
Saturday, July 29, 2023

U.S. History Week 29: Contesting Futures - America in the 1960s


Photo of Little Joe Rocket by WikiImages at
Photo of Little Joe Rocket by WikiImages at 

U.S. History Week 29

Contesting Futures: America in the 1960s

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U.S. History Week 29 Contesting Futures: America in the 1960s
U.S. History Week 29 Contesting Futures: America in the 1960s 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Who was the first U.S. President born in the 20th Century? Answer choices include: Richard Nixon, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford
Who was the first U.S. President born in the 20th Century?
Answer choices include: Richard Nixon,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford

The correct answer is John F. Kennedy.
The correct answer is John F. Kennedy.

In what year did America first put a person on the moon? Answer choices include 1959, 1969, 1979, 1989
In what year did America first put a person on the moon?
Answer choices include 1959, 1969, 1979, 1989

The correct answer is 1969.
The correct answer is 1969.

JFK founded the ___, in which young people administered humanitarian projects in a variety of other countries. Answer choices include: Peace Corps, Army Corps of Engineers, Black Berets & Green Berets, Delta Force
JFK founded the ___, in which young people administered
humanitarian projects in a variety of other countries.
Answer choices include: Peace Corps, Army Corps of Engineers,
Black Berets & Green Berets, Delta Force

The correct answer is Peace Corps.
The correct answer is Peace Corps.

The failed Bay of Bigs Invasion preceded the Missile Crisis in ___. Answer choices include: the Philippines, Key West, Soviet Union, Cuba
The failed Bay of Bigs Invasion preceded the Missile Crisis in ___.
Answer choices include:
the Philippines, Key West, Soviet Union, Cuba

The correct answer is Cuba.
The correct answer is Cuba.

The Soviet Union removed missiles from Cuba if the U.S. agreed to remove missiles from ___. Answer choices include: Greece, Turkey, Poland, Norway
The Soviet Union removed missiles from Cuba
if the U.S. agreed to remove missiles from ___.
Answer choices include: Greece, Turkey, Poland, Norway

The correct answer is Turkey.
The correct answer is Turkey.

Into what country did the U.S. send money and military advisors in the 1960s? Answer choices include: Vietnam, Korea, France, Cuba
Into what country did the U.S. send money
 and military advisors in the 1960s?
Answer choices include:
Vietnam, Korea, France, Cuba

The correct answer is Vietnam.
The correct answer is Vietnam.

John F. Kennedy was riding in a motorcade in ___ when he was mortally wounded by a gunshot. Answer choices include: Merritt Island, Los Angeles, Dallas, Arlington
John F. Kennedy was riding in a motorcade in ___
when he was mortally wounded by a gunshot.
Answer choices include:
Merritt Island, Los Angeles, Dallas, Arlington

The correct answer is Dallas.
The correct answer is Dallas.

In addition to environmental protection, which were passed under Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration? Answer choices include: National Endowment for the Arts/Humanities, Public Broadcasting Act, Higher Education Act, All of these
In addition to environmental protection, which were passed
under Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration?
Answer choices include:
National Endowment for the Arts/Humanities,
Public Broadcasting Act,
Higher Education Act,
All of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

The Johnson Administration preferred immigrants who had family ties in the U.S. and those who ___. Answer choices include: were from Western Europe, had desirable skills, were from Northern Europe, all of these
The Johnson Administration preferred immigrants who
had family ties in the U.S. and those who ___.
Answer choices include: were from Western Europe,
had desirable skills, were from Northern Europe, all of these

The correct answer is: had desirable skills.
The correct answer is: had desirable skills.

Creating programs related to housing, urban development, and healthcare, LBJ proposed a war on ___. Answer choices include: drugs, poverty, Republicans, free enterprise
Creating programs related to housing, urban development,
and healthcare, LBJ proposed a war on ___.
Answer choices include:
drugs, poverty, Republicans, free enterprise

The correct answer is poverty.
The correct answer is poverty.

During the Vietnam Conflict, approximately __ of African American men & __ of White men were drafted. Answer choices include: 1/3, more than 2/3; 2/3, less than 1/3; 1/2, 1/2; 1/4, 3/4
During the Vietnam Conflict, approximately __
of African American men & __ of White men were drafted.
Answer choices include:
1/3, more than 2/3;
2/3, less than 1/3;
1/2, 1/2;
1/4, 3/4

The correct answer is: 2/3, less than 1/3.
The correct answer is: 2/3, less than 1/3.

On February 1, 1960, 4 students from ___ started a sit-in that spurred multiple civil rights demonstrations. Answer choices include: North Carolina A&T College, University of Virginia, Southern Methodist University, Clemson University
On February 1, 1960, 4 students from ___ started
a sit-in that spurred multiple civil rights demonstrations.
Answer choices include:
North Carolina A&T College, University of Virginia,
Southern Methodist University, Clemson University

The correct answer is North Carolina A&T College.
The correct answer is North Carolina A&T College.

Efforts to desegregate buses involved the ___, some of whom traveled from Washington, DC to Jackson, MS. Answer choices include: Freedom Riders, Jackson 5, Jim Crow Champions, Exonerated 5
Efforts to desegregate buses involved the ___,
some of whom traveled from Washington, DC to Jackson, MS.
Answer choices include: Freedom Riders,
Jackson 5, Jim Crow Champions, Exonerated 5

The correct answer is Freedom Riders.
The correct answer is Freedom Riders.

Martin Luther King Jr. led much of the civil rights movement and soon after Easter 1963, he penned “Letter from ___.” Answer choices include: the light that will never go out, a humble servant, a Birmingham Jail, America's Negros
Martin Luther King Jr. led much of the civil rights movement
and soon after Easter 1963, he penned “Letter from ___.”
Answer choices include: the light that will never go out,
a humble servant, a Birmingham Jail, America's Negros

The correct answer is a Birmingham Jail.
The correct answer is a Birmingham Jail.

The Mississippi Summer Project’s purpose was to help African Americans ___. Answer choices include: to join the military, to be served in all restaurants, have full access to libraries, register to vote
The Mississippi Summer Project’s purpose
was to help African Americans ___.
Answer choices include:
to join the military, to be served in all restaurants,
have full access to libraries, register to vote

The correct answer is register to vote.
The correct answer is register to vote.

___ was a well-known civil rights advocate who rejected non-violent protests in favor of violence if necessary. Answer choices include: Malcolm X, Andrew Goodman, Martin Luther King Jr., Ella Baker
___ was a well-known civil rights advocate who rejected
non-violent protests in favor of violence if necessary.
Answer choices include: Malcolm X,
Andrew Goodman, Martin Luther King Jr., Ella Baker

The correct answer is Malcolm X.
The correct answer is Malcolm X.

Who organized striking farm workers in California, called for a grape boycott, and engaged in a hunger strike? Answer choices include: Richard Loving, "Corky" Gonzales, Cesar Chavez, Santiago Iglesias Pantin
Who organized striking farm workers in California,
called for a grape boycott,
and engaged in a hunger strike?
Answer choices include: Richard Loving,
"Corky" Gonzales, Cesar Chavez, Santiago Iglesias Pantin

The correct answer is Cesar Chavez.
The correct answer is Cesar Chavez.

In the 1960s, almost ___ percent of households had at least one car. Answer choices include: 20, 40, 60, 80
In the 1960s, almost ___ percent of households had at least one car.
Answer choices include: 20, 40, 60, 80

The correct answer is 80.
The correct answer is 80.

What clothing item was often associated with youthful rebellion in the 1960s? Answer choices include: corsets, burkas, penny loafers, jeans
What clothing item was often associated
with youthful rebellion in the 1960s?
 Answer choices include:
corsets, burkas, penny loafers, jeans

The correct answer is jeans.
The correct answer is jeans.

What was the first magazine to focus on domestic violence, sexual harassment, and body image issues? Answer choices include: Ladies Home Journal, Ms., The American Mercury, Harper's Magazine
What was the first magazine to focus on domestic violence,
sexual harassment, and body image issues?
Answer choices include: Ladies Home Journal,
Ms., The American Mercury, Harper's Magazine

The correct answer is Ms.
The correct answer is Ms.

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