
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Famous New Year's Eve Celebrations Around the World Trivia Game

This trivia game features 15 New Year's Eve celebrations around the world. As I was researching these celebrations, I thought many of them were quite interesting and unique. With the advent of social media, I have had the opportunity to "meet" people from around the globe. I hope that you will enjoy the game - feel free to post your own New Year's Eve celebrations in the comment section at the bottom of this article.


  1. Click on the first image to enlarge.
  2. Click on the slide or thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to advance to the next slide.

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Thanks for visiting Student Survive 2 Thrive. I hope you find my trivia games to be engaging and educational!

New Year's Eve Celebrations Around the World Trivia Game

Katrena's New Year Trivia Game

Swallow 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight

New Year Celebration in Madrid, Spain

Watch fireworks above Cinderella's castle

Famous New Year celebration in Walt Disney World, Florida

Gather in front of Big Ben

New Year celebration in London, England

Eat buckwheat noodles to ensure health and happiness

New Year celebration in Tokyo, Japan

Watch an 8-foot Fleur-de-lis descend

New Year celebration in New Orleans, LA

Throw flowers into the sea for New Year

New Year celebration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Fireworks burst from the Eiffel Tower

New Year celebration in Paris, France

Watch the Peach Drop

New Year celebration in Atlanta, GA

Watch the light show in Nejmeh Square

New Year celebration in Beirut, Lebanon

Watch the ball drop at Times Square

New Year celebration in New York City, New York

See fireworks near the Opera House

New Year celebration in Sydney, Australia

Skiers and snowboarders ride an illuminated train

New Year celebration in Vail, CO

Watch the Cowboy Boot Drop

New Year celebration in Prescott, AZ

See troupes in full Viking regalia

New year celebration in Edinburgh, Scotland

Eat figs wrapped in laurel leaves

New Year celebration in Naples, Italy

Student Survive 2 Thrive New Year Trivia Game

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Christmas Story Trivia Game

The events surrounding Jesus' birth are mentioned in the gospels of Matthew and Luke in the Holy Bible. This trivia game features 15 questions related to the biblical account of the Christmas story. May each of us find a special way to welcome the Messiah in our hearts and homes this Christmas season!


  1. Click on the first graphic to enlarge.
  2. Click on the slide or thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to advance to the next slide.

Additional Articles

Thanks for visiting my Student Survive 2 Thrive blog and I hope you have a Christmas season filled with hope, peace, joy, and love.
Christmas Story Trivia Game

Katrena's Christmas Trivia Game

Angel that announced that Mary would give birth to the Messiah

Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah

To whom was Mary engaged?

Mary was engaged to Joseph

To what lineage did Joseph belong?

Joseph belonged to the lineage of David

Who sent out a decree that all the world should be taxed?

Cassar Augustus sent out a decree that all the world should be taxed

What unborn baby leapt in the womb when Mary visited Elisabeth?

John leapt in the womb when Mary visited Elisabeth

To what town did Joseph and Mary travel in order to be counted in the census?

Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem in order to be counted in the census

Whom did a host of angels surprise with good news of great joy?

A host of angels surprised the shepherds with good news of great joy

In what did Mary place the baby?

Mary placed the baby in a manger

What did Joseph name the holy baby?

Joseph named the holy baby Jesus

Who told Mary that a sword would pierce her soul?

Simeon told Mary that a sword would pierce her soul

Who summoned the Wise Men to inquire about Jesus

Herod summoned the Wise Men to inquire about Jesus

What did the Wise Men use to guide them to Jesus?

The Wise Men used a star to guide them to Jesus

The Wise Men brought gifts of gold, _____, and myrrh.

The Wise Men brought three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh

How were the Wise Men warned not to return to Herod?

The Wise Men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod

Mary and Joseph left for ____ in the night and lived there until Herod's death

Mary and Joseph left for Egypt in the night and lived there until Herod's death

Student Survive 2 Thrive trivia games