
Monday, July 10, 2023

Week 16 U.S. History: The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877


Photo of broken chain by shilmar at
Photo of broken chain by shilmar at 

U.S. History Week 16

The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877

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U.S. History Week 16 The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877
U.S. History Week 16 The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

In 1863, Lincoln proposed __% of the rebel states’ voting population take an oath of future allegiance. Answer choices include: 10, 25, 50, 100
In 1863, Lincoln proposed __% of the rebel states’
voting population take an oath of future allegiance.
Answer choices include: 10, 25, 50, 100

The correct answer is 10.
The correct answer is 10.

Which constitutional amendment abolished slavery? Answer choices include: 1, 5, 9, 13
Which constitutional amendment abolished slavery?
 Answer choices include: 1, 5, 9, 13

The correct answer is 13.
The correct answer is 13.

How did President Abraham Lincoln die? Answer choices include: He died of food poisoning. He was shot in a theater. He fell off a horse & broke his neck. He died of pneumonia.
How did President Abraham Lincoln die?
Answer choices include:
He died of food poisoning.
He was shot in a theater.
He fell off a horse & broke his neck.
He died of pneumonia.

The correct answer is: He was shot in a theater.
The correct answer is: He was shot in a theater.

In the U.S., a celebration called ___ marks the end of slavery & is celebrated on June 19 annually. Answer choices include: Martin Luther King Jr Birthday, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Independence Day
In the U.S., a celebration called ___ marks the
end of slavery & is celebrated on June 19 annually.
Answer choices include: Martin Luther King Jr Birthday,
Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Independence Day

The correct answer is Juneteenth.
The correct answer is Juneteenth.

Which of the following is false about President Andrew Johnson? Answer choices include: His wife taught him how to read. He fought for formerly enslaved people to vote. He required a personal pardon for southerners with more than $20,000. He was from North Carolina.
Which of the following is false about President Andrew Johnson?
Answer choices include:
His wife taught him how to read.
He fought for formerly enslaved people to vote.
He required a personal pardon for southerners with more than $20,000.
He was from North Carolina.

The correct answer is: He fought for formerly enslaved people to vote.
The correct answer is: He fought for formerly enslaved people to vote.

The Freedman’s Bureau provided assistance to people in the South through __. Answer choices include: establishing public schools, help with gaining labor contracts, food deliveries, all of these
The Freedman’s Bureau provided assistance
to people in the South through __.
Answer choices include: establishing public schools,
help with gaining labor contracts, food deliveries, all of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

Discriminatory policies focused on White supremacy abounded in the South and were called ___. Answer choices include: Brown Codes, Supreme Codes, White Codes, Black Codes
Discriminatory policies focused on White supremacy
abounded in the South and were called ___.
Answer choices include: Brown Codes,
Supreme Codes, White Codes, Black Codes

The correct answer is Black Codes.
The correct answer is Black Codes.

Which former Confederate state ratified the 14th Amendment in 1866? Answer choices include: Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana
Which former Confederate state ratified the 14th Amendment in 1866?
Answer choices include: Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana

The correct answer is Tennessee.
The correct answer is Tennessee.

President Johnson’s use of vetoes & opposition of Radical Republicans led Congress to try to ___ him. Answer choices include: impeach, convert, promote, assassinate
President Johnson’s use of vetoes & opposition
of Radical Republicans led Congress to try to ___ him.
Answer choices include: impeach, convert, promote, assassinate

The correct answer is impeach.
The correct answer is impeach.

The 15th Amendment left out issues related to ___. Answer choices include: race, previous condition of servitude, literacy tests & poll taxes, color
The 15th Amendment left out issues related to ___.
Answer choices include: race,
previous condition of servitude, literacy tests & poll taxes, color

The correct answer is literacy tests & poll taxes.
The correct answer is literacy tests & poll taxes.

In 1869, ___ took her claim that the 14th Amendment granted her the right to vote to the Supreme Court. Answer choices include: Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Virginia Minor
In 1869, ___ took her claim that the 14th Amendment
granted her the right to vote to the Supreme Court.
Answer choices include:
Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Susan B. Anthony, Virginia Minor

The correct answer is Virginia Minor.
The correct answer is Virginia Minor.

In 1869, which territory granted female suffrage? Answer choices include: Colorado, Wyoming, Vermont, Kansas
In 1869, which territory granted female suffrage?
Answer choices include: Colorado, Wyoming, Vermont, Kansas

The correct answer is Wyoming.
The correct answer is Wyoming.

Political clubs, ___, provided information & mentors, campaigns, and helped build schools & churches. Answer choices include: Union Leagues, Confederate Leagues, Big Leagues, American Leagues
Political clubs, ___, provided information & mentors,
campaigns, and helped build schools & churches.
Answer choices include: Union Leagues,
Confederate Leagues, Big Leagues, American Leagues

The correct answer is Union Leagues.
The correct answer is Union Leagues.

In 1869, freeborn ___ broke the color barrier when he was elected senator of Mississippi. Answer choices include: Hiram Revels,  Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, Henry Wilson
In 1869, freeborn ___ broke the color barrier when
he was elected senator of Mississippi.
Answer choices include: Hiram Revels, 
Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, Henry Wilson

The correct answer is Hiram Revels.
The correct answer is Hiram Revels.

In the 1870s, how many members of the Congress (House of Representatives & Senate) were Black? Answer choices include: none, 3, 12, 17
In the 1870s, how many members of the Congress
(House of Representatives & Senate) were Black?
Answer choices include: none, 3, 12, 17

The correct answer is 17.
The correct answer is 17.

The presence of local African American political activity led to a new concern for the disadvantaged in the South. Answer choices include: true, false
The presence of local African American political activity led
to a new concern for the disadvantaged in the South.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

How were the new government programs funded that were particularly unwelcome in the South? Answer choices include: whiskey taxes, taxes, stamp taxes, land taxes, tariffs
How were the new government programs funded
that were particularly unwelcome in the South?
Answer choices include:
whiskey taxes, taxes, stamp taxes, land taxes, tariffs

The correct answer is land taxes.
The correct answer is land taxes.

The most noted domestic terror organization of the American Reconstruction era was the ___. Answer choices include: Taliban, Ku Klux Klan, al Quaeda, Hamas
The most noted domestic terror organization
of the American Reconstruction era was the ___.
Answer choices include:
Taliban, Ku Klux Klan, al Quaeda, Hamas

The correct answer is Ku Klux Klan.
The correct answer is Ku Klux Klan.

Southern landowners continued to dominate the wealth & limit economic development of generations through ____. Answer choices include: tenant farming, serfdom, excellent lease options, sharecropping
Southern landowners continued to dominate the wealth & limit
economic development of generations through ____.
Answer choices include: tenant farming,
serfdom, excellent lease options, sharecropping

The correct answer is sharecropping.
The correct answer is sharecropping.

The Compromise of 1877 was instituted when ___ became President, leading to the “Solid South.” Answer choices include: Samuel Tilden, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield
The Compromise of 1877 was instituted when ___
became President, leading to the “Solid South.”
Answer choices include: Samuel Tilden,
Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield

The correct answer is Rutherford B. Hayes.
The correct answer is Rutherford B. Hayes.

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