
Sunday, July 30, 2023

U.S. History Week 31: From Cold War to Culture Wars 1980-2000


Photo of Artwork on Berlin Wall of a closed hand with a chain attached to the thumb holding up the thumb by betexion at
Photo of Artwork on Berlin Wall of a closed hand with a chain attached
to the thumb holding up the thumb by betexion at 

U.S. History Week 31

From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000

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U.S. History Week 31 From Cold War to Culture Wars 1980-2000
U.S. History Week 31 From Cold War to Culture Wars 1980-2000 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

What was Ronald Reagan’s career before becoming a politician? Answer choices include: architect, writer, actor, salesman
What was Ronald Reagan’s career before becoming a politician?
Answer choices include: architect, writer, actor, salesman

The correct answer is actor.
The correct answer is actor.

The typical supporters of Ronald Reagan’s political stance were ___. Answer choices include: people of color, income below $50,000, over age 45, all of these
The typical supporters of Ronald Reagan’s political stance were ___.
Answer choices include: people of color,
income below $50,000, over age 45, all of these

The correct answer is over age 45.
The correct answer is over age 45.

During Reagan’s administration, American workers enjoyed better conditions & higher income overall. Answer choices include: true, false
During Reagan’s administration, American workers
enjoyed better conditions & higher income overall.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Funding for ___ was decreased during Reagan’s administration. Answer choices include: Job training programs, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Medicaid, All of these
Funding for ___ was decreased during Reagan’s administration.
Answer choices include: Job training programs,
Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Medicaid, All of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

The Reagan Administration received significant support from the ___. Answer choices include: Hippies, Religious Right, Liberal Left, LGBTQ Community
The Reagan Administration received significant support from the ___.
Answer choices include: Hippies,
Religious Right, Liberal Left, LGBTQ Community

The correct answer is Religious Right.
The correct answer is Religious Right.

___ said ratifying the ERA would result in women losing privileges such as separate restrooms & exemption from military drafts. Answer choices include: Phyllis Schlafly, Alice Paul, Jennifer McClellan, Ronald Reagan
___ said ratifying the ERA would result in women losing
privileges such as separate restrooms & exemption from military drafts.
Answer choices include:
Phyllis Schlafly, Alice Paul, Jennifer McClellan, Ronald Reagan

The correct answer is Phyllis Schlafly.
The correct answer is Phyllis Schlafly.

The PMRC wanted labels to be added to ___. Answer choices include: online photos, campaign promotional items, radio broadcasts, music with explicit lyrics
The PMRC wanted labels to be added to ___.
Answer choices include:
online photos, campaign promotional items,
radio broadcasts, music with explicit lyrics

The correct answer is music with explicit lyrics.
The correct answer is music with explicit lyrics.

BMHC and ACT UP! both sought to help those diagnosed with ___. Answer choices include: influenza, HIV/AIDS, COVID, Breast Cancer
BMHC and ACT UP! both sought to
help those diagnosed with ___.
Answer choices include:
influenza, HIV/AIDS, COVID, Breast Cancer

The correct answer is HIV/AIDS.
The correct answer is HIV/AIDS.

The ___ campaign, led by Nancy Reagan,  was part of America’s War on Drugs. Answer choices include: Let's do this together, Praise the Lord (PTL), Act Up!, Just Say No
The ___ campaign, led by Nancy Reagan, 
was part of America’s War on Drugs.
Answer choices include: Let's do this together,
Praise the Lord (PTL), Act Up!, Just Say No

The correct answer is Just Say No.
The correct answer is Just Say No.

Racial profiling & mass incarcerations led to a cycle of poverty & social stagnation for many people of color in the 1990s. Answer choices include: true, false
Racial profiling & mass incarcerations led to a cycle of poverty
& social stagnation for many people of color in the 1990s.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Who was tried for overseeing the sale of weapons to Iran & using proceeds to support Nicaraguan Contras. Answer choices include: Daniel Ortega, Oliver North, Bryant Gumbel, George Bush
Who was tried for overseeing the sale of weapons to Iran
& using proceeds to support Nicaraguan Contras.
Answer choices include:
Daniel Ortega, Oliver North, Bryant Gumbel, George Bush

The correct answer is Oliver North.
The correct answer is Oliver North.

What was the first novel written by an African American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize? Answer choices include: Uncle Tom's Cabin, The House on Mango Street, The Color Purple, Kindred
What was the first novel written by an African American
woman to win the Pulitzer Prize?
Answer choices include: Uncle Tom's Cabin,
The House on Mango Street, The Color Purple, Kindred

The correct answer is The Color Purple.
The correct answer is The Color Purple.

Tax cuts in the 1990s significantly improved quality of life for those living in poverty & decreased economic inequality. Answer choices include: true, false
Tax cuts in the 1990s significantly improved quality of life
for those living in poverty & decreased economic inequality.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Who was a civil rights influencer who led PUSH, labor boycotts, & successfully negotiated a hostage release? Answer choices include: Jesse Jackson, Rodney King, Lenora Fulani, Vanessa Williams
Who was a civil rights influencer who led PUSH, labor boycotts,
& successfully negotiated a hostage release?
Answer choices include: Jesse Jackson,
Rodney King, Lenora Fulani, Vanessa Williams

The correct answer is Jesse Jackson.
The correct answer is Jesse Jackson.

After promising “no new taxes,” George Bush’s administration raised taxes. Answer choices include: true, false
After promising “no new taxes,” George Bush’s
administration raised taxes.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

SALT Talks resulted in an agreement between the U.S. & U.S.S.R. to reduce nuclear arsenals by ___%. Answer choices include: 5, 15, 25, 35
SALT Talks resulted in an agreement between the
U.S. & U.S.S.R. to reduce nuclear arsenals by ___%.
Answer choices include: 5, 15, 25, 35

The correct answer is 25.
The correct answer is 25.

America sent troops to participate in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm to combat ___. Answer choices include: Akbar Hashemi Rasanjani, Saddam Hussein, Jabar Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud
America sent troops to participate in Operation Desert Shield
and Operation Desert Storm to combat ___.
Answer choices include:
Akbar Hashemi Rasanjani, Saddam Hussein,
Jabar Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud

The correct answer is Saddam Hussein.
The correct answer is Saddam Hussein.

What Texas billionaire won 19% of the popular vote during the 1992 presidential election? Answer choices include: George Bush, Bob Dole, Bill Clinton, Ross Perot
What Texas billionaire won 19% of the popular
vote during the 1992 presidential election?
Answer choices include:
George Bush, Bob Dole, Bill Clinton, Ross Perot

The correct answer is Ross Perot.
The correct answer is Ross Perot.

Which of the following countries was NOT part of the NAFTA agreement? Answer choices include: United States, Great Britain, Canada, Mexico
Which of the following countries was
NOT part of the NAFTA agreement?
Answer choices include:
United States, Great Britain, Canada, Mexico

The correct answer is Great Britain.
The correct answer is Great Britain.

In 2000, what state was required to recount ballets by hand in the close presidential election race between George W. Bush and Al Gore? Answer choices include: Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida
In 2000, what state was required to recount ballets by hand
in the close presidential election race between George W. Bush and Al Gore?
Answer choices include: Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida

The correct answer is Florida.
The correct answer is Florida.

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