
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Famous Christmas Movie Quotes Trivia Game

This trivia game includes fifteen famous quotes from Christmas movies. I have included quotes from newer Christmas movies and some classic ones too. How many of them do you recognize?

  1. Click on the first slide below to enlarge the graphic.
  2. Click on your answer to advance to the next slide - click again to advance to the next slide.
Additional articles:

I hope you enjoy this trivia game! Find more of Katrena's resources at the Student Survive 2 Thrive site map.

Christmas Movie Quote Trivia Game

Christmas Movie Trivia Game

"Every time a bell rings"

It's a Wonderful Life Famous Quote

"It's the gift that keeps on giving"

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Famous Quote

Happy birthday in a Christmas movie

Frosty the Snowman Famous Quote

"Christmas isn't just a day"

Miracle on 34th Street Famous Quote

"Tell me, Spirit...will he live?"

A Christmas Carol Famous Quote

"You're what the French call 'incompetents'."

Home Alone Famous Quote

"Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh?"

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Famous Quote

"Look, I am Lactose intolerant!"

The Santa Claus Famous Quote

"There's no Christmas in the Army, Captain."

White Christmas Famous Quote

"as all hatred will ever be wrong"

The Little Drummer Boy Famous Quote

"Stink stank stunk"

The Grinch Famous Quote

"Better fix that hole in your pocket"

The Polar Express Famous Quote
"the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup"

Elf Famous Quotes

"and there were in the same country shepherds"

A Charlie Brown Christmas Famous Quote

"Arrest this man immediately"

Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town Famous Quote

Trivia Game by Katrena

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to Convert Pounds (lb) to Kilograms (kg) – Math Made Easy!

Manually convert lb to kg - Photo by Andreas Praefcke
Although many people in the United States think of weight in terms of pounds, many healthcare facilities record weight in kilograms. Although using an online convertor is quick and easy, it is helpful to know how to do the conversion so that you can compute a weight without the aid of the Internet. For simplicity's sake, I have rounded the conversion number to the nearest 100th. If you need a more exact number, use 0.45359237 instead of 0.45.

Here is the conversion for lb to kg: 1 lb = 0.45 kg

In order to obtain kilograms if you have a weight in pounds, simply multiply the number by 0.45.

Below are a few examples:

Weight in Pounds
Multiply by
Weight in Kilograms

Related articles:
Find additional conversions, practice tests, flash cards, and student tips at the Student Survive 2 Thrive site map.

How to Convert Kilograms (kg) to Pounds (lb) – Math Made Easy

How to Manually Convert kg to lb - Photo by orchid
Although many online calculators are available for converting weight, it is quite simple to do the conversions using a simple math formula. For the sake of simplicity, I have rounded to the nearest tenth on the conversion and chart that will result in a rounded number for pounds that is typically within one pound of the true number. If you need a result that is more exact, use 2.20462 for the conversion.

Here is the simple and quick conversion for kg to lb: 1 kg = 2.2 lb

If you have a weight in kilograms, simply multiply by 2.2 to get the weight in pounds.

Here are a few examples:

Weight in Kilograms
Multiply by
Weight in Pounds

Related articles:
Find additional conversion charts, flash cards, practice tests, and tips for student success at Katrena's Student Survive 2 Thrive blog.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Free Medical Terminology Flash Cards: Mental Health Common Abbreviations

These free medical terminology flash cards include common abbreviations associated with mental health issues. Some abbreviations in health care can represent more than one term, and one would determine the term by the context. For example, CA is an abbreviation for cancer and chronological age.

  1. Click on the first image to enlarge.
  2. Click on the next thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to scroll.
Readers may scroll through the flash cards from start to end or from end to beginning depending on individual needs. Students might also wish to read the following:
Visit the Student Survive 2 Thrive site map for additional flash cards, practice tests, tips for success and more.
Mental Health Common Abbreviations Free Flash Cards

Student Survive 2 Thrive Free Medical Terminology Flash Cards

What does DAP stand for?

Draw-a-Person Personality Test
What does MA stand for?

Mental Age

What does WISC stand for?

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

What does ADD stand for?

Attention-deficit Disorder

What does LSD stand for?

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

What does OCD stand for?

Obsessive-compulsive Disease

What does CNS stand for?

Central Nervous System

What does ECT stand for?

Electroconvulsive Therapy

What does TAT stand for?

Thematic Apperception Test

What does DTs stand for?

Delirium Tremens

What does WPPSI stand for?

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence

What does DSM stand for?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

What does IQ stand for?

Intelligence Quotient

What does PCP stand for?


What does WAIS stand for?

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

What does CA stand for?

Chronological Age

What does MMPI stand for?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

What does ADHD stand for?

Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Free Resources for Studying Medical Terminology by Katrena