
Friday, October 30, 2015

Orange and Yellow Foods Interactive Game

Orange and Yellow Fruits and Veggies Interactive Educational Game
This orange and yellow fruits and vegetables food game can be played alone or in combination with the others in this series featuring various fruits and vegetables of like colors (see links below). I have included quite a few varieties of the game depending on ages and abilities of the players. Several of these foods look similar to other foods, so you might get some lively discussion from the group regarding other foods that share the same colors.

  • 3 pieces orange paper, cut in half
  • 3 pieces yellow paper, cut into 6 large circles with smiley faces drawn on them (may omit if you already have them from other colored food game)
  • printed orange/yellow food info sheet below
  • printed food labels below - staple one label to each 1/2 sheet of orange paper
  • *printed pictures of the orange/yellow foods below - staple one food picture to each 1/2 sheet of orange paper (sorry about the tiny rutabaga photo - it was the only one I could find free to use that didn't have other foods mixed in)
  • timer
  • stapler
  • printer
How to play
  1. Place the pictures of the orange and yellow foods on a table at the far side of a room.
  2. Have participants line up at the opposite end of the room.
  3. Hand all labels to the first player in line.
  4. Give that player 30 seconds to place a matching label under each food picture.
  5. That player returns to the back of the line when time is up.
  6. Place a smiley face above each correctly labeled food.
  7. Give the next player 30 seconds to correct labels that don't have a smiley face.
  8. That player returns to the back of the line when time is up.
  9. Repeat #6-8 until all foods are correctly labeled.
  10. Have the entire group gather around the table and talk about the various orange and yellow foods using the food descriptions page as a guide, asking which foods they may have personally eaten and which ones they might like to try. See if they can name other orange/yellow fruits or vegetables.
  • *Instead of using pictures of the orange/yellow foods, provide real life examples of each.
  • If you are short on time, have players write down the names of each orange/yellow food on separate small pieces of paper. Show each orange or yellow food pictured below on a screen that everyone can see and have players hold up the name they think matches each food, giving 1 point for each correct match. Talk about each food before moving to the next.
  • Print two sets of orange or yellow food pictures and place them face down in random order. Have a player turn two right side up to see if they have a match. Repeat until all are matched, rotating players if applicable. Once all orange and yellow foods are matched, talk about the foods using the food descriptions page and their thoughts about the foods.
  • Talk about each orange or yellow food and identify the name of each first, encouraging interactive conversation. Print two sets of food pictures and labels and place one set of pictures and labels down in random order and have a player turn two right side up to see if they match the picture with the correct label, rotating players if applicable. Repeat until all are matched.
  • Provide a snack utilizing some of the orange and yellow foods featured in the game. This one might be particularly well suited to playing in November before Thanksgiving.
Additional articles in this series
Many thanks to the photographers who were willing to share their photos for free. I have included their name and a URL to each page where I found the photos. Thanks for visiting my Student Survive 2 Thrive blog and I hope you find these resources to be helpful!

Orange and Yellow Foods Info

Apricots - Photo by MaxStraeten

Butternut Squash - Photo by MaxStraeten

Mango - Photo by szafirek

Apricots - Photo by MaxStraeten

Rutabaga - Photo by CDC

Sweet Potato - Photo by szafirek

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