
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Free Medical Terminology Practice Test: Skin Lesions

Most people have had at least one skin problem at some point and may be familiar with a few of the medical terms related to skin lesions, but many of these terms may be challenging to those who are trying to learn them.

A few terms look and sound very similar, like fistula and fissure. Some may overlap, such as vesicle and bulla. Many terms may be vaguely familiar, but knowing the specific definitions, lay terms, and perhaps a few examples may help you to remember these more common skin lesions.

How to Use This Skin Lesion Practice Test

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I hope you find this skin lesion practice test to be helpful. Feel free to visit my site map for additional resources.

Skin Lesions Free Practice Test © Katrena
Medical Terminology Practice Test © Katrena
What is an open sore accompanied by inflammation? © Katrena

Ulcer definition © Katrena
Abnormal passage between two organs © Katrena
Fistula definition © Katrena
Flat and small discoloration of skin © Katrena
Macule definition © Katrena
Medical term for whitehead or blackhead of acne © Katrena
Comedo definition © Katrena
Medical term for blister © Katrena
Vesicle definition © Katrena
Rubbing or scraping of skin due to friction © Katrena
Abrasion definition © Katrena
Groove or crack in skin © Katrena
Fissure definition © Katrena
Growth on skin that looks like a mushroom stalk © Katrena
Polyp definition © Katrena
Medical term for bed sore © Katrena
Pressure ulcer definition © Katrena
Medical term for thin flakes of skin © Katrena
Scales definition © Katrena
Small swollen area on skin © Katrena
Nodule definition © Katrena
Medical term for large blister © Katrena
Bulla definition © Katrena
Skin lesions with pus © Katrena
Vesicle medical term © Katrena
Medical term for pimple, wart, or elevated mole © Katrena
Papule definition © Katrena
Medical term for boil © Katrena
Furuncle definition © Katrena
Medical term for hives © Katrena
Wheal definition © Katrena
Another word for pustule © Katrena
Abscess definition © Katrena
Medical term for skin tear © Katrena
Laceration definition © Katrena
Medical term for pouch or sac in skin © Katrena
Cyst definition © Katrena
Another word for wheal © Katrena
Hives definition © Katrena
Skin lesion with pus that oozes out on the skin surface © Katrena
Carbuncle definition © Katrena
Another word for abscess © Katrena
Pustule definition © Katrena
Another word for vesicle © Katrena
Blister definition © Katrena
Medical Terminology Study Guide © Katrena

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