
Sunday, July 30, 2023

U.S. History Week 30: Political Storms at Home and Abroad 1968-1980


Photo of Vietnam War Memorial by TeriLynn at
Photo of Vietnam War Memorial by TeriLynn at 

U.S. History Week 30

Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980

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U.S. History Week 30 Political Storms at Home and Abroad 1968-1980
U.S. History Week 30 Political Storms at Home and Abroad 1968-1980 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Many Americans in the 1970s began to turn from unifying as a nation to focusing on political interests of a subgroup, called __. Answer choices include: collaborative politics, identity politics, groupthink, mainstream culture
Many Americans in the 1970s began to turn from unifying as a
nation to focusing on political interests of a subgroup, called __.
Answer choices include: collaborative politics,
identity politics, groupthink, mainstream culture

The correct answer is identity politics.
The correct answer is identity politics.

A 3-day event in 1969 that attracted about 400,000 hippies was called ___. Answer choices include: 3 Days of Peace, Snoopy, #Hippies 4Ever!, Woodstock
A 3-day event in 1969 that attracted
about 400,000 hippies was called ___.
Answer choices include: 3 Days of Peace,
Snoopy, #Hippies 4Ever!, Woodstock

The correct answer is Woodstock.
The correct answer is Woodstock.

Which was true of the Native American population in 1970? Answer choices include: Infant Mortality was the lowest in the nation. Suicide rates were half that of the rest of the nation. The average lift expectancy was 46 while the national average was 69. All of these
Which was true of the Native American population in 1970?
Answer choices include:
Infant Mortality was the lowest in the nation.
Suicide rates were half that of the rest of the nation.
The average lift expectancy was 46 while the national average was 69.
All of these

The correct answer is: The average lift expectancy was 46 while the national average was 69.
The correct answer is:
The average lift expectancy was 46 while the national average was 69.

Who became the first Black woman elected to Congress in 1968 & ran for the presidential nomination in 1972? Answer choices include: Shirley Chisholm, Gloria Steinem, Patsy Mink, Bella Abzug
Who became the first Black woman elected to Congress in 1968
& ran for the presidential nomination in 1972?
Answer choices include: Shirley Chisholm,
Gloria Steinem, Patsy Mink, Bella Abzug

The correct answer is Shirley Chisholm.
The correct answer is Shirley Chisholm.

Richard Nixon focused on the ___, the blue-collar White workers, Northern middle class, & suburban southern Whites. Answer choices include: Undesirables, Upper Crust, Silent Majority, Status Quo
Richard Nixon focused on the ___, the blue-collar White workers,
Northern middle class, & suburban southern Whites.
Answer choices include:
Undesirables, Upper Crust, Silent Majority, Status Quo

The correct answer is Silent Majority.
The correct answer is Silent Majority.

Who was a highly respected television journalist who spoke of the Vietnam Conflict in 1968? Answer choices include: Walter Cronkite, Oprah Winfrey, Max Foster, Victoria Derbyshire
Who was a highly respected television journalist
who spoke of the Vietnam Conflict in 1968?
Answer choices include: Walter Cronkite,
Oprah Winfrey, Max Foster, Victoria Derbyshire

The correct answer is Walter Cronkite.
The correct answer is Walter Cronkite.

In 1968, the Youth International Party demonstration nominated ___ for President. Answer choices include: an ostrich, a pig, an opossum, a skunk
In 1968, the Youth International Party
demonstration nominated ___ for President.
Answer choices include:
an ostrich, a pig, an opossum, a skunk

The correct answer is a pig.
The correct answer is a pig.

Richard Nixon’s “New Federalism” utilized ___ in which states receive money to spend as they wished. Answer choices include: filibusters, categorical grants, state scholarships, block grants
Richard Nixon’s “New Federalism” utilized ___ in which
states receive money to spend as they wished.
Answer choices include: filibusters,
categorical grants, state scholarships, block grants

The correct answer is block grants.
The correct answer is block grants.

When Nixon allowed the dollar to flow freely against gold’s price, it resulted in an immediate ___ devaluation of the dollar. Answer choices include: 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%
When Nixon allowed the dollar to flow freely against gold’s price,
it resulted in an immediate ___ devaluation of the dollar.
Answer choices include: 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%

The correct answer is 8%.
The correct answer is 8%.

Why was the speed limit on interstates decreased to 55mph in the 1970s? Answer choices include: to decrease deaths, interstate roads were melting, to conserve oil, car manufacturer recommendation
Why was the speed limit on interstates
decreased to 55mph in the 1970s?
Answer choices include:
to decrease deaths, interstate roads were melting,
to conserve oil, car manufacturer recommendation

The correct answer is to conserve oil.
The correct answer is to conserve oil.

On March 16, 1968, U.S. Army troops destroyed a village, including women and children, of ___ in Vietnam. Answer choices include: My Lai, Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Duong Lam
On March 16, 1968, U.S. Army troops destroyed a village,
including women and children, of ___ in Vietnam.
Answer choices include:
My Lai, Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Duong Lam

The correct answer is My Lai.
The correct answer is My Lai.

After plans were announced on 4/30/70 to invade ___, violent protests broke out at some colleges & high schools. Answer choices include: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China
After plans were announced on 4/30/70 to invade ___,
violent protests broke out at some colleges & high schools.
Answer choices include: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China

The correct answer is Cambodia.
The correct answer is Cambodia.

The New York Times published information from the ___ that revealed information about Johnson’s plans for Vietnam in 1971. Answer choices include: Pentagon Papers, Chappaquiddic Papers, Star Route Papers, Pickwick Papers
The New York Times published information from the ___
that revealed information about Johnson’s plans for Vietnam in 1971.
Answer choices include:
Pentagon Papers, Chappaquiddic Papers,
Star Route Papers, Pickwick Papers

The correct answer is Pentagon Papers.
The correct answer is Pentagon Papers.

With public attention focused on ___ having a history of treatment for depression, his bid for Vice President ended. Answer choices include: George McGovern, Thomas Eagleton, Shirley Chisholm, Ron Ridenhour
With public attention focused on ___ having a history of treatment
for depression, his bid for Vice President ended.
Answer choices include: George McGovern,
Thomas Eagleton, Shirley Chisholm, Ron Ridenhour

The correct answer is Thomas Eagleton.
The correct answer is Thomas Eagleton.

After being impeached but prior to likely removal by the Senate due to the the Watergate Scandal, ___ resigned the presidency on 8/8/74. Answer choices include: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan
After being impeached but prior to likely removal
by the Senate due to the the Watergate Scandal, ___
resigned the presidency on 8/8/74.
Answer choices include:
Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan

The correct answer is Richard Nixon.
The correct answer is Richard Nixon.

Who became President after Richard Nixon resigned? Answer choices include: Spiro Agnew, Strom Thurmond, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford
Who became President after Richard Nixon resigned?
Answer choices include: Spiro Agnew,
Strom Thurmond, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford

The correct answer is Gerald Ford.
The correct answer is Gerald Ford.

Which of the following was TRUE of Jimmy Carter, the man who became president after Ford? Answer choices include: He was a debout Catholic. He had been a cheerleader. He was a former Army officer. He had been a peanut farmer.
Which of the following was TRUE of Jimmy Carter,
the man who became president after Ford?
Answer choices include:
He was a debout Catholic.
He had been a cheerleader.
He was a former Army officer.
He had been a peanut farmer.

The correct answer is: He had been a peanut farmer.
The correct answer is: He had been a peanut farmer.

President Jimmy Carter created the Department of ___, which focused on conservation. Answer choices include: Food & Drugs, Transportation, Energy, Aviation
President Jimmy Carter created the Department of ___,
which focused on conservation.
Answer choices include:
Food & Drugs, Transportation, Energy, Aviation

The correct answer is Energy.
The correct answer is Energy.

What was Carter’s response to the USSR’s refusal to withdraw troops from Afghanistan? Answer choices include: boycott of the 1980 Olympics, initiate peace talks @ Camp David, adoption of "Don't ask, don't tell," bombing of the USSR
What was Carter’s response to the USSR’s refusal
to withdraw troops from Afghanistan?
Answer choices include:
boycott of the 1980 Olympics, initiate peace talks @ Camp David,
adoption of "Don't ask, don't tell," bombing of the USSR

The correct answer is: boycott of the 1980 Olympics.
The correct answer is: boycott of the 1980 Olympics.

Hostages from the American Embassy in ___ were not released until Ronald Reagan took office as president. Answer choices include: Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan
Hostages from the American Embassy in ___ were not released
until Ronald Reagan took office as president.
Answer choices include: Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan

The correct answer is Iran.
The correct answer is Iran.

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