
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Free Medical Terminology Practice Test: Plural Forms of Words

Learning medical terminology has its challenges, and for many people, learning how to make a singular word into a plural form can be quite challenging. Although many words follow the standard rule of simply adding an -s or -es, other words have plural forms that follow rather different rules; however, some of the more common exceptions are found below.

This chart gives examples of some rules for making plural forms of words in medical terminology:

Singular form ends in:
Plural form rule:
Change the -a to -ae
Change the -ax to -aces
Change the -is to -es
-ix, -ex, or -yx
Change the -ix, -ex, or -yx to ices
Change the -ma to -mata
Change the -on to -a
Change the -um to -a
Change the -us to -i

The following practice test is designed to help readers to practice converting medical terminology singular words to plural words. Click on the first slide to enlarge and then click on the next thumbnail to scroll through the questions and answers.

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Medical Terminology Practice Test on Plural Word Forms
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Practice Medical Terminology Plural Words
© Katrena

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