
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Death and Dying Cultural Beliefs and Influences

Cultures often have specific beliefs and rituals related to the death and dying experience. This practice test is designed to help give insight into some traditional norms for various cultures; however, it is important not to assume or stereotype people and to understand that each person within a culture is a unique individual and may or may not subscribe to those practices and beliefs. Having some knowledge of cultural norms may help one to understand why people of various cultures may request certain items or act in ways that might seem unusual or unfamiliar to someone of a different culture.

After each example, the correct answer is highlighted on the next slide.

If you are interested in learning more about cultural habits and healthcare, I highly recommend Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach by Larry D. Purnell. Much of the information in this practice test was based on information from this book.


  1. Click on the first graphic below to enlarge.
  2. Click on the graphic or the thumbnail to advance to the next slide.

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Cultural Influences Related to Death and Dying

Free Healthcare and Nursing Practice

Culture with simple funeral

Amish cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture that participates in veye and prieye

Haitian cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture that has a big send-off after someone dies

African American cultural practices related to death and dying

Oldest son holds a cane to symbolize need for support after death of a parent

Korean cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture that practices Shiva after someone dies

Jewish cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where oldest son performs funeral rites of his father

Hindu cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where white flowers are a symbol of death

Japanese cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where dying person's bed is turned to face Mecca

Arab cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where elaborate meals are often provided by community after someone dies

Appalachian cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where stones are put on graves instead of flowers

Russian cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where people remember loved ones who died on All Souls' Day

Filipino cultural practices related to death and dying

Culture where people wear a black armband and white headband after someone dies

Chinese cultural practices related to death and dying

Free Nursing Practice Test on Student Survive 2 Thrive

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