
Friday, June 16, 2023

ELA Digital Scrapbook Assignment

ELA Digital Scrapbook Photo of circular bookshelf filled with books by geralt at
ELA Digital Scrapbook Photo of circular bookshelf filled with books by geralt at

This English Language Arts (ELA) assignment provides a way to approach reading throughout the school year. My daughter read a different book each month of the school year and worked on her scrapbook while reading each book. One of the most difficult barriers she faced was remembering to note vocabulary words as she read each book, so you might encourage your child(ren) or student(s) to get in the habit of making a note of the page numbers of words that are unfamiliar as they read.

I designed this assignment for ninth grade ELA; however, I think it would work well for many different grades, abilities, and ages. You might need to help set up the document and create charts for younger student(s) or child(ren), while older students or those who are more experienced with digital design might create the entire document. Several of these assignments overlapped with my visual arts curriculum.

We used a Google slide document for the scrapbook and I taught via Google Classroom. Since this was an ongoing document throughout the school year, I provided the same link to the document each month and provided specific feedback in the document as my daughter completed each set of scrapbook pages.

I provided lots of options for the scrapbook; however, if your child(ren) or student(s) have other ideas for the creative ideas section, have him/her/them to present his/her/their ideas and get approval first.

At the end of the school year, my daughter presented her scrapbook for an audience, providing valuable public speaking experience. If your child(ren) or student(s) are presenting this information, you may choose to do this separately with each book, divide into quarters or semesters, or choose his/her/their favorite book(s) to present at the end of the school year.

ELA Scrapbook Assignment

As you read several books this school year, you will have the opportunity to create your own scrapbook that captures the essence of what you learned along the way. As you read each book, get in the habit of noticing various aspects of a piece of literature with curiosity and creativity!

For each assigned book, you will create approximately 7 pages in this digital scrapbook:

  1. Title Page
  2. Author Page
  3. Summary/Synopsis Page
  4. Vocabulary Page 1
  5. Vocabulary Page 2
  6. Memorable Characters Page
  7. Creative Ideas Page

Carefully consider your choices for designing your scrapbook pages:

  • The fonts/design should reflect the book style
  • Colors should reflect the book style and be easy to see and read.
  • Fonts should be large enough so that someone with older eyes can read the words.
  • Proofread each page and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before submitting.

Let's look at each page...

Title Page

  • Include the title of the book and the author.
  • You are welcome to draw a picture with the title page as one of your creative ideas.

Author Page

  • Include the author's name, birth date, and death date, if applicable. 
  • Research information about the author and include where he/she/they lived, his/her/their preferred writing style, and information you found interesting as you learned about the author.

Summary/Synopsis Page

  • Write a summary or synopsis of the book in 5 or less sentences or you may use a bulleted format.
  • This video shows how to write a more lengthy book summary but gives great tips for organizing your thoughts.

Vocabulary Pages

As you read each book, identify at least ten words with which you were unfamiliar while reading the book, including the following information in table format:

  1. The word (5 per scrapbook page)
  2. The sentence and page number where you identified the word.
  3. The definition of the word that would be most appropriate for the context.

*When reading your Shakespeare assignment, instead of including vocabulary words, you will research your favorite quotes attributed to Shakespeare and include each quote and its meaning in a table.

Memorable Characters Page

  • Identify your favorite characters from the book (typically around 3).
  • Describe the character and what made that character special and/or memorable for you.
  • You are welcome to draw one or more favorite characters as part of your creative ideas page.

Creative Ideas Page

  • Design and include at least two pieces of original art or creative ideas. These can be incorporated into the other pages in your scrapbook, such as the title or author page, or on a separate creative ideas page. Different books may lend themselves to different approaches.
  • Draw a character, symbol, or scene from the book.
  • Rate the book (1 star for poor to 5 stars for outstanding). Support your rating by writing a review.
  • Create a social media style page about the book or a character. For example, if you create a "Facebook" page, you might identify "good" characters by placing them on a friends list while placing "bad" characters on a blocked list. A meme on the page could indicate that character's life philosophy, etc.
  • Create a movie poster featuring the movie title, author, tagline, etc.
  • Design a word cloud with at least 25 words related to the book. Here are directions for creating a word cloud.
  • Create a comic strip featuring a scene, characters, or important concept of the book.
  • Design an infographic, including important information such as what happens in the story.
  • Create a concrete poem in a shape symbolizing an object or theme related to the boo.
  • Design a chart with a musical playlist with at least ten songs related to the subjects/themes from the book with a brief explanation of why each song is related to the book or elements of the book.
  • Create a mad lib utilizing a memorable scene from the book with at least ten key words removed with blank spaces. Provide three options for each blank space. The options can be serious or quite silly.
  • Design and make a costume(s) related to the story, model it, and include a photo of your creation.
  • Create and include a video featuring yourself acting out a memorable scene alone or with others.

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