
Thursday, July 27, 2023

U.S. History Week 28: Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960


Photo of vintage television by Pexels at
Photo of vintage television by Pexels at 

U.S. History Week 28

Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960

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U.S. History Week 28 Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears 1945-1960
U.S. History Week 28 Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears 1945-1960 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

After WW2 ended, many servicemen threatened to vote Republican if they weren’t home by Christmas & were called ___. Answer choices include: Infamous Fighters, Defectors, Mission Impossible Men, Ohio Boys
After WW2 ended, many servicemen threatened to vote
Republican if they weren’t home by Christmas & were called ___.
Answer choices include: Infamous Fighters,
Defectors, Mission Impossible Men, Ohio Boys

The correct answer is Ohio Boys.
The correct answer is Ohio Boys.

Who was President of the United States at the conclusion of World War II? Answer choices include: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt
Who was President of the United States
at the conclusion of World War II?
Answer choices include:
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry Truman,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt

The correct answer is Harry Truman.
The correct answer is Harry Truman.

The 1944 GI Bill helped veterans to acquire ___. Answer choices include: a free college education, free health care, assistance with disabilities, death benefits
The 1944 GI Bill helped veterans to acquire ___.
Answer choices include: a free college education,
free health care, assistance with disabilities, death benefits

The correct answer is a free college education.
The correct answer is a free college education.

In the late 1940s, Congress approved a bill related to ___. Answer choices include: anti-lynching legislation, limiting labor union power, a national healthcare program, outlawing the poll tax
In the late 1940s, Congress approved a bill related to ___.
Answer choices include:
anti-lynching legislation, limiting labor union power,
a national healthcare program, outlawing the poll tax

The correct answer is limiting labor union power.
The correct answer is limiting labor union power.

Which two countries emerged as Superpowers after World War II? Answer choices include: Germany & Great Britain, China & Italy, Soviet Union & United States, Iraq & Canada
Which two countries emerged as Superpowers after World War II?
Answer choices include: Germany & Great Britain, China & Italy,
Soviet Union & United States, Iraq & Canada

The correct answer is Soviet Union & United States.
The correct answer is Soviet Union & United States.

The U.S. foreign policy of ___ was based on the Long Telegraph sent by George Kennan. Answer choices include: containment, isolationism, imperialism, globalization
The U.S. foreign policy of ___ was based on
the Long Telegraph sent by George Kennan.
Answer choices include: containment,
isolationism, imperialism, globalization

The correct answer is containment.
The correct answer is containment.

Winston Churchill coined the phrase ___ to describe Europe’s “Free” West and Communist East. Answer choices include: Great Divide, Iron Curtain, Check Mate, Monopoly No Go
Winston Churchill coined the phrase ___ to describe
Europe’s “Free” West and Communist East.
Answer choices include: Great Divide,
Iron Curtain, Check Mate, Monopoly No Go

The correct answer is Iron Curtain.
The correct answer is Iron Curtain.

Which Department of Defense branch was added in 1949? Answer choices include: Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Army
Which Department of Defense branch was added in 1949?
Answer choices include: Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Army

The correct answer is Air Force.
The correct answer is Air Force.

Per the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. provided support to the governments of ___ to help prevent Communist spread.  Answer choices include: Italy & the Netherlands, China & Soviet Union, Iran & Iraq, Greece & Turkey
Per the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. provided support to the
governments of ___ to help prevent Communist spread. 
Answer choices include: Italy & the Netherlands,
China & Soviet Union, Iran & Iraq, Greece & Turkey

The correct answer is Greece & Turkey.
The correct answer is Greece & Turkey.

Who was the only soldier to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Answer choices include: Nelson Mandela, George C. Marshall, John E Gray, Mikhail Gorbachev
Who was the only soldier to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Answer choices include: Nelson Mandela,
George C. Marshall, John E Gray, Mikhail Gorbachev

The correct answer is George C. Marshall.
The correct answer is George C. Marshall.

The HUAC focused on possible Communist sympathizers in ___, thinking they might create propaganda via motion pictures. Answer choices include: Nashville, Dollywood, Hollywood, Wichita
The HUAC focused on possible Communist sympathizers in ___,
thinking they might create propaganda via motion pictures.
Answer choices include: Nashville, Dollywood, Hollywood, Wichita

The correct answer is Hollywood.
The correct answer is Hollywood.

What country was divided at the 38th Parallel where a conflict involving multiple countries resulted in nearly the same division? Answer choices include: China, Germany, Korea, Vietnam
What country was divided at the 38th Parallel where a conflict
involving multiple countries resulted in nearly the same division?
Answer choices include: China, Germany, Korea, Vietnam

The correct answer is Korea.
The correct answer is Korea.

What U.S. Senator investigated the Voice of America, U.S. Army, and others as possible Communists? Answer choices include: Julius Rosenberg, Oscar Micheaux, Clement Atlee, Joseph McCarthy
What U.S. Senator investigated the Voice of America,
U.S. Army, and others as possible Communists?
Answer choices include: Julius Rosenberg,
Oscar Micheaux, Clement Atlee, Joseph McCarthy

The correct answer is Joseph McCarthy.
The correct answer is Joseph McCarthy.

Before 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower had never run for office or cast a vote. Answer choices include: true, false
Before 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower had
never run for office or cast a vote.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

In October 1957, ___ launched the first manmade satellite called Sputnik. Answer choices include: Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Soviet Union, the United States
In October 1957, ___ launched the first
manmade satellite called Sputnik.
Answer choices include: Saudi Arabia,
Sudan, the Soviet Union, the United States

The correct answer is the Soviet Union.
The correct answer is the Soviet Union.

Who was a developer who first created a large community of prefabricated houses in the suburbs in Long Island? Answer choices include: William Levitt, Frank Lloyd Wright, Michael Graves, Louis Kahn
Who was a developer who first created a large community of
prefabricated houses in the suburbs in Long Island?
Answer choices include: William Levitt,
Frank Lloyd Wright, Michael Graves, Louis Kahn

The correct answer is William Levitt.
The correct answer is William Levitt.

Children born between 1946 and 1964 were called ___. Answer choices include: Gen X, The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, The Lost Generation
Children born between 1946 and 1964 were called ___.
Answer choices include: Gen X, The Silent Generation,
Baby Boomers, The Lost Generation

The correct answer is Baby Boomers.
The correct answer is Baby Boomers.

Around 1950, what became Hollywood’s greatest challenge? Answer choices include: radio, TV, theater, libraries
Around 1950, what became Hollywood’s greatest challenge?
Answer choices include: radio, TV, theater, libraries

The correct answer is TV.
The correct answer is TV.

Who was the first African American to break the baseball color barrier by playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers? Answer choices include: Buddy Kerr, Stan Musial, Lou Gehrig, Jackie Robinson
Who was the first African American to break the baseball
color barrier by playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers?
Answer choices include: Buddy Kerr,
Stan Musial, Lou Gehrig, Jackie Robinson

The correct answer is Jackie Robinson.
The correct answer is Jackie Robinson.

Images of a 14-year-old African American, ___, who was murdered by 2 white men showed many Americans racism’s brutality. Answer choices include: Emmett Till, Oliver Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Rosa Parks
Images of a 14-year-old African American, ___, who
was murdered by 2 white men showed many Americans racism’s brutality.
Answer choices include: Emmett Till,
Oliver Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Rosa Parks

The correct answer is Emmett Till.
The correct answer is Emmett Till.

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