
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

U.S. History Week 27: Fighting the Good Fight in World War II 1941-1945


Photo of Auschwitz entrance gate words meaning “work makes one free” by virnuls at
Photo of Auschwitz entrance gate words meaning “work makes one free” by virnuls at 

U.S. History Week 27

Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945

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  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 27: Fighting the Good Fight in World War II 1941-1945
U.S. History Week 27: Fighting the Good Fight in World War II 1941-1945 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Many in America believed the U.S. should avoid involvement in wars between other countries, called __. Answer choices include: isolationism, perfectionism, racism, totalitarianism
Many in America believed the U.S. should avoid involvement
in wars between other countries, called __.
Answer choices include:
isolationism, perfectionism, racism, totalitarianism

The correct answer is isolationism.
The correct answer is isolationism.

What broke up the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian Empires? Answer choices include: Treaty of Utrecht, Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Tordesillas, Treaty of Ghent
What broke up the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian Empires?
Answer choices include: Treaty of Utrecht,
Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Tordesillas, Treaty of Ghent

The correct answer is Treaty of Versailles.
The correct answer is Treaty of Versailles.

What 1928 document declared that war was an international crime but failed to prevent WW2? Answer choices include: Bretton Woods, Treaty of Paris, Kellogg-Brand Pact, Peace of Westphalia
What 1928 document declared that war was an
international crime but failed to prevent WW2?
Answer choices include: Bretton Woods,
Treaty of Paris, Kellogg-Brand Pact, Peace of Westphalia

The correct answer is Kellogg-Brand Pact.
The correct answer is Kellogg-Brand Pact.

Which country was NOT ruled/led by a militaristic politician in the 1930s? Answer choices include: Japan (Hirohito), Italy (Mussolini), Germany (Hitler), United States (FDR)
Which country was NOT ruled/led by a militaristic politician in the 1930s?
Answer choices include: Japan (Hirohito),
Italy (Mussolini), Germany (Hitler), United States (FDR)

The correct answer is United States (FDR).
The correct answer is United States (FDR).

On 12/7/1941, ___ launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored in Pearl Harbor.  Answer choices include: Great Britain, China, the Soviet Union, Japan
On 12/7/1941, ___ launched a surprise attack on the
U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored in Pearl Harbor. 
Answer choices include:
Great Britain, China, the Soviet Union, Japan

The correct answer is Japan.
The correct answer is Japan.

The top 100 U.S. businesses only received 20% of government contracts during WW2, encouraging small businesses to prosper. Answer choices include: true, false
The top 100 U.S. businesses only received 20% of
government contracts during WW2,
encouraging small businesses to prosper.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Who insisted on riding in a plane piloted by an African American from the Tuskagee Institute to encourage trust & support? Answer choices include: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Charles Lindbergh, General Henry H. Arnold
Who insisted on riding in a plane piloted by an African
American from the Tuskagee Institute to encourage trust & support?
Answer choices include:
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Charles Lindbergh, General Henry H. Arnold

The correct answer is Eleanor Roosevelt.
The correct answer is Eleanor Roosevelt.

The ___ provided crucial coded communication that was never cracked during World War II. Answer choices include: Lieber Coders, Dilly Knox Crew, Navajo Code Talkers, Trench Cipher Squad
The ___ provided crucial coded communication
that was never cracked during World War II.
Answer choices include: Lieber Coders,
Dilly Knox Crew, Navajo Code Talkers, Trench Cipher Squad

The correct answer is Navajo Code Talkers.
The correct answer is Navajo Code Talkers.

In the U.S., 72,000 men registered as ___, some of whom served in non-combat roles. Answer choices include: Armed Service Integrators, Harlem Hellfighters, War Volunteers, Conscientiour Objectors
In the U.S., 72,000 men registered as ___,
some of whom served in non-combat roles.
Answer choices include:
Armed Service Integrators, Harlem Hellfighters,
War Volunteers, Conscientiour Objectors

The correct answer is conscientious objectors.
The correct answer is conscientious objectors.

Who was promoted to 4-star General and was appointed Army Chief of Staff in 1939? Answer choices include: Peyton March, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, George C. Marshall
Who was promoted to 4-star General and was appointed
Army Chief of Staff in 1939?
Answer choices include: Peyton March,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, George C. Marshall

The correct answer is George C. Marshall.
The correct answer is George C. Marshall.

During WW2, the ___ had the power to set ceiling prices on all but agricultural prices and to instate rations. Answer choices include: OPA, CDC, OSHA, OPEC
During WW2, the ___ had the power to set ceiling prices
on all but agricultural prices and to instate rations.
Answer choices include: OPA, CDC, OSHA, OPEC

The correct answer is OPA.
The correct answer is OPA.

Who was depicted on the government propaganda encouraging women to work in factories during WW2? Answer choices include: Uncle Sam, Rosie the Riveter, Che Guevara, Nixon
Who was depicted on the government propaganda encouraging
women to work in factories during WW2?
Answer choices include: Uncle Sam,
Rosie the Riveter, Che Guevara, Nixon

The correct answer is Rosie the Riveter.
The correct answer is Rosie the Riveter.

What African American singer/dancer entertained allied troops in North Africa & carried secret messages for the French Resistance? Answer choices include: Josephine Baker, Anna Bland, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth
What African American singer/dancer entertained allied
troops in North Africa & carried secret messages for the French Resistance?
Answer choices include: Josephine Baker,
Anna Bland, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth

The correct answer is Josephine Baker.
The correct answer is Josephine Baker.

The ___ Campaign sought to win over racism as well as over the enemy overseas. Answer choices include: Whatever It Takes, Double V, Facts Non-Verba, Peace Through Strength
The ___ Campaign sought to win over racism
as well as over the enemy overseas.
Answer choices include: Whatever It Takes,
Double V, Facts Non-Verba, Peace Through Strength

The correct answer is Double V.
The correct answer is Double V.

Which group of people were known for wearing Zoot Suits in 1942? Answer choices include: African American Female Factory Workers, Japanese Americans, Wealthy White Women, Mexican Americans
Which group of people were known
for wearing Zoot Suits in 1942?
Answer choices include: African American Female
Factory Workers, Japanese Americans,
Wealthy White Women, Mexican Americans

The correct answer is Mexican Americans.
The correct answer is Mexican Americans.

Executive Order 9066 relocated many Americans of ___ ancestry into internment camps. Answer choices include: Chinese, African, Japanese, Russian
Executive Order 9066 relocated many Americans
of ___ ancestry into internment camps.
Answer choices include: Chinese, African, Japanese, Russian

The correct answer is Japanese.
The correct answer is Japanese.

Who was NOT part of the Big Three in 1941? Answer choices include: Winston Churchill, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was NOT part of the Big Three in 1941?
Answer choices include: Winston Churchill,
Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt

The correct answer is Mao Zedong.
The correct answer is Mao Zedong.

Allied Forced stormed beaches of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944, known as ___. Answer choices include: Battle of Britain, Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, V-J Day
Allied Forced stormed beaches of Normandy,
France on June 6, 1944, known as ___.
Answer choices include: Battle of Britain,
Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, V-J Day

The correct answer is D-Day.
The correct answer is D-Day.

From April to July 1945, the bloodiest battle of the Pacific Theater was fought in ___. Answer choices include: Iwo Jima, The Philippines, Ghana, Okinawa
From April to July 1945, the bloodiest battle
of the Pacific Theater was fought in ___.
Answer choices include:
Iwo Jima, The Philippines, Ghana, Okinawa

The correct answer is Okinawa.
The correct answer is Okinawa.

Upon what two cities did the U.S. drop atomic bombs, killing 125,000-250,000 people? Answer choices include: Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Leningrad & Stalingrad, Paris & Marseille, Shanghi & Beijing
Upon what two cities did the U.S. drop atomic bombs,
killing 125,000-250,000 people?
Answer choices include:
Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Leningrad & Stalingrad,
Paris & Marseille, Shanghi & Beijing

The correct answer is Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
The correct answer is Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

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