
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Week 20 U.S. History: Politics in the Gilded Age 1870-1900


Photo of piggy bank and coins by Tirelire_Avenue at
Photo of piggy bank and coins by Tirelire_Avenue at 

U.S. History Week 20

Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900

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  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
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U.S. History Week 20 Politics in the Gilded Age 1870-1900
U.S. History Week 20 Politics in the Gilded Age 1870-1900 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

A period in the late 1800s characterized by materialism, personal gain quests, & corruption is the ___. Answer choices include: Gilded Age, American Renaissance, Progressive Era, Dark Age
A period in the late 1800s characterized by materialism,
personal gain quests, & corruption is the ___.
Answer choices include: Gilded Age,
American Renaissance, Progressive Era, Dark Age

The correct answer is Gilded Age.
The correct answer is Gilded Age.

In the ___ Campaign, voters were reminded of the human toll of the Civil War. Answer choices include: Hard Cider, Bloody Shirt, Red Shirt, Just Say No
In the ___ Campaign, voters were reminded
of the human toll of the Civil War.
Answer choices include:
Hard Cider, Bloody Shirt, Red Shirt, Just Say No

The correct answer is bloody shirt.
The correct answer is bloody shirt.

Who won the popular vote for President in 1876? Answer choices include: Ulysses S. Grant, James Garfield, Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel J. Tilden
Who won the popular vote for President in 1876?
Answer choices include: Ulysses S. Grant,
James Garfield, Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel J. Tilden

The correct answer is Samuel J. Tilden.
The correct answer is Samuel J. Tilden.

The Compromise of 1877, also called ___, led to withdrawing federal troops from remaining Southern states as Hayes took office. Answer choices include: The Top Hat Agreement, The Great Betrayal, The Mason Dixon Line Item, The Gilded Filibuster
The Compromise of 1877, also called ___, led to withdrawing
federal troops from remaining Southern states as Hayes took office.
Answer choices include: The Top Hat Agreement, The Great Betrayal,
The Mason Dixon Line Item, The Gilded Filibuster

The correct answer is The Great Betrayal.
The correct answer is The Great Betrayal.

Every American president elected between 1876 and 1892 had <50% of the popular vote yet won the election. Answer choices include: true, false
Every American president elected between 1876 and 1892
had <50% of the popular vote yet won the election.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Political ___ occurs when an elected official provides favors, such as civil service jobs, to friends and special interest groups. Answer choices include: altruism, service, patronage, fulfillment
Political ___ occurs when an elected official provides favors,
such as civil service jobs, to friends and special interest groups.
Answer choices include:
altruism, service, patronage, fulfillment

The correct answer is patronage.
The correct answer is patronage.

How did President James A. Garfield die? Answer choices include: drowning at sea, stroke, tuberculosis, infection from a gunshot wound
How did President James A. Garfield die?
Answer choices include: drowning at sea,
stroke, tuberculosis, infection from a gunshot wound

The correct answer is infection from a gunshot wound.
The correct answer is infection from a gunshot wound.

In 1883, the Pendleton Civil Service Act set ___% of civil service jobs to be determined by competitive examination. Answer choices include: 5, 10, 25, 50
In 1883, the Pendleton Civil Service Act set ___% of
civil service jobs to be determined by competitive examination.
Answer choices include: 5, 10, 25, 50

The correct answer is 10.
The correct answer is 10.

In 1887, ___ passed the Interstate Commerce Commission designed to ensure reasonable railroad prices. Answer choices include: James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland
In 1887, ___ passed the Interstate Commerce Commission
designed to ensure reasonable railroad prices.
Answer choices include: James Garfield,
Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland

The correct Grover Cleveland.
The correct Grover Cleveland.

Under William Henry Harrison’s presidency, ___ reached an all-time high in America. Answer choices include: tariffs, jobs, corruption, public support
Under William Henry Harrison’s presidency,
___ reached an all-time high in America.
Answer choices include:
tariffs, jobs, corruption, public support

The correct answer is tariffs.
The correct answer is tariffs.

Experiencing financial challenges with high tariffs, dwindling prices for their product, & high costs, ___ began to seek solutions. Answer choices include: farmers, large business owners, women, people of color
Experiencing financial challenges with high tariffs,
dwindling prices for their product,
& high costs, ___ began to seek solutions.
Answer choices include: farmers,
large business owners, women, people of color

The correct answer is farmers.
The correct answer is farmers.

The Patrons of Husbandry (the Grange) encouraged farmers to pool resources as ___. Answer choices include: ecosystems, monopolies, cooperatives, trusts
The Patrons of Husbandry (the Grange)
encouraged farmers to pool resources as ___.
Answer choices include:
ecosystems, monopolies, cooperatives, trusts

The correct answer is cooperatives.
The correct answer is cooperatives.

The Farmers’ Alliance featured prominent roles for women. Answer choices include: true, false
The Farmers’ Alliance featured prominent roles for women.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

James B. Weaver ran as a third candidate from the ___ Party in the 1888 Presidential election. Answer choices include: Stalwart's, Half-Breed's, People's, Farmers
James B. Weaver ran as a third candidate
from the ___ Party in the 1888 Presidential election.
Answer choices include:
Stalwart's, Half-Breed's, People's, Farmers

The correct answer is People's.
The correct answer is People's.

Who was the first U.S. President to be elected to non-consecutive terms? Answer choices include: John Adams, Grover Cleveland, William Henry Harrison, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the first U.S. President
to be elected to non-consecutive terms?
Answer choices include:
John Adams, Grover Cleveland,
William Henry Harrison, Franklin D. Roosevelt

The correct answer is Grover Cleveland.
The correct answer is Grover Cleveland.

The Depression of 1893 was initially sparked by the closure of several ___, causing a domino effect. Answer choices include: railroads, factories, government offices, farms
The Depression of 1893 was initially
sparked by the closure of several ___,
causing a domino effect.
Answer choices include:
railroads, factories, government offices, farms

The correct answer is railroads.
The correct answer is railroads.

In 1894, ____ formed a group of protestors to ask the federal  government to create jobs to alleviate unemployment. Answer choices include: Tiananmen Square, Women Without Bread, Farmers and the Furious, Coxey's Army
In 1894, ____ formed a group of protestors to ask the federal 
government to create jobs to alleviate unemployment.
Answer choices include: Tiananmen Square,
Women Without Bread, Farmers and the Furious, Coxey's Army

The correct answer is Coxey's Army.
The correct answer is Coxey's Army.

Some say The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an allegory of period protests.  What color were Dorothy’s shoes in the book? Answer choices include: gold, ruby, emerald, silver
Some say The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is
an allegory of period protests. 
What color were Dorothy’s shoes in the book?
Answer choices include: gold, ruby, emerald, silver

The correct answer is silver.
The correct answer is silver.

In 1894, ___ led the Pullman Strike after Illinois railroad workers were fired or had their wages reduced, leading to massive evictions. Answer choices include: George Pullman, William Jennings, Bryan, Eugene V. Debs, Jacob Coxey
In 1894, ___ led the Pullman Strike after Illinois
railroad workers were fired or had their
wages reduced, leading to massive evictions.
Answer choices include: George Pullman,
William Jennings, Bryan, Eugene V. Debs, Jacob Coxey

The correct answer is Eugene V. Debs.
The correct answer is Eugene V. Debs.

Which presidential candidate was formally nominated by the Democratic Party, Populist Party, and Silver Republican Party? Answer choices include: William Jennings Bryna, No candidate was nominated by 3 parties, Grover Cleveland, Tom Watson
Which presidential candidate was formally nominated
by the Democratic Party, Populist Party, and Silver Republican Party?
Answer choices include:
William Jennings Bryna,
No candidate was nominated by 3 parties,
Grover Cleveland,
Tom Watson

The correct answer is William Jennings Bryan.
The correct answer is William Jennings Bryan.

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