
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Week 24 World History: Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 1789-1900


Chess pieces on a board with a fire in the background photo by stevepb at
Chess pieces on a board with a fire in the background photo by stevepb at

This world history resource focuses on nationalist revolutions
that swept the West from 1789 to 1900 and includes
quiz questions and answers and video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook. It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

This quiz accompanies Chapter 24: pages 678-713.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

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World History Week 24 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 1789-1900
World History Week 24 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 1789-1900

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

The symbol for the United States contains the Latin phrase E pluribus unum. What does this mean? Answer choices include: To be rather than to seem; America is for lovers; Out of many, one; Seize the day
The symbol for the United States contains the Latin phrase
E pluribus unum. What does this mean?
Answer choices include: To be rather than to seem;
America is for lovers; Out of many, one; Seize the day

The correct answer is: Out of many, one.
The correct answer is: Out of many, one.

Who was at the bottom of the social ladder in Latin America in the late 1700s & were the largest segment of the population in numbers? Answer choices include: Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattos, Indians
Who was at the bottom of the social ladder in Latin America
in the late 1700s & were the largest segment of the population in numbers?
Answer choices include: Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattos, Indians

The correct answer is Indians.
The correct answer is Indians.

Saint Domingue was the first Latin American territory to free itself from European rule. What is the name of this country today? Answer choices include: Haiti, Peru, Brazil, Panama
Saint Domingue was the first Latin American territory to free itself
from European rule. What is the name of this country today?
Answer choices include: Haiti, Peru, Brazil, Panama

The correct answer is Haiti.
The correct answer is Haiti.

On 12/9/24, Gran Columbia & later future countries of Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador, won their freedom at the Battle of ____. Answer choices include: The Bulge, Ayacucho, Bogota, Arawak
On 12/9/24, Gran Columbia & later future countries of
Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador,
won their freedom at the Battle of ____.
Answer choices include: The Bulge, Ayacucho, Bogota, Arawak

The correct answer is Ayacucho.
The correct answer is Ayacucho.

Which Latin American country achieved independence without bloodshed? Answer choices include: El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil
Which Latin American country achieved independence without bloodshed?
Answer choices include: El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil

The correct answer is Brazil.
The correct answer is Brazil.

In the early 1800s, which European political group of mostly teachers, lawyers, & businesspeople, led the struggle for constitutional government & the formation of nation-states? Answer choices include: Green, Liberal, Radical, Conservative
In the early 1800s, which European political group
of mostly teachers, lawyers, & businesspeople, led the struggle
for constitutional government & the formation of nation-states?
Answer choices include: Green, Liberal, Radical, Conservative

The correct answer is Liberal.
The correct answer is Liberal.

Between 1950 & 1980, ___ African countries overthrew colonial rulers and became independent nations. Answer choices include: 4, 7, 47, 74
Between 1950 & 1980, ___ African countries
overthrew colonial rulers and became independent nations.
Answer choices include: 4, 7, 47, 74

The correct answer is 47.
The correct answer is 47.

Richard Wagner created a cycle of four musical dramas called ___ that are considered the pinnacle of German nationalism. Answer choices include: Der Ring des Nibelungen, Otello, La Vestale, Fidelio
Richard Wagner created a cycle of four musical dramas called ___
that are considered the pinnacle of German nationalism.
Answer choices include: Der Ring des Nibelungen, Otello, La Vestale, Fidelio

The correct answer is Der Ring des Nibelungen.
The correct answer is Der Ring des Nibelungen.

In Dec 1848, ___ won France’s presidential election & built railroads, encouraged industrialization, & promoted a public works program, decreasing unemployment & increasing prosperity. Answer choices include: Alexander II, Antonin Dvorak, John VI, Jose Maria Morelos
In Dec 1848, ___ won France’s presidential election & built railroads,
encouraged industrialization, & promoted a public works program,
decreasing unemployment & increasing prosperity.
Answer choices include: Alexander II, Antonin Dvorak, John VI, Jose Maria Morelos

The correct answer is Alexander II.
The correct answer is Alexander II.

Who issued the 1861 Edict of Emancipation, freeing 20 million Russian serfs, moving Russia toward modernization & social change? Answer choices include: Abraham Lincoln, King Charles X, Alexander II, Czar Nicholas I
Who issued the 1861 Edict of Emancipation, freeing
20 million Russian serfs, moving Russia toward modernization & social change?
Answer choices include: Abraham Lincoln, King Charles X, Alexander II, Czar Nicholas I

The correct answer is Alexander II.
The correct answer is Alexander II.

___ can unite people who share common ancestry or bonds & can lead to unification, separation, or building states. Answer choices include: Pessimism, Nationalism, Dictatorship, Imperialism
___ can unite people who share common ancestry
or bonds & can lead to unification, separation, or building states.
Answer choices include: Pessimism, Nationalism, Dictatorship, Imperialism

The correct answer is Nationalism.
The correct answer is Nationalism.

What did Garibaldi’s troops always wear in battle? Answer choices include: black hats, purple pants, orange gloves, red shirts
What did Garibaldi’s troops always wear in battle?
Answer choices include: black hats, purple pants,
orange gloves, red shirts

The correct answer is red shirts.
The correct answer is red shirts.

Who governs a section of Rome known as Vatican City? Answer choices include: The pope, The principate, The emperor, The king
Who governs a section of Rome known as Vatican City?
Answer choices include: The pope, The principate, The emperor, The king

The correct answer is the pope.
The correct answer is the pope.

Which of the following is/are ideas of romanticism? Answer choices include: Valuing common people and the individual, Emphasis on inner feelings, emotions, & imagination, Focus on the mysterious, supernatural, exotic, or horrifying, All of these
Which of the following is/are ideas of romanticism?
Answer choices include:
Valuing common people and the individual,
Emphasis on inner feelings, emotions, & imagination,
Focus on the mysterious, supernatural, exotic, or horrifying,
All of these

The correct answer is: All of these.
The correct answer is: All of these.

Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm collected fairy tales and created a dictionary in what country? Answer choices include: Italy, France, Spain, Germany
Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm collected fairy tales
and created a dictionary in what country?
Answer choices include: Italy, France, Spain, Germany

The correct answer is Germany.
The correct answer is Germany.

What French writer wrote Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Answer choices include: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Victor Hugo, William Wordsworth, Franz Liszt
What French writer wrote Les Misérables
and The Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Answer choices include: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Victor Hugo, William Wordsworth, Franz Liszt

The correct answer is Victor Hugo.
The correct answer is Victor Hugo.

Who wrote a Gothic novel featuring a monster named Frankenstein created from body parts of dead humans? Answer choices include: Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Shelley
Who wrote a Gothic novel featuring a monster named
Frankenstein created from body parts of dead humans?
Answer choices include: Percy Bysshe Shelley,
John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Shelley

The correct answer is Mary Shelley.
The correct answer is Mary Shelley.

The first practical photographs were called ____. Answer choices include: polaroids, digitals, daguerreotypes, still lifes
The first practical photographs were called ____.
Answer choices include: polaroids, digitals, daguerreotypes, still lifes

The correct answer is daguerreotypes.
The correct answer is daguerreotypes.

Honore de Balzac wrote a series of almost 100 novels entitled ___, spurring improved labor laws & working conditions in France. Answer choices include: The Human Condition, The Human Comedy, The Human Tragedy, The Human Project
Honore de Balzac wrote a series of almost 100 novels entitled ___,
spurring improved labor laws & working conditions in France.
Answer choices include: The Human Condition,
The Human Comedy, The Human Tragedy, The Human Project

The correct answer is: The Human Comedy.
The correct answer is: The Human Comedy.

Impressionists were artists who used pure, shimmering colors to capture a more positive view of west Europe’s new urban society. Who was NOT an impressionist? Answer choices include: Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Ludwig van Beethoven, Edgar Degas
Impressionists were artists who used pure, shimmering colors
to capture a more positive view of west Europe’s new urban society.
Who was NOT an impressionist?
Answer choices include: Claude Monet,
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Ludwig van Beethoven, Edgar Degas

The correct answer is Ludwig van Beethoven.
The correct answer is Ludwig van Beethoven.

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