
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Week 21 U.S. History: The Progressive Movement 1890-1921


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Photo of the word vote spelled with tiles by WOKANDAPIX at 

U.S. History Week 21

Leading the Way: The Progressive Movement, 1890-1920

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  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 21 The Progressive Movement 1890-1921
U.S. History Week 21 The Progressive Movement 1890-1921 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Progressive Era journalists & writers who exposed societal problems while urging the public to identify solutions were called ___. Answer choices include: soft journalists, hacks, muckrakers, yellow journalists
Progressive Era journalists & writers who exposed societal problems
while urging the public to identify solutions were called ___.
Answer choices include: soft journalists,
hacks, muckrakers, yellow journalists

The correct answer is muckrakers.
The correct answer is muckrakers.

Who wrote a series of articles highlighting John D. Rockefeller’s monopoly Standard Oil? Answer choices include: Jacob Riis, Henry Demarast Lloyd, Ray Stannard Baker, Ida M. Tarbell
Who wrote a series of articles highlighting
John D. Rockefeller’s monopoly Standard Oil?
Answer choices include: Jacob Riis,
Henry Demarast Lloyd, Ray Stannard Baker, Ida M. Tarbell

The correct answer is Ida M. Tarbell.
The correct answer is Ida M. Tarbell.

Grassroots efforts of everyday people who believed that the country was moving in a dangerous direction is called ___. Answer choices include: Realism, Progressivism, Regressivism, Surrealism
Grassroots efforts of everyday people who believed that
the country was moving in a dangerous direction is called ___.
Answer choices include: Realism,
Progressivism, Regressivism, Surrealism

The correct answer is Progressivism.
The correct answer is Progressivism.

Political party members vote directly for a candidate that is then nominated to run in the election in a ___. Answer choices include: direct primary, delegate convention selection, electoral college, ranked voting
Political party members vote directly for a candidate that is
then nominated to run in the election in a ___.
Answer choices include:
direct primary, delegate convention selection,
electoral college, ranked voting

The correct answer is direct primary.
The correct answer is direct primary.

Which was the first state to allow an initiative on the ballot? Answer choices include: Florida, California, South Carolina, South Dakota
Which was the first state to allow an initiative on the ballot?
Answer choices include:
Florida, California, South Carolina, South Dakota

The correct answer is South Dakota.
The correct answer is South Dakota.

Putting an existing law on the ballot for voters to affirm or reject is called a/n ___. Answer choices include: primary, initiative, recall, referendum
Putting an existing law on the ballot for voters
to affirm or reject is called a/n ___.
Answer choices include:
primary, initiative, recall, referendum

The correct answer is referendum.
The correct answer is referendum.

Which amendment mandates the direct election of U.S. Senators? Answer choices include: 5, 13, 17, 24
Which amendment mandates the direct election of U.S. Senators?
Answer choices include: 5, 13, 17, 24

The correct answer is 17.
The correct answer is 17.

In 1900, ___ created a commission system of local government in response to a deadly hurricane. Answer choices include: Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida
In 1900, ___ created a commission system of
local government in response to a deadly hurricane.
Answer choices include:
Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida

The correct answer is Texas.
The correct answer is Texas.

A popular U.S. senator (1901-1906), ___ approved a minimum wage, workman’s compensation, progressive tax law, etc. Answer choices include: William Tweed, Robert La Follette, William Jennings Bryan, Richard B. Hubbard
A popular U.S. senator (1901-1906), ___ approved a minimum wage,
workman’s compensation, progressive tax law, etc.
Answer choices include: William Tweed,
Robert La Follette, William Jennings Bryan, Richard B. Hubbard

The correct answer is Robert La Follette.
The correct answer is Robert La Follette.

Scientific management focused on efficient & increased production by having workers only do specific tasks is called ___. Answer choices include: Taylorism, Collaboration, Laissez-faire, Participative
Scientific management focused on efficient & increased production
by having workers only do specific tasks is called ___.
Answer choices include:
Taylorism, Collaboration, Laissez-faire, Participative

The correct answer is Taylorism.
The correct answer is Taylorism.

Lewis Hine created a long-standing educational pictorial campaign focused on ___ working in factories. Answer choices include: women, children, immigrants, African Americans
Lewis Hine created a long-standing educational pictorial
campaign focused on ___ working in factories.
Answer choices include:
women, children, immigrants, African Americans

The correct answer is children.
The correct answer is children.

What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company that convinced many of the need for workplace safety codes & laws? Answer choices include: hurricane, fire, tornado, flood
What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company that
convinced many of the need for workplace safety codes & laws?
Answer choices include: hurricane, fire, tornado, flood

The correct answer is fire.
The correct answer is fire.

The 18th Amendment prohibited manufacturing, selling, or transporting ___. Answer choices include: weapons, tobacco, enslaved people, alcohol
The 18th Amendment prohibited
manufacturing, selling, or transporting ___.
Answer choices include:
weapons, tobacco, enslaved people, alcohol

The correct answer is alcohol.
The correct answer is alcohol.

The Industrial Workers of the World encouraged workers to ___ to achieve labor reform. Answer choices include: resign, riot, strike, stage massive sit-ins
The Industrial Workers of the World encouraged
workers to ___ to achieve labor reform.
Answer choices include:
resign, riot, strike, stage massive sit-ins

The correct answer is strike.
The correct answer is strike.

Who was arrested & found guilty without being allowed to testify after registering & voting for President in 1872? Answer choices include: Carrie Chapman Chatt, Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Who was arrested & found guilty without being allowed
to testify after registering & voting for President in 1872?
Answer choices include: Carrie Chapman Chatt,
Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The correct answer is Susan B. Anthony.
The correct answer is Susan B. Anthony.

For almost 2 years, the Silent Sentinels picketed for women to vote with many staging a hunger strike in/on ___. Answer choices include: the White House, jail, schools nationwide, national television
For almost 2 years, the Silent Sentinels picketed for women
to vote with many staging a hunger strike in/on ___.
Answer choices include: the White House,
jail, schools nationwide, national television

The correct answer is jail.
The correct answer is jail.

In the late 1800s, who encouraged the African American community to grow socially & work hard to earn prosperity? Answer choices include: W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr., Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X
In the late 1800s, who encouraged the African American
community to grow socially & work hard to earn prosperity?
Answer choices include: W.E.B. Du Bois,
Martin Luther King Jr., Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X

The correct answer is Booker T. Washington.
The correct answer is Booker T. Washington.

The Declaration of Principles by Du Bois called for equality for ___. Answer choices include: African Americans, Latinos, women, the economically disadvantaged
The Declaration of Principles by Du Bois
called for equality for ___.
Answer choices include: African Americans,
Latinos, women, the economically disadvantaged

The correct answer is African Americans.
The correct answer is African Americans.

Who created the Square Deal for America and enacted several Progressive ideas? Answer choices include: William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alton B. Parker, Theodore Roosevelt
Who created the Square Deal for America
and enacted several Progressive ideas?
Answer choices include: William McKinley,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alton B. Parker, Theodore Roosevelt

The correct answer is Theodore Roosevelt.
The correct answer is Theodore Roosevelt.

Which of the following was/were enacted under Woodrow Wilson’s administration? Answer choices include: reinstatement of federal income tax, lowering of tariff rates, dismantling of multiple monopolies, all of these
Which of the following was/were enacted
under Woodrow Wilson’s administration?
Answer choices include:
reinstatement of federal income tax,
lowering of tariff rates,
dismantling of multiple monopolies,
all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

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