
Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 4 U.S. History: Rule the Brittania! The English Empire 1660-1763

British Flag photo by RGY23 at
British Flag photo by RGY23 at 

U.S. History Chapter 4

Rule the Brittania! The English Empire, 1660-1763

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  1. Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  2. Choose an answer for each question.
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 4 Rule the Brittania! The English Empire 1660-1763
U.S. History Week 4 Rule the Brittania! The English Empire 1660-1763 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

Who became King of England in 1660, starting the Restoration & ending a decade without a king? Answer choices include: William IV, Edward VI, George VIII, Charles II
Who became King of England in 1660, starting the Restoration
& ending a decade without a king?
Answer choices include:
William IV, Edward VI, George VIII, Charles II

The correct answer is Charles II.
The correct answer is Charles II.

What was/were the primary export/s of North Carolina and Virginia in the 1700s? Answer choices include: rice & indigo, turpentine & tar, tobacco, sugar
What was/were the primary export/s of North Carolina
and Virginia in the 1700s?
Answer choices include:
rice & indigo, turpentine & tar, tobacco, sugar

The correct answer is tobacco.
The correct answer is tobacco.

The ___ War began after the English expanded fields & took Native women as debt payment. Answer choices include: French & Indian, Apache, Yamasee, Cherokee
The ___ War began after the English expanded fields
& took Native women as debt payment.
Answer choices include:
French & Indian, Apache, Yamasee, Cherokee

The correct answer is Yamasee.
The correct answer is Yamasee.

In the late 1600s, which region was associated with religious tolerance, fair relations with Natives, & indentured servitude? Answer choices include: New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina
In the late 1600s, which region was
associated with religious tolerance,
fair relations with Natives, & indentured servitude?
Answer choices include:
New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina

The correct answer is Pennsylvania.
The correct answer is Pennsylvania.

In the 1600s, the ___ added restrictions & taxes to benefit British mercantilism. Answer choices include: Navigation Acts, Mercantile Reformation, Crusades, Treaty with the Delawares
In the 1600s, the ___ added restrictions & taxes
to benefit British mercantilism.
Answer choices include:
Navigation Acts, Mercantile Reformation,
Crusades, Treaty with the Delawares

The correct answer is Navigation Acts.
The correct answer is Navigation Acts.

In 1688, the Whigs succeeded in overthrowing James II, called the ___. Answer choices include: Dominion of New England, Great Awakening, Emancipation Proclamation, Glorious Revolution
In 1688, the Whigs succeeded in
overthrowing James II, called the ___.
Answer choices include:
Dominion of New England, Great Awakening,
Emancipation Proclamation, Glorious Revolution

The correct answer is Glorious Revolution.
The correct answer is Glorious Revolution.

Certain rights were established, such as the requirement to demonstrate cause of imprisonment, called ___. Answer choices include: esse quam videri, habeas corpus, vita patris, prima facie
Certain rights were established, such as the requirement
to demonstrate cause of imprisonment, called ___.
Answer choices include:
esse quam videri, habeas corpus, vita patris, prima facie

The correct answer is habeas corpus.
The correct answer is habeas corpus.

Who returned to England after exile in Holland and advocated for government to protect “life, liberty, & property?” Answer choices include: Sir Edmund Andros, William & Mary, John Locke, Jacob Leisler
Who returned to England after exile in Holland and
advocated for government to protect “life, liberty, & property?”
Answer choices include:
Sir Edmund Andros, William & Mary, John Locke, Jacob Leisler

The correct answer is John Locke.
The correct answer is John Locke.

The English Toleration Act of 1689 permitted greater ____. Answer choices include: women's rights, religious diversity, freedom of slaves, respect of native people
The English Toleration Act of 1689 permitted greater ____.
Answer choices include:
women's rights, religious diversity,
freedom of slaves, respect of native people

The correct answer is religious diversity.
The correct answer is religious diversity.

How many Africans were enslaved by the Royal African company between 1672 & 1713? Answer choices include: 15,000; 50,000; 100,000; 125,000
How many Africans were enslaved by the Royal African
company between 1672 & 1713?
Answer choices include: 15,000; 50,000; 100,000; 125,000

The correct answer is 125,000.
The correct answer is 125,000.

In 1739, ___ led the Stono Rebellion in which a large group of enslaved people rebelled. Answer choices include: Jemmy, Kauchee, Bet, Sena
In 1739, ___ led the Stono Rebellion in which a
large group of enslaved people rebelled.
Answer choices include: Jemmy, Kauchee, Bet, Sena

The correct answer is Jemmy.
The correct answer is Jemmy.

South Carolina’s Negro Act of 1740 prevented people of color from ___. Answer choices include: growing their own food, assembling & traveling freely, learning to write, all of these
South Carolina’s Negro Act of 1740 prevented
people of color from ___.
Answer choices include:
growing their own food,
assembling & traveling freely,
learning to write,
all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741 exemplifies how white hysteria sparked violence among enslaved populations. Answer choices include: true, false
The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741 exemplifies
how white hysteria sparked violence among enslaved populations.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

___, such as as Robinson Crusoe, first appeared in the 17th century. Answer choices include: Essays, Mysteries, Novels, Epic poems
___, such as as Robinson Crusoe, first appeared in the 17th century.
Answer choices include: Essays, Mysteries, Novels, Epic poems

The correct answer is Novels.
The correct answer is Novels.

Who was NOT a New Light who spread evangelical messages in the First Great Awakening? Answer choices include: Theodorus Frelinghuysen, George Whitefield, John Calvin, James Davenport
Who was NOT a New Light who spread evangelical
messages in the First Great Awakening?
Answer choices include:
Theodorus Frelinghuysen, George Whitefield,
John Calvin, James Davenport

The correct answer is John Calvin.
The correct answer is John Calvin.

The idea that knowledge comes from worldly experiences & observations is called ___. Answer choices include: empiricism, progressivism, cosmopolitanism, rationalism
The idea that knowledge comes from worldly
experiences & observations is called ___.
Answer choices include:
empiricism, progressivism, cosmopolitanism, rationalism

The correct answer is empiricism.
The correct answer is empiricism.

Who was a Freemason who utilized Enlightenment principles to study how to protect wooden homes from fires? Answer choices include: Jonathan Edwards, William Byrd, James Oglethorpe, Benjamin Franklin
Who was a Freemason who utilized Enlightenment principles
to study how to protect wooden homes from fires?
Answer choices include: Jonathan Edwards, William Byrd,
James Oglethorpe, Benjamin Franklin

The correct answer is Benjamin Franklin.
The correct answer is Benjamin Franklin.

What was the only government-funded colonial project? Answer choices include: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
What was the only government-funded colonial project?
Answer choices include: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida

The correct answer is Georgia.
The correct answer is Georgia.

The Oglethorpe Plan for Georgia envisioned a utopia with a ban on ____. Answer choices include: alcohol & slavery, segregation & religion, Natives & Migrants, tobacco & taxes
The Oglethorpe Plan for Georgia envisioned a utopia with a ban on ____.
Answer choices include:
alcohol & slavery, segregation & religion,
Natives & Migrants, tobacco & taxes

The correct answer is alcohol & slavery.
The correct answer is alcohol & slavery.

A popular Parliament member, ___, helped turn the tide of the French and Indian War in favor of Britain. Answer choices include: George Washington, William Pitt, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, Robert Rogers
A popular Parliament member, ___, helped turn the tide
of the French and Indian War in favor of Britain.
Answer choices include:
George Washington, William Pitt,
Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, Robert Rogers

The correct answer is William Pitt.
The correct answer is William Pitt.

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