
Monday, May 22, 2023

Week 6 World History: Ancient Rome and Early Christianity 500 B.C. to A.D. 500


Colosseum Photo by Martieda at
Colosseum Photo by Martieda at

This world history resource focuses on ancient Rome and early Christianity from 500 B.C. to A.D. 500 and includes quiz questions and answers and video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook. It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

This quiz accompanies Chapter 6: pages 152-185.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

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World History Week 6 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity 500 B.C. to A.D. 500
World History Week 6 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity 500 B.C. to A.D. 500

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

Which Italian city was built on seven hills by the Tiber River? Answer choices include: Alexandria, Constantinople, Beijing, Rome
Which Italian city was built on seven hills by the Tiber River? Answer choices include: Alexandria, Constantinople, Beijing, Rome

The correct answer is Rome.
The correct answer is Rome.

Rome’s original law code was written on ___ & served as a pivotal plebeian victory. Answer choices include: 12 tablets, 12 scrolls, 12 cave walls, 12 papyrus parchments
Rome’s original law code was written on ___ & served as a pivotal plebeian victory. Answer choices include: 12 tablets, 12 scrolls, 12 cave walls, 12 papyrus parchments

The correct answer is 12 tablets.
The correct answer is 12 tablets.

Roman citizens who owned land were required to ____. Answer choices include: give 60% of their yield to the government, serve in the army, provide shelter for nomadic people, burn their field if they saw enemy troops
Roman citizens who owned land were required to ____. Answer choices include: give 60% of their yield to the government, serve in the army, provide shelter for nomadic people, burn their field if they saw enemy troops

The correct answer is serve in the army.
The correct answer is serve in the army.

Who was the 29-year-old general from Carthage who led an attack on Rome through the Alps in 218 B.C.? Answer choices include: Gaius Claudius Nero, Julius Caesar, Agasius, Hannibal Barca
Who was the 29-year-old general from Carthage who led an attack on Rome through the Alps in 218 B.C.? Answer choices include: Gaius Claudius Nero, Julius Caesar, Agasius, Hannibal Barca

The correct answer is Hannibal Barca.
The correct answer is Hannibal Barca.

Two brothers, ___ and ___, advocated for the poor in the Roman Empire. Answer choices include: Tiberius/Gaius, Jacob/Esau, William/Jacob, Atlas/Prometheus
Two brothers, ___ and ___, advocated for the poor in the Roman Empire. Answer choices include: Tiberius/Gaius, Jacob/Esau, William/Jacob, Atlas/Prometheus

The correct answer is Tiberius/Gaius.
The correct answer is Tiberius/Gaius.

Which of the following was NOT part of the first Roman Empire’s triumvirate that formed around 59 B.C.? Answer choices include: Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cassius, Pompey
Which of the following was NOT part of the first Roman Empire’s triumvirate that formed around 59 B.C.? Answer choices include: Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cassius, Pompey

The correct answer is Mark Antony.
The correct answer is Mark Antony.

Augustus paid workers called ___ to manage governmental affairs. Answer choices include: senators, emperors, the civil service, representatives
Augustus paid workers called ___ to manage governmental affairs. Answer choices include: senators, emperors, the civil service, representatives

The correct answer is the civil service.
The correct answer is the civil service.

Approximately __% of people living in the Roman Empire were involved with farming. Answer choices include: 9, 19, 39, 90
Approximately __% of people living in the Roman Empire were involved with farming. Answer choices include: 9, 19, 39, 90

The correct answer is 90.
The correct answer is 90.

Approximately ___ of the Roman Empire population were enslaved people. Answer choices include: 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4
Approximately ___ of the Roman Empire population were enslaved people. Answer choices include: 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4

The correct answer is 1/3.
The correct answer is 1/3.

During the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire, ____ began to emerge. Answer choices include Islam, Daoism, Buddhism, Christianity
During the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire, ____ began to emerge. Answer choices include Islam, Daoism, Buddhism, Christianity

The correct answer is Christianity.
The correct answer is Christianity.

Jesus was ___ years old when he began his public ministry through preaching, teaching, doing good works, and performing miracles. Answer choices include 13, 30, 43, 52
Jesus was ___ years old when he began his public ministry through preaching, teaching, doing good works, and performing miracles. Answer choices include 13, 30, 43, 52

The correct answer is 30.
The correct answer is 30.

After the fall of Jerusalem & destruction of their temple, the ___ began in which the Jews fled to many different parts of the world. Answer choices include Crusades, Holocaust, Exodus, Diaspora
After the fall of Jerusalem & destruction of their temple, the ___ began in which the Jews fled to many different parts of the world. Answer choices include Crusades, Holocaust, Exodus, Diaspora

The correct answer is Diaspora.
The correct answer is Diaspora.

Which Roman Emperor made Christianity the Empire’s official religion? Answer choices include Theorosius, Constantine, Pontius Pilate, Caesar Augustus
Which Roman Emperor made Christianity the Empire’s official religion? Answer choices include Theorosius, Constantine, Pontius Pilate, Caesar Augustus

The correct answer is Theodosius.
The correct answer is Theodosius.

Constantine called church leaders together in A.D. 325 to write the ____ that defined basic Christian beliefs. Answer choices include the Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed, Chalcedonian Creed, The Lord's Prayer
Constantine called church leaders together in A.D. 325 to write the ____ that defined basic Christian beliefs. Answer choices include the Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed, Chalcedonian Creed, The Lord's Prayer

The correct answer is Nicene Creed.
The correct answer is Nicene Creed.

In the third century A.D., the Roman Empire experienced a drastic drop in the value of money combined with increasing prices, called ____. Answer choices include inflation, deflation, stagflation, assassination
In the third century A.D., the Roman Empire experienced a drastic drop in the value of money combined with increasing prices, called ____. Answer choices include inflation, deflation, stagflation, assassination

The correct answer is inflation.
The correct answer is inflation.

In A.D. 330, the reigning ruler moved the Roman Empire’s capital from Rome to Byzantium, which was later called ____. Answer choices include Constantinople, Cologne, Pompeii, Alexandria
In A.D. 330, the reigning ruler moved the Roman Empire’s capital from Rome to Byzantium, which was later called ____. Answer choices include Constantinople, Cologne, Pompeii, Alexandria

The correct answer is Constantinople.
The correct answer is Constantinople.

The Huns invaded the Roman Empire with 100,000 soldiers under the leadership of ___. Answer choices include Pompey, Marco Polo, Han Xin, Atilla
The Huns invaded the Roman Empire with 100,000 soldiers under the leadership of ___. Answer choices include Pompey, Marco Polo, Han Xin, Atilla

The correct answer is Atilla.
The correct answer is Atilla.

What happened in A.D. 79 to destroy Pompeii? Answer choices include: The Huns burned the city to the ground. Mt. Vesuvius erupted & covered it with ash. The sea flooded the city. An earthquake destroyed the city.
What happened in A.D. 79 to destroy Pompeii? Answer choices include: The Huns burned the city to the ground. Mt. Vesuvius erupted & covered it with ash. The sea flooded the city. An earthquake destroyed the city.

The correct answer is: Mt. Vesuvius erupted & covered it with ash.
The correct answer is: Mt. Vesuvius erupted & covered it with ash.

____ was the language of the Romans and the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Answer choices include Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew
____ was the language of the Romans and the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Answer choices include Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew

The correct answer is Latin.
The correct answer is Latin.

Which of the following was NOT a principal of Roman law? Answer choices include: All citizens had the right to equal treatment. A person was considered guilty until proven innocent. The burden of proof rested with the accuser. A person should be punished for actions & not thoughts.
Which of the following was NOT a principal of Roman law? Answer choices include: All citizens had the right to equal treatment. A person was considered guilty until proven innocent. The burden of proof rested with the accuser. A person should be punished for actions & not thoughts.

The correct answer is: A person was considered guilty until proven innocent.
The correct answer is: A person was considered guilty until proven innocent.

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