
Monday, June 12, 2023

Week 22 Visual Arts: Marble Art and Diffusing Colors


Week 22 Marble Art and Diffusing Colors Photo by didssph at
Week 22 Marble Art and Diffusing Colors Photo by didssph at

Week 22

This week we will be exploring marble art and diffusing colors!

Learn About the Topic

Review the following informational resources:


Designer Can Marbel Any Fabric


Write a paragraph detailing:

  • What you learned or relearned from the above resources
  • Why this topic is important for us today
  • Information you found interesting or thought-provoking

Create your own artwork

Review the following information to gather ideas for creating your own art piece:

Painting with a Marble

Marbelized Paper

Roley Bowls

Color Diffusing Paper Flowers

Artwork Assignment Option #1

Create your own art piece using a marble.

Artwork Assignment Option #2

Create your own paper flowers with diffused color.

Artwork Assignment Option #3

Create your own marbelized fabric - check with an adult before attempting this.

Include your art piece(s) in your digital art portfolio.

Going further with research

Research two artists of your choice, one from the past and one current.

Add them to your weekly artist research project.

Additional Information

Visual arts assignment may align well with other topics,
such as world history, ELA, health, etc. 

Consider virtually visiting the Rio Art Museum this week.

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Here are a few articles you may find helpful:

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