
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Week 2 World History: Early River Valley Civilizations 3500 B.C. to 450 B.C.

River Valley Photo by Afraimstichter from
River Valley Photo by Afraimstichter from

This world history resource focuses on early river valley civilizations living between 3500 B.C. and 450 B.C. and includes quiz questions and answers and video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook.

It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

I designed the following quiz with questions and answers to accompany Chapter 2: pages 26-57.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

If you are interested in a group and/or interactive version of this quiz,
log in to Kahoot! and search for Week 2 World History by Katrena.

I utilized the following videos to accompany chapter 2:

Crash Course: Mesopotamia

National Geographic: Ancient Mesopotamia

Hammurabi’s Code Song

National Geographic: Ancient Egypt 101

Virtual Egypt 4K: What did the pyramids look like

How the Rosetta Stone Unlocked Hieroglyphics

Crash Course: Indus Valley Civilization

How did Roman Aqueducts Work?

River Dynasties in China

Ancient Wonder in China Transforms a River

How Chinese Characters Evolved

Crash Course: Mandate of Heaven

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Below are a few of my articles you may find helpful this week:

World History Week 2: Early River Valley Civilizations 3500 B.C. to 450 B.C.
World History Week 2: Early River Valley Civilizations 3500 B.C. to 450 B.C.

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

Why did Sumerians dig ditches? Answer choices include: to provide better defense, to provide improved avenues for trading, to irrigate the fields, all of these
Why did Sumerians dig ditches?
Answer choices include:
to provide better defense, to provide improved avenues for trading, to irrigate the fields, all of these

The correct answer is to irrigate the fields
The correct answer is to irrigate the fields

Priests were responsible for leading their cities into war around 3000 B.C. Answer choices are: true, false
Priests were responsible for leading their cities into war around 3000 B.C.
Answer choices are: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

A series of full-time rulers who passed their power on to their sons, who passed the power on to their own sons, etc. were called a _____. Answer choices include: dynasty, republic, colonial family, democracy
A series of full-time rulers who passed their power on to their sons,
who passed the power on to their own sons, etc. were called a _____.
Answer choices include: dynasty, republic, colonial family, democracy

The correct answer is dynasty.
The correct answer is dynasty.

____ is the belief in more than several gods. Answer choices include: monotheism, polytheism, demonism, dualism
____ is the belief in more than several gods.
Answer choices include: monotheism, polytheism, demonism, dualism

The correct answer is polytheism.
The correct answer is polytheism.

Sumerian women had more legal rights than women in many civilizations of later times. Answer choices include: true, false
Sumerian women had more legal rights than women in many civilizations of later times.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

The Sumerians developed all of the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: a number system based on the number 60, structural designs such as arches, columns, & ramps, consultation of the gods through oracle bones, a system of writing called cuneiform
The Sumerians developed all of the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include: a number system based on the number 60,
structural designs such as arches, columns, & ramps,
consultation of the gods through oracle bones, a system of writing called cuneiform

The correct answer is consultation of the gods through oracle bones.
The correct answer is consultation of the gods through oracle bones.

Who created the world’s first empire by taking control of northern and southern Mesopotamia? Answer choices include: Hammurabi, Herodotus, Scorpion, Sargon
Who created the world’s first empire by taking control of
northern and southern Mesopotamia?
Answer choices include: Hammurabi, Herodotus, Scorpion, Sargon

The correct answer is Sargon.
The correct answer is Sargon.

For what is Hammurabi known? Answer choices include: He was the first to try crop rotation, He developed the practice of mummification, He created a uniform code of laws for his empire, He began to make & distribute the world’s first coins
For what is Hammurabi known?
Answer choices include:
He was the first to try crop rotation,
He developed the practice of mummification,
He created a uniform code of laws for his empire,
He began to make & distribute the world’s first coins

The correct answer is He created a uniform code of laws for his empire.
The correct answer is He created a uniform code of laws for his empire.

The ____ River, the world’s longest river, is over 4100 miles long, flows northward through Africa, & was worshipped by many Egyptians. Answer choices include: Tigris, Nile, Yellow, Amazon
The ____ River, the world’s longest river, is over 4100 miles long,
flows northward through Africa, & was worshipped by many Egyptians.
Answer choices include: Tigris, Nile, Yellow, Amazon

The correct answer is Nile.
The correct answer is Nile.

Around 3000 B.C., Egyptians believed their kings, called ____, were gods and were responsible for the kingdom’s well-being. Answer choices include: pharaohs, prime ministers, admirals, presidents
Around 3000 B.C., Egyptians believed their kings, called ____,
were gods and were responsible for the kingdom’s well-being.
Answer choices include: pharaohs, prime ministers, admirals, presidents

The correct answer is pharaohs.
The correct answer is pharaohs.

In 1799, French soldiers found the ____, which was a polished black stone inscribed with a message in three languages. Answer choices include: Nag Hammadi, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rosetta Stone, Blizzard Stone
In 1799, French soldiers found the ____, which was a polished black stone
inscribed with a message in three languages.
Answer choices include:
Nag Hammadi, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rosetta Stone, Blizzard Stone

The correct answer is Rosetta Stone.
The correct answer is Rosetta Stone.

Egyptians invented a writing surface using ____ that was a precursor to our paper today. Answer choices include: slate, papyrus, mica, silt
Egyptians invented a writing surface using ____ that was
a precursor to our paper today.
Answer choices include: slate, papyrus, mica, silt

The correct answer is papyrus.
The correct answer is papyrus.

Cycles of wet and dry seasons in the Indian subcontinent are controlled by unpredictable seasonal winds called _____. Answer choices include: monsoons, tornadoes, hurricanes, haboobs
Cycles of wet and dry seasons in the Indian subcontinent
are controlled by unpredictable seasonal winds called _____.
Answer choices include: monsoons, tornadoes, hurricanes, haboobs

The correct answer is monsoons.
The correct answer is monsoons.

Indus cities built around 2500 B.C. were laid out in an erratic fashion. Answer choices include: true, false
Indus cities built around 2500 B.C. were laid out in an erratic fashion.
 Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Which language has NOT been deciphered? Answer choices include: Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, Sanskrit, Harappan
Which language has NOT been deciphered?
Answer choices include: Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, Sanskrit, Harappan

The correct answer is Harappan.
The correct answer is Harappan.

Movement of tectonic plates around 1750 B.C.  likely led to: Answer choices include: destruction of some cities, difficult or impossible trading along the Indus River, decrease in food production, all of these
Movement of tectonic plates around 1750 B.C.  likely led to:
Answer choices include:
destruction of some cities,
difficult or impossible trading along the Indus River,
decrease in food production,
all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

China’s Huang He (Yellow River) deposits silt that is fertile soil with a yellow hue known as _____. Answer choices include: loam, loess, chalk, peat
China’s Huang He (Yellow River) deposits silt that is fertile soil
with a yellow hue known as _____.
Answer choices include: loam, loess, chalk, peat

The correct answer is loess.
The correct answer is loess.

The _____ Dynasty was the first Chinese civilization to leave written records. Answer choices include: Zhou, Tang, Shang, Xia
The _____ Dynasty was the first Chinese civilization to leave written records.
 Answer choices include: Zhou, Tang, Shang, Xia

The correct answer is Shang.
The correct answer is Shang.

In the Shang Dynasty, what was  the most important virtue? Answer choices include: respect for one’s family, allegiance to one’s government, worship of the Huang He, pursuit of one’s education, love of one's self
In the Shang Dynasty, what was  the most important virtue?
Answer choices include:
respect for one’s family,
allegiance to one’s government,
worship of the Huang He,
pursuit of one’s education,
love of one's self

The correct answer is respect for one's family.
The correct answer is respect for one's family.

____ is a political system in which nobles use the king’s land while providing military service and protection for people living on their estates. Answer choices include: Tyranny, Feudalism, Oligarchy, Monarchy
____ is a political system in which nobles use the king’s land
while providing military service and protection for people living on their estates.
Answer choices include: Tyranny, Feudalism, Oligarchy, Monarchy

The correct answer is Feudalism.
The correct answer is Feudalism.

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