
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Free Nursing Practice Test: Verbal or Nonverbal Communication

This free nursing practice test provides examples of verbal and nonverbal communication. Those who work in healthcare must be observant for and aware of both verbal and nonverbal cues in oneself, one's coworkers, and the recipient of care.

When a person's verbal and nonverbal communication does not match, the nonverbal cues often "speak" louder. For example, if someone says "Good morning" but has a sarcastic look on his face, one would tend to pay more attention to the gestures rather than the spoken words.

Here is a reminder of what denotes verbal and nonverbal communication:

Spoken words
Written words
Visual symbols representing words
Gestures that represent words (ex. ESL)
Body language
Body movements
Facial expressions

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Free Communication Practice Test

Nursing Practice Test by Katrena

Example of verbal and nonverbal communication

Spoken Words are an Example of Verbal Communication

Examples of gestures

Gestures are an Example of Nonverbal Communication

Nursing Status Report

Nursing Status Report is Example of Verbal Communication

Recording Vital Signs in Patient Care Record

Written Data in Patient Care Record is Verbal Communication

Patient Moans

Moaning and Other Sounds are Examples of Nonverbal Communication

Negative Gestures and Body Language

Body Gestures and Body Language are Examples of Nonverbal Communication

Translating Words from One Language to Another

Translating from One Language to Another is Verbal Communication

Crying and Body Movements

Crying and Body Movements are Examples of Nonverbal Communication

Body Positions and Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch is an Example of Nonverbal Communication

Signs with Words or Symbols

Signs with Words or Symbols are Examples of Verbal Communication

American Sign Language

American Sign Language is an Example of Verbal Communication

Smiling and Facial Expressions

Smiling and Facial Expressions are Examples of Nonverbal Communication

Body Movements

Body Movements are an Example of Nonverbal Communication

Reading Written Words and Symbols

Reading Written Words and Symbols are an Example of Verbal Communication

Spoken Words and Quotes

Spoken Words and Quotes are Examples of Verbal Communication

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Practice Test by Katrena

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