
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Week 23 U.S. History: Americans and the Great War, 1914-1919


Photo of teleprinter by Ray_Shrewsberry at
Photo of teleprinter by Ray_Shrewsberry at 

U.S. History Week 23

Americans and the Great War, 1914-1919

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  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 23 Americans and the Great War 1914-1919
U.S. History Week 23 Americans and the Great War 1914-1919 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Despite President Warren Wilson’s promise not to rely on the Roosevelt Corollary, troops were sent to the all except: Answer choices include: Haiti, Hispaniola, Canada, Cuba
Despite President Warren Wilson’s promise not to rely on
the Roosevelt Corollary, troops were sent to the all except:
Answer choices include: Haiti, Hispaniola, Canada, Cuba

The correct answer is Canada.
The correct answer is Canada.

The U.S. originally backed ___ in Mexico but later recognized Carranza’s government, sparking his revenge. Answer choices include: Erik Morales, Pancho Villa, Julio César Chávez, Salvador Sánchez
The U.S. originally backed ___ in Mexico but later
recognized Carranza’s government, sparking his revenge.
Answer choices include: Erik Morales,
Pancho Villa, Julio César Chávez, Salvador Sánchez

The correct answer is Pancho Villa.
The correct answer is Pancho Villa.

Which of the following was not part of the Triple Entente? Answer choices include: Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain
Which of the following was not part of the Triple Entente?
Answer choices include: Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain

The correct answer is Germany.
The correct answer is Germany.

On May 7, 1915, a German U-Boat attacked a British passenger ship named ___ traveling from New York. Answer choices include: Oceanic, Olympic, Titanic, Lusitania
On May 7, 1915, a German U-Boat attacked a British
passenger ship named ___ traveling from New York.
Answer choices include: Oceanic, Olympic, Titanic, Lusitania

The correct answer is Lusitania.
The correct answer is Lusitania.

The Zimmerman telegraph revealed Germany’s plan to entice ___ into the war. Answer choices include: Mexico, Italy, the United States, China
The Zimmerman telegraph revealed
Germany’s plan to entice ___ into the war.
Answer choices include:
Mexico, Italy, the United States, China

The correct answer is Mexico.
The correct answer is Mexico.

Who was the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress? Answer choices include: Grace Banker, Jeanette Rankin, Mata Hari, Iona Zollner
Who was the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress?
Answer choices include: Grace Banker,
Jeanette Rankin, Mata Hari, Iona Zollner

The correct answer is Jeanette Rankin.
The correct answer is Jeanette Rankin.

When did Congress pass the Selective Service Act requiring all men aged 21-30 to register for the draft? Answer choices include: 1847, 1897, 1917, 1937
When did Congress pass the Selective Service Act
requiring all men aged 21-30 to register for the draft?
Answer choices include: 1847, 1897, 1917, 1937

The correct answer is 1917.
The correct answer is 1917.

Men who refused to sign up for the draft, usually citing deeply held religious beliefs, were called ___. Answer choices include: conscientious objectors, tax dodgers, contempters of court, rackateers
Men who refused to sign up for the draft, usually
citing deeply held religious beliefs, were called ___.
Answer choices include: conscientious objectors,
tax dodgers, contemptors of court, rackateers

The correct answer is conscientious objectors.
The correct answer is conscientious objectors.

Harry Garfield implemented ___ to allow more production. Answer choices include: standard time, psychological time, daylight savings time, metric time
Harry Garfield implemented ___ to allow more production.
Answer choices include: standard time,
psychological time, daylight savings time, metric time

The correct answer is daylight savings time.
The correct answer is daylight savings time.

The U.S. government eventually raised $32 billion for World War I expenses through ___. Answer choices include: national yard sales, liberty bonds, rationing, gold & diamonds
The U.S. government eventually raised $32 billion
for World War I expenses through ___.
Answer choices include: national yard sales,
liberty bonds, rationing, gold & diamonds

The correct answer is liberty bonds.
The correct answer is liberty bonds.

America’s WWI propaganda campaign encouraged an anti-___ attitude. Answer choices include: French, American, British, German
America’s WWI propaganda campaign
encouraged an anti-___ attitude.
Answer choices include:
French, American, British, German

The correct answer is German.
The correct answer is German.

During WWI, wage increases were offset by an increased cost of living. Answer choices include: true, false
During WWI, wage increases were offset
by an increased cost of living.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

WWI brought many career opportunities for women, who were paid equal wages, highly respected, & offered permanent jobs. Answer choices include: true, false
WWI brought many career opportunities for women,
who were paid equal wages, highly
respected, & offered permanent jobs.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

The 369th Infantry, made up of African Americans called the ___, valiantly served 6 months on the frontline in France. Answer choices include: Graybacks, Buffalo Soldiers, Harlem Hellfighters, Rough Riders
The 369th Infantry, made up of African Americans called the ___,
valiantly served 6 months on the frontline in France.
Answer choices include: Graybacks,
Buffalo Soldiers, Harlem Hellfighters, Rough Riders

The correct answer is Harlem Hellfighters.
The correct answer is Harlem Hellfighters.

What influenced President Wilson’s passage of the 19th Amendment? Answer choices include: his daughters, women's roles during WWI, suffragist hunger strikes, all of these
What influenced President Wilson’s passage of the 19th Amendment?
Answer choices include: his daughters, women's roles during WWI,
suffragist hunger strikes, all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

Wilson’s peace plan for a new world order was called ___. Answer choices include: Camp David Accords, Fourteen Points, World Armistice, Entente Cordiate
Wilson’s peace plan for a new world order was called ___.
Answer choices include: Camp David Accords,
Fourteen Points, World Armistice, Entente Cordiate

The correct answer is Fourteen Points.
The correct answer is Fourteen Points.

Which country signed a “war guilt clause,” taking public responsibility for starting the war? Answer choices include: Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Bulgaria
Which country signed a “war guilt clause,”
taking public responsibility for starting the war?
Answer choices include:
Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Bulgaria

The correct answer is Germany.
The correct answer is Germany.

Who served as President Wilson’s de facto president for about 6 months after he suffered a stroke in 1919? Answer choices include: Thomas R. Marshall, Edith Wilson, Joseph Patrick Tumulty, James Beauchamp Clark
Who served as President Wilson’s de facto president
for about 6 months after he suffered a stroke in 1919?
Answer choices include: Thomas R. Marshall, Edith Wilson,
Joseph Patrick Tumulty, James Beauchamp Clark

The correct answer is Edith Wilson.
The correct answer is Edith Wilson.

The U.S. never officially signed the Treaty of Versailles or joined the League of Nations after The Great War. Answer choices include: true, false
The U.S. never officially signed the Treaty of Versailles or
joined the League of Nations after The Great War.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

After troops returned to the U.S., over 165,000 people died in the U.S. due to ___. Answer choices include: COVID pandemic & bombings, scarlet fever & suicide, plague epidemic & famine, influenza pandemic & race riots
After troops returned to the U.S., over 165,000
people died in the U.S. due to ___.
Answer choices include:
COVID pandemic & bombings,
scarlet fever & suicide,
plague epidemic & famine,
influenza pandemic & race riots

The correct answer is influenza pandemic & race riots.
The correct answer is influenza pandemic & race riots.

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