
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Week 1 U.S. History: The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492


Olmec Statue photo by mochilazocultural at
Olmec Statue photo by mochilazocultural at

U.S. History Chapter 1

The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492

I designed a quiz related to chapter 1 at the bottom of this article.

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  1. Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  2. Choose an answer for each question
  3. Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  4. The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  5. Compare your answers with those provided.
  6. If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

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U.S. History Week 1 The Americas, Europe, & Africa Before 1492

U.S. History Week 1 The Americas, Europe, & Africa Before 1492

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved.

Some scientists believe people walked across Beringia, a land bridge connecting North America & ___, in order to first populate North America. Answer choices include: Africa, South America, Australia, Asia
Some scientists believe people walked across Beringia,
a land bridge connecting North America & ___,
in order to first populate North America.
Answer choices include: Africa, South America, Australia, Asia

The correct answer is Asia.
The correct answer is Asia.

What crop was probably domesticated by 5000 BCE & became a major part of the diet for the Olmec population? Answer choices include: maize, tomatoes, wheat, peanuts
What crop was probably domesticated by 5000 BCE
& became a major part of the diet for the Olmec population?
Answer choices include: maize, tomatoes, wheat, peanuts

The correct answer is maize.
The correct answer is maize.

Which of the following is/are TRUE of the Olmec society? Answer choices include: They devised a calendar to accurately predict eclipses and solstices. They created the only known written language in the Western Hemisphere of that time. They produced major works of art, architecture, pottery, and sculptures. All of these
Which of the following is/are TRUE of the Olmec society?
Answer choices include:
They devised a calendar to accurately predict eclipses and solstices.
They created the only known written language in the Western Hemisphere of that time.
They produced major works of art, architecture, pottery, and sculptures.
All of these

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

The ___ culture numbered about 100,000 around 500 CE in an area about 30 miles northeast of modern Mexico City. Answer choices include: Olmec, Aztec, Mayan, Inca
The ___ culture numbered about 100,000 around 500 CE
in an area about 30 miles northeast of modern Mexico City.
Answer choices include: Olmec, Aztec, Mayan, Inca

The correct answer is Mayan.
The correct answer is Mayan.

Bishop Landa collected & burned each ___ of the native Mayans. These were folding history books of glyphs. Answer choices include: epic poem, codex, scroll, parchment
Bishop Landa collected & burned each ___ of the native Mayans.
These were folding history books of glyphs.
Answer choices include: epic poem, codex, scroll, parchment

The correct answer is codex.
The correct answer is codex.

Tenochtitlán was a large, well-planned ancient city that had ___, or “floating gardens.” Answer choices include: chinampas, greenhouses, gondolas, terrariums
Tenochtitlán was a large, well-planned ancient city
that had ___, or “floating gardens.”
Answer choices include:
chinampas, greenhouses, gondolas, terrariums

The correct answer is chinampas.
The correct answer is chinampas.

The ___ culture created elaborate pedestrian roads upon which chasquis would transmit messages through a relay system. Answer choices include: Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, Incan
The ___ culture created elaborate pedestrian roads upon which
chasquis would transmit messages through a relay system.
Answer choices include: Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, Incan

The correct answer is Incan.
The correct answer is Incan.

A system of communication utilizing colored strings and knots is called a ___. Answer choices include: papyrus, quipu, 6-string, telegraph
A system of communication utilizing
colored strings and knots is called a ___.
Answer choices include:
papyrus, quipu, 6-string, telegraph

The correct answer is quipu.
The correct answer is quipu.

Inca peasants could only keep ⅓ of their crops and were required to participate in public work called ___ each month. Answer choices include: pita, lita, mita, dita
Inca peasants could only keep ⅓ of their crops and were
required to participate in public work called ___ each month.
Answer choices include: pita, lita, mita, dita

The correct answer is mita.
The correct answer is mita.

Designated as a World Heritage Site in 1983, ___ was an Incan city built at an altitude of about 8,000 feet. Answer choices include: Machu Picchu, Xochimilco, Tenochtitlán, Aztlán
Designated as a World Heritage Site in 1983, ___ was an Incan city
built at an altitude of about 8,000 feet.
Answer choices include:
Machu Picchu, Xochimilco, Tenochtitlán, Aztlán

The correct answer is Machu Picchu.
The correct answer is Machu Picchu.

Indigenous Hopewell cultural groups who lived in what is now the Ohio River Valley lived in ___. Answer choices include: tepees, adobe homes, wattle-and-daub houses, wigwams
Indigenous Hopewell cultural groups who lived in
what is now the Ohio River Valley lived in ___.
Answer choices include:
tepees, adobe homes, wattle-and-daub houses, wigwams

The correct answer is wattle-and-daub houses.
The correct answer is wattle-and-daub houses.

Beliefs about land ownership and use of the environment was a primary source of conflict between Europeans and Native Americans. Answer choices include: true, false
Beliefs about land ownership and use of the environment was a primary
source of conflict between Europeans and Native Americans.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Two strains of bubonic plague, one transmitted by rats and the other air-borne, caused massive death & were called the ___. Answer choices include: Red Death, Black Death, Blue Death, White Death
Two strains of bubonic plague, one transmitted by rats and
the other air-borne, caused massive death & were called the ___.
Answer choices include:
Red Death, Black Death, Blue Death, White Death

The correct answer is Black Death.
The correct answer is Black Death.

In Feudal Europe, __% of the population was made up of serfs, who were basically bound to the land where they worked & lived in tough conditions. Answer choices include: 20, 40, 60, 80
In Feudal Europe, __% of the population was made up of serfs,
who were basically bound to the land where
they worked & lived in tough conditions.
Answer choices include: 20, 40, 60, 80

The correct answer is 60.
The correct answer is 60.

Special Christian church ceremonies, called ___, marked important moments of life such as birth, maturation, marriage, and burial. Answer choices include: confessions, sacraments, schisms, pagan holidays
Special Christian church ceremonies, called ___, marked
important moments of life such as birth, maturation, marriage, and burial.
Answer choices include: confessions, sacraments, schisms, pagan holidays

The correct answer is sacraments.
The correct answer is sacraments.

The Crusades and Reconquista included wars mainly between ___ and ___ who wanted control of the Holy Land. Answer choices include: Christians & Muslims, Jews & Christians, Buddhists & Muslims, Hindus & Atheists
The Crusades and Reconquista included wars mainly
between ___ and ___ who wanted control of the Holy Land.
Answer choices include:
Christians & Muslims, Jews & Christians,
Buddhists & Muslims, Hindus & Atheists

The correct answer is Christians & Muslims.
The correct answer is Christians & Muslims.

Ruled by Prince Henry with many sites on the African coast, ___ became a leader of exploration and trade in the 1400s. Answer choices include: Spain, Rome, Greece, Portugal
Ruled by Prince Henry with many sites on the African coast,
___ became a leader of exploration and trade in the 1400s.
Answer choices include: Spain, Rome, Greece, Portugal

The correct answer is Portugal.
The correct answer is Portugal.

In what year did Christopher Columbus sail across the Atlantic to land on Guanahani, which he renamed San Salvador? Answer choices include: 1249, 1294, 1492, 1924
In what year did Christopher Columbus sail across the Atlantic
to land on Guanahani, which he renamed San Salvador?
Answer choices include: 1249, 1294, 1492, 1924

The correct answer is 1492.
The correct answer is 1492.

Of what did Mansu Musa have large quantities that led to significant price inflations along his route of travel? Answer choices include: silver, obsidian, gold, jade
Of what did Mansu Musa have large quantities that led
to significant price inflations along his route of travel?
Answer choices include: silver, obsidian, gold, jade

The correct answer is gold.
The correct answer is gold.

___ is the idea that people are treated as personal property that can be bought and sold. Answer choices include: Indentured servitude, Chattel slavery, Serfdom, Employment
___ is the idea that people are treated as personal property
that can be bought and sold.
Answer choices include:
Indentured servitude, Chattel slavery, Serfdom, Employment

The correct answer is Chattel slavery.
The correct answer is Chattel slavery.

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