
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Week 14 World History: The Formation of Western Europe 800-1500


Photo of Assisi by Faustomanasse at
Photo of Assisi by Faustomanasse at

This world history resource focuses on the formation
of Western Europe during 800-1500 and includes quiz
questions and answers and video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook. It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

This quiz accompanies Chapter 14: pages 376-405.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

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World History Week 14 The Formation of Western Europe 800-1500
World History Week 14 The Formation of Western Europe 800-1500

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

Between 800 and 1500, Western Europe’s time period is known as the Age of _____. Answer choices include Aqaurius, Enlightenment Crusades, Faith
Between 800 and 1500, Western Europe’s time period is known as the Age of _____.
Answer choices include Aqaurius, Enlightenment Crusades, Faith

The correct answer is Faith.
The correct answer is Faith.

Church reformers felt reforms should be made due to all of the following EXCEPT: Answer choices include: Some priests were marrying & having families. Bishops sold Church positions (simony). Church families paid a 10% tithe. Kings appointed church bishops through lay investure.
Church reformers felt reforms should be made due to all of the following EXCEPT:
Answer choices include:
Some priests were marrying & having families.
Bishops sold Church positions (simony).
Church families paid a 10% tithe.
Kings appointed church bishops through lay investure.

The correct answer is: Church families paid a 10% tithe.
The correct answer is: Church families paid a 10% tithe.

The Italian ______ founded an order of friars & treated all creatures as spiritual brothers & sisters. Answer choices include: St. Francis of Assisi, Dominique de Guzmán, John Duns Scotus, St. Peter
The Italian ______ founded an order of friars & treated
all creatures as spiritual brothers & sisters.
Answer choices include: St. Francis of Assisi, Dominique de Guzmán,
John Duns Scotus, St. Peter

The correct answer is St. Francis of Assisi.
The correct answer is St. Francis of Assisi.

Churches & cathedrals built in the early 1100s were built in the ____ style of architecture, featuring stained glass windows & pointed arches. Answer choices include: Art Deco, Gothic, Byzantine, Romanesque
Churches & cathedrals built in the early 1100s were built in the ____
style of architecture, featuring stained glass windows & pointed arches.
Answer choices include: Art Deco, Gothic, Byzantine, Romanesque

The correct answer is Gothic.
The correct answer is Gothic.

Which monarch lead the Third Crusade to try to regain the Holy Land from Saladin? Answer choices include: Frederick I, Richard the Lion-Hearted, Philip II, Boniface of Montferrat
Which monarch lead the Third Crusade to try to
regain the Holy Land from Saladin?
Answer choices include: Frederick I, Richard the Lion-Hearted,
Philip II, Boniface of Montferrat

The correct answer is Richard the Lion-Hearted.
The correct answer is Richard the Lion-Hearted.

Believing that God would give them Jerusalem, 20,000 children started marching to Jerusalem. They were led by ____. Answer choices include: Iqbal Masih, Samantha Smith, Stephen of Cloyes, Nkosi Johnson
Believing that God would give them Jerusalem,
20,000 children started marching to Jerusalem. They were led by ____.
Answer choices include: Iqbal Masih, Samantha Smith, Stephen of Cloyes, Nkosi Johnson

The correct answer is Stephen of Cloyes.
The correct answer is Stephen of Cloyes.

What happened to many people suspected of heresy during the Inquisition of the late 1400s? Answer choices include: They were honored as heroes. They were given large sums of money. They were asked to share their beliefs with others. They were burned at the stake.
What happened to many people suspected of heresy
during the Inquisition of the late 1400s?
Answer choices include:
They were honored as heroes.
They were given large sums of money.
They were asked to share their beliefs with others.
They were burned at the stake.

The correct answer is: They were burned at the stake.
The correct answer is: They were burned at the stake.

Around 800, farmers began using a ___-field system that led to greater food production and ultimately a healthier & larger population. Answer choices include: 2, 3, 4, 5
Around 800, farmers began using a ___-field system that led to greater
food production and ultimately a healthier & larger population.
Answer choices include: 2, 3, 4, 5

The correct answer is 3.
The correct answer is 3.

Groups of people who worked together to improve social & economic conditions of its members is called a _____. Answer choices include: guild, cult, gang, club
Groups of people who worked together to improve social &
economic conditions of its members is called a _____.
Answer choices include: guild, cult, gang, club

The correct answer is guild.
The correct answer is guild.

What was the most common item traded during the Commercial Revolution? Answer choices include: salt, wine, leather, cloth
What was the most common item traded during the Commercial Revolution?
Answer choices include: salt, wine, leather, cloth

The correct answer is cloth.
The correct answer is cloth.

What was the largest city in Europe in 1200? Answer choices include: Rome, Bologna, Paris, Constantinople
What was the largest city in Europe in 1200?
Answer choices include: Rome, Bologna, Paris, Constantinople

The correct answer is Paris.
The correct answer is Paris.

Around 1400, ______ wrote the Canterbury Tales in English. Answer choices include: Geoffrey Chaucer, Ibn Sina, Christine de Pisan, Dante Alighier
Around 1400, ______ wrote the Canterbury Tales in English.
Answer choices include: Geoffrey Chaucer, Ibn Sina, Christine de Pisan, Dante Alighier

The correct answer is Geoffrey Chaucer.
The correct answer is Geoffrey Chaucer.

The Battle of ____ resulted in a centralized government in England. Answer choices include: Agridi, Hastings, Iconium, Aintab
The Battle of ____ resulted in a centralized government in England.
Answer choices include: Agridi, Hastings, Iconium, Aintab

The correct answer is Hastings.
The correct answer is Hastings.

Who married Louis VII of France & then Henry II of England & later became mother of two English kings? Answer choices include: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Joan of Arc, Queen Athaliah, Anna Comnena
Who married Louis VII of France & then Henry II of England
& later became mother of two English kings?
Answer choices include: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Joan of Arc, Queen Athaliah, Anna Comnena

The correct answer is Eleanor of Aquitaine.
The correct answer is Eleanor of Aquitaine.

King John approved the ____ that guaranteed citizens rights such as no taxation without representation & a jury trial. Answer choices include: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Bill of Rights, New Testament, Magna Carta
King John approved the ____ that guaranteed citizens rights such
as no taxation without representation & a jury trial.
Answer choices include: Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Bill of Rights, New Testament, Magna Carta

The correct answer is Magna Carta.
The correct answer is Magna Carta.

Edward I Sought input from 2 burgesses from each borough & 2 knights from each country, called a/n ____, when new taxes were needed. Answer choices include: parliament, cabinet, advisory board, bailiff
Edward I Sought input from 2 burgesses from each borough & 2 knights
from each country, called a/n ____, when new taxes were needed.
Answer choices include: parliament, cabinet, advisory board, bailiff

The correct answer is bailiff.
The correct answer is bailiff.

The Great Schism was sparked when the cardinals elected more than one pope. Answer choices include: true, false
The Great Schism was sparked when the cardinals elected more than one pope.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

The Bubonic Plague took the lives of nearly ____ people around 1347. Answer choices include: 2500; 25,000; 250,000; 25 million
The Bubonic Plague took the lives of nearly ____ people around 1347.
Answer choices include: 2500; 25,000; 250,000; 25 million

The correct answer is 25 million.
The correct answer is 25 million.

Which two primary countries battled during the Hundred Years’ War? Answer choices include: England & France, Rome & Greece, Italy & Spain, Russia & China
Which two primary countries battled during the Hundred Years’ War?
Answer choices include: England & France, Rome & Greece, Italy & Spain, Russia & China

The correct answer is England & France.
The correct answer is England & France.

On May 7, 1429, ____ led the French army to victory over English troops. Answer choices include: Charles VII, Henry V, Joan of Arc, Philip IV
On May 7, 1429, ____ led the French army to victory over English troops.
Answer choices include: Charles VII, Henry V, Joan of Arc, Philip IV

The correct answer is Joan of Arc.
The correct answer is Joan of Arc.

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