
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Week 5 U.S. History: Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests 1763-1774


Ship in Boston Harbor Photo by Rick_008 at
Ship in Boston Harbor Photo by Rick_008 at 

U.S. History Chapter 5

Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests, 1763-1774

I designed a quiz related to chapter 5 at the bottom of this article.

Directions for the quiz:

  1. Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 5 Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests 1763-1774
U.S. History Week 5 Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests 1763-1774 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

After the French and Indian War, in which direction did many settlers move in order to secure land? Answer choices include: north, south, east, west
After the French and Indian War, in which direction did
many settlers move in order to secure land?
Answer choices include: north, south, east, west

The correct answer is west.
The correct answer is west.

A Native American spiritual leader, ___, united many native villages by encouraging expelling Europeans. Answer choices include: Neolin, Lozen, Blackfish, Shellowee
A Native American spiritual leader, ___, united many native villages
by encouraging expelling Europeans.
Answer choices include:
Neolin, Lozen, Blackfish, Shellowee

The correct answer is Neolin.
The correct answer is Neolin.

Pontiac’s Rebellion and the Paxton Boys exemplify people who think that people of certain other cultures should be eradicated. Answer choices include: true, false
Pontiac’s Rebellion and the Paxton Boys exemplify people
who think that people of certain other cultures should be eradicated.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

The ___ Act required colonists to pay British merchants in silver & gold rather than their paper currency. Answer choices include: Sugar, Stamp, Civilian, Currency
The ___ Act required colonists to pay British merchants
in silver & gold rather than their paper currency.
Answer choices include: Sugar, Stamp, Civilian, Currency

The correct answer is Currency.
The correct answer is Currency.

The colonists were wary of the Sugar Act because it took away their right to ___. Answer choices include: vote, a jury trial, bear arms, life
The colonists were wary of the Sugar Act
because it took away their right to ___.
Answer choices include:
vote, a jury trial, bear arms, life

The correct answer is a jury trial.
The correct answer is a jury trial.

The Stamp Act would add a tax for using ___. Answer choices include: newspapers, playing cards, legal documents, all of these
The Stamp Act would add a tax for using ___.
Answer choices include: newspapers, playing cards,
legal documents, all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

The colonists’ first official protest was  “No taxation without ____.” Answer choices include: good reason, fluctuation, representation, payback
The colonists’ first official protest was 
“No taxation without ____.”
Answer choices include: good reason, fluctuation,
representation, payback

The correct answer is representation.
The correct answer is representation.

The ___ Act required colonists to provide British troops with lodging & food if needed. Answer choices include: Stamp, North American, Quartering, Quickening
The ___ Act required colonists to provide
British troops with lodging & food if needed.
Answer choices include:
Stamp, North American, Quartering, Quickening

The correct answer is Quartering.
The correct answer is Quartering.

How did the Daughters of Liberty protest the Stamp Act? Answer choices include: They boycotted British goods. They shot British soldiers. They made fake stamps. All of these.
How did the Daughters of Liberty protest the Stamp Act?
Answer choices include:
They boycotted British goods.
They shot British soldiers.
They made fake stamps.
All of these.

The correct answer is: They boycotted British goods.
The correct answer is: They boycotted British goods.

The Revenue Act granted British customs ___, a type of search warrant to check for contraband on ships. Answer choices include: a cat's paw, a macaroni hat, writs of assistance, acquittals
The Revenue Act granted British customs ___, a type of
search warrant to check for contraband on ships.
Answer choices include:
a cat's paw, a macaroni hat, writs of assistance, acquittals

The correct answer is writs of assistance.
The correct answer is writs of assistance.

Who wrote  “Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer?” Answer choices include: John Dickinson, John Adams, Samuel Johnson, Jane Austen
Who wrote  “Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer?”
Answer choices include:
John Dickinson, John Adams, Samuel Johnson, Jane Austen

The correct answer is John Dickinson.
The correct answer is John Dickinson.

How did the other colonies respond after Lord Hillsborough demanded retraction of the Massachusetts Circular? Answer choices include: They stayed neutral. They split their allegiance. They immediately sided with the Throne. They eventually sided with Massachusetts.
How did the other colonies respond after Lord Hillsborough
demanded retraction of the Massachusetts Circular?
Answer choices include:
They stayed neutral.
They split their allegiance.
They immediately sided with the Throne.
They eventually sided with Massachusetts.

The correct answer is: They eventually sided with Massachusetts.
The correct answer is: They eventually sided with Massachusetts.

In 1768, Lord Hillsborough sent ___ British troops to Boston. Answer choices include: 400, 1400, 4000, or 41,000
In 1768, Lord Hillsborough sent ___ British troops to Boston.
Answer choices include: 400, 1400, 4000, or 41,000

The correct answer is 4,000.
The correct answer is 4,000.

Who was the first person killed in the Boston Massacre? Answer choices include: Paul Revere, Crispus Attucks, John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton
Who was the first person killed in the Boston Massacre?
Answer choices include:
Paul Revere, Crispus Attucks,
John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton

The correct answer is Crispus Attucks.
The correct answer is Crispus Attucks.

Who represented the British soldiers at their murder trial after the Boston Massacre? Answer choices include: John Hancock, Samuel Atwood, John Adams, Henry Helham
Who represented the British soldiers at
their murder trial after the Boston Massacre?
Answer choices include: John Hancock, Samuel Atwood,
John Adams, Henry Helham

The correct answer is John Adams.
The correct answer is John Adams.

Lord North convinced Congress to repeal all Townshend duties except the tax on ___. Answer choices include: cloth, tea, coffee, guns
Lord North convinced Congress to repeal
all Townshend duties except the tax on ___.
Answer choices include: cloth, tea, coffee, guns

The correct answer is tea.
The correct answer is tea.

In 1773, what did townspeople do  in Boston Harbor? Answer choices include: They poured tea into the water. They fired cannons at British ships. They celebrated with dancing & music. They drowned in a huge storm.
In 1773, what did townspeople do  in Boston Harbor?
Answer choices include:
They poured tea into the water.
They fired cannons at British ships.
They celebrated with dancing & music.
They drowned in a huge storm.

The correct answer is: They poured tea into the water.
The correct answer is: They poured tea into the water.

American Patriots began calling the Coercive Acts & Quebec Act The ____ Acts. Answer choices include: Inflammatory, Impossible, Intolerable, Ignorant
American Patriots began calling the
Coercive Acts & Quebec Act The ____ Acts.
Answer choices include:
Inflammatory, Impossible, Intolerable, Ignorant

The correct answer is Intolerable.
The correct answer is Intolerable.

The First Continental Congress had representatives from each of the 13 colonies except ____. Answer choices include: Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, Virginia
The First Continental Congress had representatives
from each of the 13 colonies except ____.
Answer choices include:
Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, Virginia

The correct answer is Georgia.
The correct answer is Georgia.

The Continental Association enforced bans on ___. Answer choices include: horseraces & cockfights, elaborate funerals, the theater, all of these
The Continental Association enforced bans on ___.
Answer choices include: horseraces & cockfights,
elaborate funerals, the theater, all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

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