, Alamo
In 1836, Sam Houston led troops to ambush
a sleeping Mexican regiment with the words,
“Remember the ___!”
Answer choices include: Promises, Mission, People, Alamo

The correct answer is Alamo.
The correct answer is Alamo.

When did Texas become the Lone Star Republic and elect its first president? Answer choices include: 1800, 1814, 1836, 1845
When did Texas become the Lone Star Republic
and elect its first president?
Answer choices include: 1800, 1814, 1836, 1845

The correct answer is 1836.
The correct answer is 1836.

President Polk focused on Oregon country & Britain agreed to divide the land at the ___° latitude parallel. Answer choices include: 49, 59, 69, 79
President Polk focused on Oregon country & Britain agreed
to divide the land at the ___° latitude parallel.
Answer choices include: 49, 59, 69, 79

The correct answer is 49.
The correct answer is 49.

In 1846, the United States insisted that the western border of Texas extended to the ___. Answer choices include: Mississippi River, Rio Grande, San Juan River, Nueces River
In 1846, the United States insisted that the
western border of Texas extended to the ___.
Answer choices include: Mississippi River,
Rio Grande, San Juan River, Nueces River

The correct answer is Rio Grande.
The correct answer is Rio Grande.

Which American General captured the Mexican city of Monterrey? Answer choices include: Stephen Watts Kearny, John D. Sloat, John C. Fremont, Zachary Taylor
Which American General captured the Mexican city of Monterrey?
Answer choices include: Stephen Watts Kearny,
John D. Sloat, John C. Fremont, Zachary Taylor

The correct answer is Zachary Taylor.
The correct answer is Zachary Taylor.

What was Zachary Taylor’s nickname? Answer choices include: Old Rough and Ready, Napoleon of the Stump, Purse, The Last of the Crooked Hats
What was Zachary Taylor’s nickname?
Answer choices include: Old Rough and Ready,
Napoleon of the Stump, Purse, The Last of the Crooked Hats

The correct answer is Old Rough and Ready.
The correct answer is Old Rough and Ready.

Under the Mexican cessation, The U.S. acquired the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: California & New Mexico; Arizona, Nevada, Utah; Alberta & British Columbia; Portions of Colorado & Wyoming
Under the Mexican cessation, The U.S. acquired the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
California & New Mexico;
Arizona, Nevada, Utah;
Alberta & British Columbia;
Portions of Colorado & Wyoming

The correct answer is Alberta & British Columbia.
The correct answer is Alberta & British Columbia.

The start of the ___ in 1848 caused many people to leave jobs & homes for California. Answer choices include: New Deal, Gold Rush, Great Recession, Smallpox Epidemic
The start of the ___ in 1848 caused many people
to leave jobs & homes for California.
Answer choices include: New Deal,
Gold Rush, Great Recession, Smallpox Epidemic

The correct answer is Gold Rush.
The correct answer is Gold Rush.

In the late 1800s, some settlers cut off Chinese men’s ___, which could result in execution if they returned to China. Answer choices include: hands, queues, feet, clothes
In the late 1800s, some settlers cut off Chinese men’s ___,
which could result in execution if they returned to China.
Answer choices include: hands, queues, feet, clothes

The correct answer is queues.
The correct answer is queues.

In 1840, the ___ Party was formed in which people believed slavery was evil & should not be permitted in new territories. Answer choices include: Freewill, Green, Natural Law, Liberty
In 1840, the ___ Party was formed in which people believed
slavery was evil & should not be permitted in new territories.
Answer choices include: Freewill, Green, Natural Law, Liberty

The correct answer is Liberty.
The correct answer is Liberty.

In 1848, ___ ran as a third candidate for President as part of the Free-Soil Party. Answer choices include: Martin Van Buren, Zachary Teylor, James Knox Polk, Lewis Cass
In 1848, ___ ran as a third candidate for President as part
of the Free-Soil Party.
Answer choices include: Martin Van Buren,
Zachary Teylor, James Knox Polk, Lewis Cass

The correct answer is Martin Van Buren.
The correct answer is Martin Van Buren.

Many people in America wanted ____ rule, or government rules based on the majority rule of the people. Answer choices include: Anarchy, Popular Sovereignty, Laissez-Faire, Autocracy
Many people in America wanted ____ rule, or government rules
based on the majority rule of the people.
Answer choices include: Anarchy,
Popular Sovereignty, Laissez-Faire, Autocracy

The correct answer is Popular Sovereignty.
The correct answer is Popular Sovereignty.

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