
Friday, July 21, 2023

Week 24 U.S. History: The Jazz Age - Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929

Photo of musicians in a pub window by Tama66 at
Photo of musicians in a pub window by Tama66 at 

U.S. History Week 24

The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929

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  2. Choose an answer for each question.
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  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
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U.S. History Week 24 The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation 1919-1929
U.S. History Week 24 The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation 1919-1929 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

What was the first “talkie” released in 1927? Answer choices include: Lights of New York, The Terror, The Jazz Singer, The Devil to Pay
What was the first “talkie” released in 1927?
Answer choices include: Lights of New York,
The Terror, The Jazz Singer, The Devil to Pay

The correct answer is The Jazz Singer.
The correct answer is The Jazz Singer.

Henry Ford focused on producing autos on an assembly line, making his ___ the first affordable auto. Answer choices include: Benz Patent Motor Car, Model T, Cadillac, Series C Classic Six
Henry Ford focused on producing autos on an assembly line,
making his ___ the first affordable auto.
Answer choices include: Benz Patent Motor Car,
Model T, Cadillac, Series C Classic Six

The correct answer is Model T.
The correct answer is Model T.

Who was an African American stunt pilot who taught herself French in order to get her pilot’s license overseas? Answer choices include: Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart, Willa Brown, Blanche Scott
Who was an African American stunt pilot who taught herself
French in order to get her pilot’s license overseas?
Answer choices include: Bessie Coleman,
Amelia Earhart, Willa Brown, Blanche Scott

The correct answer is Bessie Coleman.
The correct answer is Bessie Coleman.

After World War I, radio became popular by offering ___ over the air. Answer choices include: political speeches & news, play-by-play sports, serial stories, all of these
After World War I, radio became
popular by offering ___ over the air.
Answer choices include: political speeches & news,
play-by-play sports, serial stories, all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

Who was America’s first baseball hero also known as the “Sultan of Swat?” Answer choices include: Babe Ruth, Jim Thorpe, "Big Bill" Tilden, Chino Smith
Who was America’s first baseball hero
also known as the “Sultan of Swat?”
Answer choices include: Babe Ruth,
Jim Thorpe, "Big Bill" Tilden, Chino Smith

The correct answer is Babe Ruth.
The correct answer is Babe Ruth.

Who were immigrants accused of robbery & murder whose trial sparked the Great Colorado Coal Strike of 1927? Answer choices include: Moore & Albright, Arnaz & Asimov, Vanzetti & Sacco, Huffington & Wiesel
Who were immigrants accused of robbery & murder
whose trial sparked the Great Colorado Coal Strike of 1927?
Answer choices include: Moore & Albright,
Arnaz & Asimov, Vanzetti & Sacco, Huffington & Wiesel

The correct answer is Vanzetti & Sacco.
The correct answer is Vanzetti & Sacco.

In what year were immigration numbers first limited in America? Answer choices include: 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951
In what year were immigration numbers first limited in America?
Answer choices include: 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951

The correct answer is 1921.
The correct answer is 1921.

Which was an organization focused on White supremacy, anti-Catholicism, and anti-Semitism? Answer choices include: NAACP, Industrial Workers of the World, The Moose, Ku Klux Klan
Which was an organization focused on White supremacy,
anti-Catholicism, and anti-Semitism?
Answer choices include: NAACP,
Industrial Workers of the World, The Moose, Ku Klux Klan

The correct answer is Ku Klux Klan.
The correct answer is Ku Klux Klan.

In 1925, the ACLU claimed that Tennessee’s ___ infringed upon one’s freedom of speech. Answer choices include: Brown v. Board of Education, Butler Act, Taft-Hartley Act, Sherman Antitrust Act
In 1925, the ACLU claimed that Tennessee’s ___ infringed
upon one’s freedom of speech.
Answer choices include: Brown v. Board of Education,
Butler Act, Taft-Hartley Act, Sherman Antitrust Act

The correct answer is Butler Act.
The correct answer is Butler Act.

Youth of the Jazz Age were particularly known for their conservatism. Answer choices include: true, false
Youth of the Jazz Age were particularly known for their conservatism.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

A place famous for hosting Jazz music in the 1920s was ___. Answer choices include: The Grand 'Ole Opry, The Cotton Club, Carnegie Hall, The Cavern Club
A place famous for hosting Jazz music in the 1920s was ___.
Answer choices include: The Grand 'Ole Opry,
The Cotton Club, Carnegie Hall, The Cavern Club

The correct answer is The Cotton Club.
The correct answer is The Cotton Club.

When was the Equal Rights Amendment ratified in the United States? Answer choices include: 1923, 1945, 1972, It has never been ratified.
When was the Equal Rights Amendment ratified in the United States?
Answer choices include: 1923, 1945, 1972, It has never been ratified.

The correct answer is: It has never been ratified.
The correct answer is: It has never been ratified.

Claude McKay’s poem ___ encouraged African Americans to fight back after the Red Summer Riots of 1919. Answer choices include: The Colored Soldier, Their Eyes Were Watching God, If We Must Die, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Claude McKay’s poem ___ encouraged African Americans
to fight back after the Red Summer Riots of 1919.
Answer choices include:
The Colored Soldier,
Their Eyes Were Watching God,
If We Must Die,
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

The correct answer is: If We Must Die.
The correct answer is: If We Must Die.

Who ran the Chicago mafia, a famous bootlegging and criminal operation during the Prohibition Era? Answer choices include: Al Capone, Andrew Russo, Lorenzo Mannino, Vittorio Amuso
Who ran the Chicago mafia, a famous bootlegging and
criminal operation during the Prohibition Era?
Answer choices include: Al Capone,
Andrew Russo, Lorenzo Mannino, Vittorio Amuso

The correct answer is Al Capone.
The correct answer is Al Capone.

Who wrote This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby? Answer choices include: Edith Wharton, Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who wrote This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby?
Answer choices include: Edith Wharton,
Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald

The correct answer is F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The correct answer is F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Upon what promise did Warren Harding win 61% of the popular vote for the Presidency? Answer choices include: The People Against the Bosses; He Kept Us Out of War; Peace, Experience, Prosperity; Return to Normalcy
Upon what promise did Warren Harding win
61% of the popular vote for the Presidency?
Answer choices include: The People Against the Bosses;
He Kept Us Out of War; Peace, Experience,
Prosperity; Return to Normalcy

The correct answer is Return to Normalcy.
The correct answer is Return to Normalcy.

In the Teapot Dome Scandal, Albert B. Fall was convicted of ___. Answer choices include: making moonshine, treason, accepting bribes, espionage
In the Teapot Dome Scandal,
Albert B. Fall was convicted of ___.
Answer choices include: making moonshine,
treason, accepting bribes, espionage

The correct answer is accepting bribes.
The correct answer is accepting bribes.

Who took over as President after Warren Harding died? Answer choices include: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, John Nance Garner, Calvin Coolidge
Who took over as President after Warren Harding died?
Answer choices include: Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Herbert Hoover, John Nance Garner, Calvin Coolidge

The correct answer is Calvin Coolidge.
The correct answer is Calvin Coolidge.

What were dominant characteristics of the Coolidge presidency? Answer choices include: silence & inactivity, biting words & hard work, scandals & promiscuity, activism & socialism
What were dominant characteristics of the Coolidge presidency?
Answer choices include: silence & inactivity,
biting words & hard work, scandals & promiscuity, activism & socialism

The correct answer is silence & inactivity.
The correct answer is silence & inactivity.

Who became the next president after Coolidge? Answer choices include: Warren Harding, FDR, Herbert Hoover, Henry A. Wallace
Who became the next president after Coolidge?
Answer choices include: Warren Harding,
FDR, Herbert Hoover, Henry A. Wallace

The correct answer is Herbert Hoover.
The correct answer is Herbert Hoover.

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