
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Week 14 U.S. History: Troubled Times - the Tumultuous 1850s


Photo of cracked wall by Sureser at
Photo of cracked wall by Sureser at 

U.S. History Week 14

Troubled Times: the Tumultuous 1850s

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U.S. History Week 14 Troubled Times: the Tumultuous 1850s
U.S. History Week 14 Troubled Times: the Tumultuous 1850s 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

The 1846 Wilmot Proviso prohibited instituting slavery in lands taken or bought from ___. Answer choices include: France, England, Mexico, Native Americans
The 1846 Wilmot Proviso prohibited instituting
slavery in lands taken or bought from ___.
Answer choices include: France,
England, Mexico, Native Americans

The correct answer is Mexico.
The correct answer is Mexico.

Members of the Free-Soil Party wanted to prohibit slavery throughout all American states & territories. Answer choices include: true, false
Members of the Free-Soil Party wanted to prohibit slavery
throughout all American states & territories.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Which 1948 presidential candidates promised to keep northern territories free of slavery? Answer choices include: All three of them, Taylor & Van Buren, Cass, Cass & Van Buren
Which 1948 presidential candidates promised
to keep northern territories free of slavery?
Answer choices include: All three of them,
Taylor & Van Buren, Cass, Cass & Van Buren

The correct answer is: All three of them.
The correct answer is: All three of them.

In response to Calhoun’s proposed resolution of disunity, Daniel Webster’s “___” speech called for unity. Answer choices include: A Strategy of Peace, Gettysburg Address, I Have a Dream, Seventh of March
In response to Calhoun’s proposed resolution of disunity,
Daniel Webster’s “___” speech called for unity.
Answer choices include: A Strategy of Peace,
Gettysburg Address, I Have a Dream, Seventh of March

The correct answer is Seventh of March.
The correct answer is Seventh of March.

California was admitted as a/n ___ state in 1850. Answer choices include: free, slave, divided, unorganized
California was admitted as a/n ___ state in 1850.
Answer choices include: free, slave, divided, unorganized

The correct answer is free.
The correct answer is free.

The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act punished ___. Answer choices include: slaves who tried to escape, people who assisted slaves to escape, those refusing to assist anti-escape efforts, any of these
The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act punished ___.
Answer choices include:
slaves who tried to escape,
people who assisted slaves to escape,
those refusing to assist anti-escape efforts,
any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

The ___ was a network of sympathizers providing safe housing & passage for slaves seeking freedom in the North. Answer choices include: Clandestine Club, Underground Railroad, Secret Police, Freedom Riders
The ___ was a network of sympathizers providing safe
housing & passage for slaves seeking freedom in the North.
Answer choices include: Clandestine Club,
Underground Railroad, Secret Police, Freedom Riders

The correct answer is Underground Railroad.
The correct answer is Underground Railroad.

What was the bestselling novel of the 19th century that highlighted the evils of slavery? Answer choices include: On Golden Pond, Great Expectations, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Pride and Prejudice
What was the bestselling novel of the
19th century that highlighted the evils of slavery?
Answer choices include: On Golden Pond,
Great Expectations, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Pride and Prejudice

The correct answer is Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The correct answer is Uncle Tom's Cabin.

What nickname was given to Presidential hopeful Winfield Scott? Answer choices include: The Gipper, The Professor, Old Fuss and Feathers, The Duke of Braintree
What nickname was given to Presidential hopeful Winfield Scott?
Answer choices include: The Gipper,
The Professor, Old Fuss and Feathers, The Duke of Braintree

The correct answer is Old Fuss and Feathers.
The correct answer is Old Fuss and Feathers.

Who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska bill? Answer choices include: Franklin Pierce, Stephen Douglas, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun
Who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska bill?
Answer choices include: Franklin Pierce,
Stephen Douglas, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun

The correct answer is Stephen Douglas.
The correct answer is Stephen Douglas.

In the 1850’s, the newly formed ___ Party focused on preventing the spread of slavery.  Answer choices include: Libertarian, Republican, Democratic, Socialist
In the 1850’s, the newly formed ___ Party
focused on preventing the spread of slavery. 
Answer choices include:
Libertarian, Republican, Democratic, Socialist

The correct answer is Republican.
The correct answer is Republican.

In 1856, the American Party formed. This political party opposed ___ & was also called the “Know Nothing” Party. Answer choices include: the right to bear arms, slavery, religious freedom, immigration
In 1856, the American Party formed. This political party
opposed ___ & was also called the “Know Nothing” Party.
Answer choices include: the right to bear arms,
slavery, religious freedom, immigration

The correct answer is immigration.
The correct answer is immigration.

In __, Chief Justice Taney ruled enslaved people in free states should stay enslaved & no Black people could be citizens. Answer choices include: 1850, 1853, 1857, 1860
In __, Chief Justice Taney ruled enslaved people in free states
should stay enslaved & no Black people could be citizens.
Answer choices include: 1850, 1853, 1857, 1860

The correct answer is 1857.
The correct answer is 1857.

Who said  “A house divided against itself cannot stand?” Answer choices include: Abraham Lincoln, Dred Scott, Stephen Douglas, James Buchanan
Who said  “A house divided against itself cannot stand?”
Answer choices include: Abraham Lincoln,
Dred Scott, Stephen Douglas, James Buchanan

The correct answer is Abraham Lincoln.
The correct answer is Abraham Lincoln.

Stephen Douglas’ ___ claimed a state’s popular sovereignty prevails over Supreme Court decisions. Answer choices include: Freeport Doctrine, Diet of Worms, Expansion Corollary, Sovereignty Amendment
Stephen Douglas’ ___ claimed a state’s popular sovereignty
prevails over Supreme Court decisions.
Answer choices include: Freeport Doctrine,
Diet of Worms, Expansion Corollary, Sovereignty Amendment

The correct answer is Freeport Doctrine.
The correct answer is Freeport Doctrine.

Southerners who openly wanted recession were called “___.” Answer choices include: Simple Separatists, Fire-Eaters, Big Daddy, Sink or Swimmers
Southerners who openly wanted recession were called “___.”
Answer choices include: Simple Separatists,
Fire-Eaters, Big Daddy, Sink or Swimmers

The correct answer is Fire-Eaters.
The correct answer is Fire-Eaters.

Who led an attack on Harper’s Ferry with plans to help enslaved people to win their freedom? Answer choices include: Frederick Douglass, Robert E. Lee, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown
Who led an attack on Harper’s Ferry with
plans to help enslaved people to win their freedom?
Answer choices include: Frederick Douglass,
Robert E. Lee, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown

The correct answer is John Brown.
The correct answer is John Brown.

How many candidates competed for U.S. President in 1860? Answer choices include: 2, 3, 4, 5
How many candidates competed for U.S. President in 1860?
Answer choices include: 2, 3, 4, 5

The correct answer is 4.
The correct answer is 4.

Abraham Lincoln won every northern state except ___. Answer choices include: Ohio, Delaware, New Jersey, New York
Abraham Lincoln won every northern state except ___.
Answer choices include: Ohio, Delaware, New Jersey, New York

The correct answer is New Jersey.
The correct answer is New Jersey.

Which was the first state to withdraw from the Union after the 1860 Presidential election? Answer choices include: Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina
Which was the first state to withdraw
from the Union after the 1860 Presidential election?
Answer choices include: Virginia,
North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina

The correct answer is South Carolina.
The correct answer is South Carolina.

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