
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Week 22 U.S. History: Age of Empire - American Foreign Policy 1890-1914


Photo of Alaskan glacier bay at sunset by kalasoft at
Photo of Alaskan glacier bay at sunset by kalasoft at 

U.S. History Week 22

Age of Empire: American Foreign Policy, 1890-1914

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U.S. History Week 22 Age of Empire - American Foreign Policy 1890-1914
U.S. History Week 22 Age of Empire
American Foreign Policy 1890-1914 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

In 1867, the purchase of the ___ Territory from Russia was called “Seward’s Folly.” Answer choices include: Hawaiian, Louisiana, Puerto Rican, Alaskan
In 1867, the purchase of the ___ Territory
from Russia was called “Seward’s Folly.”
Answer choices include:
Hawaiian, Louisiana, Puerto Rican, Alaskan

The correct answer is Alaskan.
The correct answer is Alaskan.

A Southern Baptist missionary who spent more than 40 years in China & encouraged annual Christmas giving was ___. Answer choices include: Lottie Moon, Mother Teresa, David Livingstone, Walter Weston
A Southern Baptist missionary who spent more than 40 years
in China & encouraged annual Christmas giving was ___.
Answer choices include:
Lottie Moon, Mother Teresa, David Livingstone, Walter Weston

The correct answer is Lottie Moon.
The correct answer is Lottie Moon.

At the end of the 1800s, the United States began to focus on expanding its ___ branch of the military. Answer choices include: Army, Air Force, Naval, Coast Guard
At the end of the 1800s, the United States began
to focus on expanding its ___ branch of the military.
Answer choices include:
Army, Air Force, Naval, Coast Guard

The correct answer is Naval.
The correct answer is Naval.

In the late 1800s, the United States was interested in Hawaii particularly due to its ___ production. Answer choices include: tobacco, sugar, salt, cotton
In the late 1800s, the United States was interested
in Hawaii particularly due to its ___ production.
Answer choices include: tobacco, sugar, salt, cotton

The correct answer is sugar.
The correct answer is sugar.

Which was NOT one of the 3 countries forming a protectorate over the Samoan Islands of the South Pacific in 1899? Answer choices include: Germany, Great Britain, France, United States
Which was NOT one of the 3 countries forming a protectorate
over the Samoan Islands of the South Pacific in 1899?
Answer choices include:
Germany, Great Britain, France, United States

The correct answer is France.
The correct answer is France.

The Teller Amendment stated that the United States would annex Cuba following the war. Answer choices include: true, false
The Teller Amendment stated that the United States
would annex Cuba following the war.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Black American soldiers provided experience & support for Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, proving crucial in America’s success. Answer choices include: true, false
Black American soldiers provided experience &
support for Roosevelt’s Rough Riders,
proving crucial in America’s success.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Spain turned over control of all but which of the following with the Treaty of Paris in 1898? Answer choices include: Korea, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines
Spain turned over control of all but which of
the following with the Treaty of Paris in 1898?
Answer choices include:
Korea, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

The correct answer is Korea.
The correct answer is Korea.

In 1901, ___ was appointed civil governor of the Philippines. Answer choices include: William Frawley, William Jennings Bryan, William McKinley, William Howard Taft
In 1901, ___ was appointed civil governor of the Philippines.
Answer choices include: William Frawley,
William Jennings Bryan, William McKinley, William Howard Taft

The correct answer is William Howard Taft.
The correct answer is William Howard Taft.

The 1899 Open Door notes was an effort for the United States to gain favored trading status with ___. Answer choices include: China, Japan, Cuba, Korea
The 1899 Open Door notes was an effort for the
United States to gain favored trading status with ___.
Answer choices include: China, Japan, Cuba, Korea

The correct answer is China.
The correct answer is China.

Theodore Roosevelt’s strategy was “speaking softly and carrying a big ___.” Answer choices include: machine gun, trunk, stick, cat
Theodore Roosevelt’s strategy was
“speaking softly and carrying a big ___.”
Answer choices include:
machine gun, trunk, stick, cat

The correct answer is stick.
The correct answer is stick.

In 1904, work began on the ___ Canal across Central America. Answer choices include: Suez, Panama, Erie, Kiel
In 1904, work began on the ___ Canal across Central America.
Answer choices include: Suez, Panama, Erie, Kiel

The correct answer is Panama.
The correct answer is Panama.

In 1904, a speech known as the ___ designated the U.S. as an “international police power.” Answer choices include: Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt Corollary, Day of Infamy, Day of Affirmation Address
In 1904, a speech known as the ___ designated
 the U.S. as an “international police power.”
Answer choices include: Gettysburg Address,
Roosevelt Corollary, Day of Infamy, Day of Affirmation Address

The correct answer is Roosevelt Corollary.
The correct answer is Roosevelt Corollary.

Theodore Roosevelt was the first American to receive the ___. Answer choices include: Carnegie Courage Award, Emmy Award, Nobel Peace Prize, Pulitzer Prize
Theodore Roosevelt was the first American to receive the ___.
Answer choices include: Carnegie Courage Award,
Emmy Award, Nobel Peace Prize, Pulitzer Prize

The correct answer is Nobel Peace Prize.
The correct answer is Nobel Peace Prize.

Who became president in 1909? Answer choices include: FDR, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings Bryan
Who became president in 1909?
Answer choices include: FDR, William Howard Taft,
Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings Bryan

The correct answer is William Howard Taft.
The correct answer is William Howard Taft.

Taft’s foreign policy became known as “___.” Answer choices include: Big Lub's bottom line, green & mean plan, no mercy until we win, dollar diplomacy
Taft’s foreign policy became known as “___.”
Answer choices include: Big Lub's bottom line,
green & mean plan, no mercy until we win, dollar diplomacy

The correct answer is dollar diplomacy.
The correct answer is dollar diplomacy.

The United States paid off the debts of several Central American nations under President Taft’s leadership. Answer choices include: true, false
The United States paid off the debts of several
Central American nations under President Taft’s leadership.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

What resulted from President Taft’s attempts to mediate between China & Japan? Answer choices include: increased tension between China & the U.S., increased tension between Japan & the U.S., increased tension between all 3 countries, no detectable effect
What resulted from President Taft’s attempts
to mediate between China & Japan?
Answer choices include:
increased tension between China & the U.S.,
increased tension between Japan & the U.S.,
increased tension between all 3 countries,
no detectable effect

The correct answer is increased tension between Japan & the U.S.
The correct answer is increased tension between Japan & the U.S.

The world perceived Canada as the predominant power in the Western Hemisphere in the early 1900s. Answer choices include: true, false
The world perceived Canada as the predominant power
in the Western Hemisphere in the early 1900s.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Another name for “The Great War” is ___. Answer choices include: World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War
Another name for “The Great War” is ___.
Answer choices include: World War I,
World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War

The correct answer is World War I.
The correct answer is World War I.

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