
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Week 3 World History: People and Ideas on the Move from 2000 B.C. to 250 B.C.

Picture of many people on a boat from
Picture of many people on a boat from

This world history resource focuses on people and ideas on the move from 2000 B.C. to 250 B.C. and includes quiz questions and answers along with video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook. It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

This quiz accompanies Chapter 3: pages 58-85.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

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World History Week 3: People and Ideas on the Move 2000 B.C. to 250 B.C.
World History Week 3: People and Ideas on the Move 2000 B.C. to 250 B.C.

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

Many languages have origins from the Indo-Europeans.  Which of the following does NOT originate  from the Indo-Europeans? Answer choices include: English, Sanskrit, Finnish, Persian, Spanish, German
Many languages have origins from the Indo-Europeans. 
Which of the following does NOT originate  from the Indo-Europeans?
Answer choices include: English, Sanskrit, Finnish, Persian, Spanish, German

The correct answer is Finnish.
The correct answer is Finnish.

When groups of people move from one region to another in order to make a new home, this is called _____. Answer choices include: illusion, pilgrimage, vacation, migration
When groups of people move from one region to another in order to make a new home,
this is called _____. Answer choices include: illusion, pilgrimage, vacation, migration

The correct answer is migration.
The correct answer is migration.

The Hittites were the first to use ___ in weapons of war around 1500 B.C. Answer choices include: bronze, silver, granite, iron
The Hittites were the first to use ___ in weapons of war around 1500 B.C.
Answer choices include: bronze, silver, granite, iron

The correct answer is iron.
The correct answer is iron.

For the Aryons, a _____ membership determined a person’s status, including functions such as employment, what someone could eat, whom a person could marry, with whom a person could associate, and much more. Answer choices include: caste, gang, club, village
For the Aryons, a _____ membership determined
a person’s status, including functions such as employment,
what someone could eat, whom a person could marry,
with whom a person could associate, and much more.
Answer choices include: caste, gang, club, village

The correct answer is caste.
The correct answer is caste.

Hinduism can be traced back to a single founder with a single set of ideas. Answer choices: true, false
Hinduism can be traced back to a single founder with a single set of ideas.
Answer choices: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

The belief that a person’s soul is born again and again until moska or nirvana (perfection) is achieved is called ____. Answer choices include: fatalism, eternal oblivion, ascension, reincarnation
The belief that a person’s soul is born again and again until
moska or nirvana (perfection) is achieved is called ____.
Answer choices include: fatalism, eternal oblivion, ascension, reincarnation

The correct answer is reincarnation.
The correct answer is reincarnation.

Who was the founder of Buddhism  and outlined four noble truths? Answer choices include:  There is no founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi,  the prophet Muhammad
Who was the founder of Buddhism  and outlined four noble truths?
Answer choices include: 
There is no founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi,  the prophet Muhammad

The correct answer is Siddhartha Gautama
The correct answer is Siddhartha Gautama

Buddhist monks and nuns of this time took vows of poverty, non-violence, and did not marry. Answer choices include: true, false
Buddhist monks and nuns of this time took vows of poverty, non-violence, and did not marry.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Hindus eventually identified Buddha as one of the 10 incarnations of the god Vishnu. Answer choices include: true, false
Hindus eventually identified Buddha as one of the 10 incarnations of the god Vishnu.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Via trade routes, ____ became the most prevalent religion of East Asia by 250 B.C.? Answer choices include: Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism
Via trade routes, ____ became the most prevalent religion of East Asia by 250 B.C.?
Answer choices include: Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism

The correct answer is Buddhism.
The correct answer is Buddhism.

According to legend, King Minos of the Minoans owned a creature that was half bull and half human. This creature, called the ___, was locked inside a labyrinth. Answer choices include: satyr, harpy, minotaur, demigod
According to legend, King Minos of the Minoans owned a creature
that was half bull and half human.
This creature, called the ___, was locked inside a labyrinth.
Answer choices include: satyr, harpy, minotaur, demigod

The correct answer is minotaur.
The correct answer is minotaur.

The ___ were the first people of the Mediterranean to sail beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, a journey that would not be recorded again for another 2,000 years. Answer choices include: Aryons, Phoenicians, Israelites, Monoans
The ___ were the first people of the Mediterranean to sail beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, 
a journey that would not be recorded again for another 2,000 years. 
Answer choices include: Aryons, Phoenicians, Israelites, Monoans

The correct answer is Phoenicians.
The correct answer is Phoenicians.

Around 814 B.C., the Phoenicians used a ____ dye from the murex snail that was particularly used to dye the cloth of royal clothing. Answer choices include: Answer choices include: red-purple, brown-black, blue-green, gold-silver
Around 814 B.C., the Phoenicians used a ____ dye from the murex snail
that was particularly used to dye the cloth of royal clothing.
Answer choices include:
Answer choices include: red-purple, brown-black, blue-green, gold-silver

The correct answer is red-purple.
The correct answer is red-purple.

Ancient ____ was an important location because it connected Asia and Africa and was located between  Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia. Answer choices include: Carnage, Canaan, Athens, Rome
Ancient ____ was an important location because it connected Asia and Africa
and was located between  Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia.
Answer choices include: Carnage, Canaan, Athens, Rome

The correct answer is Canaan.
The correct answer is Canaan.

The first five books of the Hebrew bible, called the ____, were considered by those of Jewish faith to be the most sacred writings. Answer choices include: Torah, Quran, Rig Veda, New Testament
The first five books of the Hebrew bible, called the ____, were considered by
those of Jewish faith to be the most sacred writings.
Answer choices include: Torah, Quran, Rig Veda, New Testament

The correct answer is Torah.
The correct answer is Torah.

The ____ festival focuses on a Jewish event known as the Exodus when Israelites fled Egypt between 1300 and 1200 B.C. Answer choices include: Answer choices include: Ramadan, Passover, Easter, Diwali
The ____ festival focuses on a Jewish event known as the Exodus
when Israelites fled Egypt between 1300 and 1200 B.C.
Answer choices include:
Answer choices include: Ramadan, Passover, Easter, Diwali

The correct answer is Passover.
The correct answer is Passover.

According to the Hebrew bible, ____ was one of the most prominent of the judges after the Israelites moved to Canaan. Answer choices include: Abigail, Hannah, Mary, Deborah
According to the Hebrew bible, ____ was one of the
most prominent of the judges after the Israelites moved to Canaan.
Answer choices include: Abigail, Hannah, Mary, Deborah

The correct answer is Deborah.
The correct answer is Deborah.

_____ emphasizes right conduct and the worship of one God. Answer choices include: Jatakas, Ethical Monotheism, Polytheism, Moksha
_____ emphasizes right conduct and the worship of one God.
Answer choices include: Jatakas, Ethical Monotheism, Polytheism, Moksha

The correct answer is ethical monotheism.
The correct answer is ethical monotheism.

From approximately 1020 B.C. to 922 B.C., Israelites united under three kings. Which of the following was NOT one of those kings? Answer choices include: Jesus, Saul, David, Solomon
From approximately 1020 B.C. to 922 B.C., Israelites united under three kings.
Which of the following was NOT one of those kings?
Answer choices include: Jesus, Saul, David, Solomon

The correct answer is Jesus.
The correct answer is Jesus.

A king of Babylonia named ____ ran the Egyptians out of Syria and Judah. Answer choices include: Pontius Pilot, Nebuchadnezzar, John, Saul
A king of Babylonia named ____ ran the Egyptians out of Syria and Judah.
Answer choices include: Pontius Pilot, Nebuchadnezzar, John, Saul

The correct answer is Nebuchadnezzar.
The correct answer is Nebuchadnezzar.

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