
Monday, May 29, 2023

Week 16 World History: People and Empires in the Americas 500-1500


Chicha Itza Photo by DELZAB at
Chicha Itza Photo by DELZAB at

This world history resource focuses on the people and empires 
in the Americas between 500 and 1500 and includes quiz questions
and answers and video links to related topics.

I utilized World History: Patterns of Interaction (Holt McDougal) for our world history textbook. It has multiple options for different learning styles and covers a wide array of information.

This quiz accompanies Chapter 16: pages 438-467.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down and click on the thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.

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log in to Kahoot! and search for Week 16 World History by Katrena.

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World History Week 16 People & Empires in the Americas 500-1500
World History Week 16 People & Empires in the Americas 500-1500

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

Which of the following was NOT an early North American cultural group in the Pacific Northwest? Answer choices include: Kwakiutl, Cherokee, Nootka, Haida
Which of the following was NOT an early North American
cultural group in the Pacific Northwest?
Answer choices include: Kwakiutl, Cherokee, Nootka, Haida

The correct answer is Cherokee.
The correct answer is Cherokee.

In Mesa Verde, Anosazi lived in _____, villages with large areas similar to apartments that were made of stone & adobe. Answer choices include: pueblos, yurts, wigwams, tipis
In Mesa Verde, Anosazi lived in _____, villages with large areas
similar to apartments that were made of stone & adobe.
Answer choices include: pueblos, yurts, wigwams, tipis

The correct answer is pueblos.
The correct answer is pueblos.

About 700 B.C., the Adena culture buried their dead in ______. Answer choices include: the ocean, pyramids, sunken canoes in lakes, mounds
About 700 B.C., the Adena culture buried their dead in ______.
Answer choices include: the ocean, pyramids, sunken canoes in lakes, mounds

The correct answer is mounds.
The correct answer is mounds.

According to legend, Chief Hiawatha formed the Iroquois League for several tribes living in the ______ region. Answer choices include: upper New York, Four Corners, Appalachain, Western Coast
According to legend, Chief Hiawatha formed the Iroquois League
for several tribes living in the ______ region.
Answer choices include: upper New York, Four Corners, Appalachain, Western Coast

The correct answer is upper New York.
The correct answer is upper New York.

Native Americans believed land was sacred and not something a person could own. Answer choices include: true, false
Native Americans believed land was sacred and not something a person could own.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

Totem symbols of Native American clans were displayed on ____. Answer choices include: masks, boats, huge poles, any of these
Totem symbols of Native American clans were displayed on ____.
Answer choices include: masks, boats, huge poles, any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

How many major Mayan sites with monumental architecture have archaeologists identified? Answer choices include: 5, 15, 25, at least 50
How many major Mayan sites with monumental architecture have archaeologists identified?
Answer choices include: 5, 15, 25, at least 50

The correct answer is at least 50.
The correct answer is at least 50.

Astronomers from which group calculated the solar year at 365.2420 days? Answer choices include: Iroquois, Mayan, Adenas, Shoshone
Astronomers from which group calculated the solar year at 365.2420 days?
Answer choices include: Iroquois, Mayan, Adenas, Shoshone

The correct answer is Mayan.
The correct answer is Mayan.

How many ancient Mayan codexes are known to have survived until modern times? Answer choices include: 1, 2, 3, 4
How many ancient Mayan codexes are known to have survived until modern times?
Answer choices include: 1, 2, 3, 4

The correct answer is 3.
The correct answer is 3.

Teotihuacán had a central avenue lined with more than 20 pyramids. Which was the largest? Answer choices include: Pyramid of the Moon, Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Earth, Pyramid of the Wind
Teotihuacán had a central avenue lined with more than 20 pyramids.
Which was the largest?
Answer choices include: Pyramid of the Moon, Pyramid of the Sun,
Pyramid of the Earth, Pyramid of the Wind

The correct answer is Pyramid of the Sun.
The correct answer is Pyramid of the Sun.

The most valuable trade item of Teotihuacán was volcanic glass called ____. Answer choices include: mica, granite, marble, obsidian
The most valuable trade item of Teotihuacán was volcanic glass called ____.
Answer choices include: mica, granite, marble, obsidian

The correct answer is obsidian.
The correct answer is obsidian.

A ruler named _____ tried to change religious beliefs & stop the practoce of human sacrifice but was exiled to the Yucatán Peninsula. Answer choices include: Topilzin, Chief Hawatha, Pachacuti, Viracocha
A ruler named _____ tried to change religious beliefs & stop the practoce
of human sacrifice but was exiled to the Yucatán Peninsula.
Answer choices include: Topilzin, Chief Hawatha, Pachacuti, Viracocha

The correct answer is Topilzin.
The correct answer is Topilzin.

The highest ranking Aztec warriors were symbolized by a/n ____. Answer choices include: guinea pig, eagle, rabbit, lion
The highest ranking Aztec warriors were symbolized by a/n ____.
Answer choices include: guinea pig, eagle, rabbit, lion

The correct answer is eagle.
The correct answer is eagle.

Which of the following was NOT one of the city-states that was part of the Triple Alliance in 1428? Answer choices include: Texcoco, Tlacopan, Cahokia, Tenochtitlán
Which of the following was NOT one of the city-states that
was part of the Triple Alliance in 1428?
Answer choices include: Texcoco, Tlacopan, Cahokia, Tenochtitlán

The correct answer is Cahokia.
The correct answer is Cahokia.

The Aztecs had a monotheistic religion. Answer choices include: true, false
The Aztecs had a monotheistic religion.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Who became the emperor of the Aztec Empire in 1502? Answer choices include: Montezuma II, Viracocha, Pachacuti, Acamapichtli
Who became the emperor of the Aztec Empire in 1502?
Answer choices include: Montezuma II, Viracocha, Pachacuti, Acamapichtli

The correct answer is Montezuma II.
The correct answer is Montezuma II.

_____ was the official language of the Incan Empire. Answer choices include: Spanish, Quechua, K'iche', Guarani
_____ was the official language of the Incan Empire.
Answer choices include: Spanish, Quechua, K'iche', Guarani

The correct answer is Quechua.
The correct answer is Quechua.

The Incan government required a labor tribute, called ____, of all able-bodied citizens. Answer choices include: míta, tithe, pow-wow, encomienda
The Incan government required a labor tribute, called ____, of all able-bodied citizens.
Answer choices include: míta, tithe, pow-wow, encomienda

The correct answer is míta.
The correct answer is míta.

The Inca worshipped more gods than the Aztecs. Answer choices include: true, false
The Inca worshipped more gods than the Aztecs.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Huayna Capac opened a box and soon after died of disease. What came out of the box? Answer choices include: a snake, a tarantula, butterflies & moths, frogs
Huayna Capac opened a box and soon after died of disease.
What came out of the box?
Answer choices include: a snake, a tarantula, butterflies & moths, frogs

The correct answer is butterflies & moths.
The correct answer is butterflies & moths.

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