
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Use of AED and Special Considerations

Use of AED and Special Considerations
Use of AED and Special Considerations

 This is a practice quiz related to the use of an automated external defibrillator and special circumstances. The information in this quiz reflects the latest information on the date of publication; however, roles during cardiac arrest are constantly evolving, so check with your local training center if you need additional information.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.
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Use of AED and Special Considerations
Use of AED and Special Considerations

Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena. All rights reserved.

What machine enabled emergency responders to defibrillate without knowing how to read an ECG? Answer choices include: traditional defibrillator, traditional pacemaker, AED, precordial thumper
What machine enabled emergency responders
to defibrillate without knowing how to read an ECG?
Answer choices include: traditional defibrillator,
traditional pacemaker, AED, precordial thumper

The correct answer is AED.
The correct answer is AED.

Properly maintaining an AED includes: Answer choices include: Maintaining the battery. Ordering & replacing supplies, including adult & pediatric pads. Replacing used equipment (PPE, razors, scissors, etc.); All of these.
Properly maintaining an AED includes:
Answer choices include:
Maintaining the battery.
Ordering & replacing supplies, including adult & pediatric pads.
Replacing used equipment (PPE, razors, scissors, etc.).
All of these.

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

This course details the appropriate use of an AED for a/n ___ in cardiac arrest. Answer choices include: adult, child, infant, any of these
This course details the appropriate use of
an AED for a/n ___ in cardiac arrest.
Answer choices include: adult, child, infant, any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

What two heart dysrhythmias can a community-based AED detect & shock? Answer choices include: Ventricular Tachycardia & Ventricular Fibrillation, Atrial Fibrillation & Atrial Flutter, Bradycardia & Asystole, Heart Blocks & Supraventricular Tachycardia
What two heart dysrhythmias can
a community-based AED detect & shock?
Answer choices include:
Ventricular Tachycardia & Ventricular Fibrillation,
Atrial Fibrillation & Atrial Flutter,
Bradycardia & Asystole,
Heart Blocks & Supraventricular Tachycardia

The correct answer is Ventricular Tachycardia & Ventricular Fibrillation.
The correct answer is Ventricular Tachycardia & Ventricular Fibrillation.

You should NEVER check for a pulse before utilizing an AED. Answer choices include: true, false
You should NEVER check for a pulse before utilizing an AED.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

Upon arrival of an AED, what is the first step you should take? Answer choices include: Attach the pads, "Clear" the victim, Press the shock button, Open the case & turn on the power if it doesn't automatically turn on
Upon arrival of an AED, what is the first step you should take?
Answer choices include:
Attach the pads,
"Clear" the victim,
Press the shock button,
Open the case & turn on the power if it doesn't automatically turn on

The correct answer is: Open the case & turn on the power if it doesn't automatically turn on
The correct answer is: Open the case & turn on
the power if it doesn't automatically turn on

It’s fine to use pediatric pads on an adult. Answer choices include: true, false
It’s fine to use pediatric pads on an adult.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

How should you place AED pads? Answer choices include: over clothing, on the victim's bare chest, over implanted devices or medication patches, while the victim is in a body of water
How should you place AED pads?
 Answer choices include:
over clothing,
on the victim's bare chest,
over implanted devices or medication patches,
while the victim is in a body of water

The correct answer is on the victim's bare chest.
The correct answer is on the victim's bare chest.

Anterolateral pad placement is below the right collarbone & to the side of the left nipple a few inches below the armpit. Answer choices include: true, false
Anterolateral pad placement is below the right collarbone
& to the side of the left nipple a few inches below the armpit.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

When might anteroposterior (AP) placement be used? Answer choices include: when the pads might overlap in the anterolateral position, in inpatient settings when pacing may be needed/provided post resuscitation, if the victim is a child or infant, any of these
When might anteroposterior (AP) placement be used?
Answer choices include:
when the pads might overlap in the anterolateral position,
in inpatient settings when pacing may be needed/provided post resuscitation,
if the victim is a child or infant,
any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

The victim has a hairy chest and the AED pads aren’t sticking to the chest adequately. What should you do? Answer choices include: Press the pads firmly to the chest, pull them off, & apply new pads. Carefully & slowly shave around the edge of the pads. Inform the victim's family that you cannot provide defibrillation. Turn the AED off and back on again.
The victim has a hairy chest and the AED pads
aren’t sticking to the chest adequately.
What should you do?
Answer choices include:
Press the pads firmly to the chest, pull them off, & apply new pads.
Carefully & slowly shave around the edge of the pads.
Inform the victim's family that you cannot provide defibrillation.
Turn the AED off and back on again.

The correct answer is: Press the pads firmly to the chest, pull them off, & apply new pads.
The correct answer is:
Press the pads firmly to the chest, pull them off, & apply new pads.

The AED says, “Analyzing heart rhythm - do not touch the patient.” What should you do? Answer choices include: Continue CPR. Provide rescue breathing only. Direct everyone to stand clear & check that no one is touching the victim. Immediately grab & push the hands of team members away from the victim.
The AED says, “Analyzing heart rhythm - do not touch the patient.”
What should you do?
Answer choices include:
Continue CPR.
Provide rescue breathing only.
Direct everyone to stand clear & check that no one is touching the victim.
Immediately grab & push the hands of team members away from the victim.

The correct answer is: Direct everyone to stand clear & check that no one is touching the victim.
The correct answer is: Direct everyone to stand clear
& check that no one is touching the victim.

The AED indicates that no shock is needed.  What should you do next? Answer choices include: Continue CPR. Call for help. Press the shock button. Turn off the machine.
The AED indicates that no shock is needed. 
What should you do next?
Answer choices include:
Continue CPR. Call for help.
Press the shock button. Turn off the machine.

The correct answer is: Continue CPR.
The correct answer is: Continue CPR.

The AED analyzes the heart rhythm and begins charging. What should you do before pushing the shock button? Answer choices include: Ensure that no rescuers are touching the victim. Ensure that no friends/family members are touching the victim. Ensure that no one is leaning against the side rails. All of these.
The AED analyzes the heart rhythm and begins charging.
What should you do before pushing the shock button?
Answer choices include:
Ensure that no rescuers are touching the victim.
Ensure that no friends/family members are touching the victim.
Ensure that no one is leaning against the side rails.
All of these.

The correct answer is all of these.
The correct answer is all of these.

After a shock is delivered, what should you do next? Answer choices include: Do not touch the patient. Continue CPR & minimize interruptions unless victim's condition changes. Continue CPR and turn off the machine. Discontinue CPR and ask for time of death.
After a shock is delivered, what should you do next?
Answer choices include:
Do not touch the patient.
Continue CPR & minimize interruptions
unless victim's condition changes.
Continue CPR and turn off the machine.
Discontinue CPR and ask for time of death.

The correct answer is: Continue CPR & minimize interruptions unless victim's condition changes.
The correct answer is:
Continue CPR & minimize interruptions
unless victim's condition changes.

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Week 6 U.S. History: America's War for Independence 1775-1783


Photo of John Trubull painting of presenting a draft of the Declaration of Independence by WikiImages at
Photo of John Trubull painting of presenting
a draft of the Declaration of Independence by WikiImages at 

U.S. History Chapter 6

America’s War for Independence, 1775-1783

I designed a quiz related to chapter 6 at the bottom of this article.

Directions for the quiz:

  • Scroll down & click on the first thumbnail to enlarge to full screen.
  • Choose an answer for each question.
  • Click on the graphic to advance to the next screen.
  • The correct answer is on the screen following the question.
  • Compare your answers with those provided.
  • If you cannot easily see the correct answer, check the captions.

Review the following Chapter 6 pages:

Practice learning Chapter 6 Key Terms on Quizlet.

Week 6 Videos:

Review the following information featuring the U.S.:

Additional Resources:

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Find additional resources through my site map, topics tabs, or search bar.

Here are some of my articles you may find helpful this week:

U.S. History Week 6 America’s War for Independence 1775-1783
U.S. History Week 6 America’s War for Independence 1775-1783 

Created by Katrena All rights reserved.
Created by Katrena All rights reserved. 

What was the primary reason the British Empire sought added revenue from their American colonies after 1763? Answer choices include: They needed extra funds to pay for slave labor. They incurred debt from the French & Indian War. They wanted their Amican colonies to pay the country's bills. They wanted to invest in diamonds & rubies.
What was the primary reason the British Empire sought
added revenue from their American colonies after 1763?
Answer choices include:
They needed extra funds to pay for slave labor.
They incurred debt from the French & Indian War.
They wanted their Amican colonies to pay the country's bills.
They wanted to invest in diamonds & rubies.

The correct answer is: They incurred debt from the French & Indian War.
The correct answer is: They incurred debt from the French & Indian War.

In May 1774, the British sent General ___ to be the new royal governor of Massachusetts. Answer choices include: Thomas Gage, George Washington, Lord North, Benedict Arnold
In May 1774, the British sent General ___ to be
 the new royal governor of Massachusetts.
Answer choices include: Thomas Gage, George Washington,
Lord North, Benedict Arnold

The correct answer is Thomas Gage.
The correct answer is Thomas Gage.

Who became the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775? Answer choices include: Lord Dunmore, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ethan Allen, George Washington
Who became the Commander in Chief of the
Continental Army on June 15, 1775?
Answer choices include: Lord Dunmore,
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ethan Allen, George Washington

The correct answer is George Washington.
The correct answer is George Washington.

Dunmore’s Proclamation offered freedom to enslaved persons & indentured servants who were loyal to the king & willing to fight in ___. Answer choices include: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia
Dunmore’s Proclamation offered freedom to enslaved persons
& indentured servants who were loyal to the king & willing to fight in ___.
Answer choices include: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia

The correct answer is Virginia.
The correct answer is Virginia.

Who wrote an argument for independence and popular sovereignty called Common Sense? Answer choices include: Ralph Waldo Emerson, King George III, Thomas Paine, John Adams
Who wrote an argument for independence
and popular sovereignty called Common Sense?
Answer choices include: Ralph Waldo Emerson,
King George III, Thomas Paine, John Adams

The correct answer is Thomas Paine.
The correct answer is Thomas Paine.

In 1776, British armies planned to isolate three areas to force submission. Which was NOT one of these areas? Answer choices include: Fort Oswego, New York City, Montreal, Boston
In 1776, British armies planned to isolate
three areas to force submission.
Which was NOT one of these areas?
Answer choices include: Fort Oswego,
New York City, Montreal, Boston

The correct answer is Boston.
The correct answer is Boston.

For seven years, ___ was the headquarters for the British military & a haven for those who were loyal to the Throne. Answer choices include: Philadelphia, New York City, Montreal, Salem
For seven years, ___ was the headquarters for the British military
& a haven for those who were loyal to the Throne.
Answer choices include: Philadelphia, New York City, Montreal, Salem

The correct answer is New York City.
The correct answer is New York City.

General George Washington’s troops were victorious after a surprise attack on ____ in 1776. Answer choices include: New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas
General George Washington’s troops were victorious
after a surprise attack on ____ in 1776.
Answer choices include:
New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas

The correct answer is Christmas.
The correct answer is Christmas.

Who trained Washington’s troops in 1778? Answer choices include: Tecumseh, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, George Clinton, John Burgoyne
Who trained Washington’s troops in 1778?
Answer choices include: Tecumseh, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben,
George Clinton, John Burgoyne

The correct answer is Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben.
The correct answer is Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben.

The 1777 Battle of ___ marked a major turning point of the war in America’s favor. Answer choices include: Saratoga, Fort Ticonderoga, Brandywine Creek, Charleston
The 1777 Battle of ___ marked a major turning
point of the war in America’s favor.
Answer choices include: Saratoga,
Fort Ticonderoga, Brandywine Creek, Charleston

The correct answer is Saratoga.
The correct answer is Saratoga.

Lord George Germain believed he could get support for Britain from all of the following in the South EXCEPT: Answer choices include: Native American allies, women, loyalists, enslaved persons
Lord George Germain believed he could get support
for Britain from all of the following in the South EXCEPT:
Answer choices include: Native American allies,
women, loyalists, enslaved persons

The correct answer is women.
The correct answer is women.

In what city did America suffer its greatest loss in 1780? Answer choices include: Boston, Cowpens, Charleston, Yorktown
In what city did America suffer its greatest loss in 1780?
Answer choices include: Boston, Cowpens, Charleston, Yorktown

The correct answer is Charleston.
The correct answer is Charleston.

In 1781, a siege that lasted ____ preceded the British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown. Answer choices include: 8 hours, 8 days, 80 days, 8 weeks
In 1781, a siege that lasted ____ preceded the
British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown.
Answer choices include: 8 hours, 8 days, 80 days, 8 weeks

The correct answer is 8 days.
The correct answer is 8 days.

In April 1782, all of the following EXCEPT ___ began informal peace negotiations in France. Answer choices include: John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay
In April 1782, all of the following EXCEPT ___
began informal peace negotiations in France.
Answer choices include: John Adams,
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay

The correct answer is George Washington.
The correct answer is George Washington.

The ___ acts allowed the new American government the right to take Loyalist property and land. Answer choices include: liberation, rightful owner, land and property, confiscation
The ___ acts allowed the new American government
the right to take Loyalist property and land.
Answer choices include: liberation,
rightful owner, land and property, confiscation

The correct answer is confiscation.
The correct answer is confiscation.

Approximately how many colonists moved to England, British West Indies, or Canada after the Revolution? Answer choices include: 5,000; 50,000; 10,000; 100,000
Approximately how many colonists moved to
England, British West Indies, or Canada after the Revolution?
Answer choices include: 5,000; 50,000; 10,000; 100,000

The correct answer is 100,000.
The correct answer is 100,000.

All enslaved people who fought for the Patriot cause received their freedom. Answer choices include: true, false
All enslaved people who fought for the
Patriot cause received their freedom.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is false.
The correct answer is false.

The Treaty of Paris granted the United States significant regions that were actually Native lands. Answer choices include: true, false
The Treaty of Paris granted the United States
significant regions that were actually Native lands.
Answer choices include: true, false

The correct answer is true.
The correct answer is true.

____ was/were the first American paper money. By 1781, it’s value had dropped significantly. Answer choices include: Pounds, Reals, Continental currency, Euros
____ was/were the first American paper money.
By 1781, it’s value had dropped significantly.
Answer choices include:
Pounds, Reals, Continental currency, Euros

The correct answer is continental currency.
The correct answer is continental currency.

Which of the following did women in America do between 1775 and 1783? Answer choices include: cook, wash & make clothes; participate in combat; raise money for the war; any of these
Which of the following did women
in America do between 1775 and 1783?
Answer choices include:
cook, wash & make clothes;
participate in combat;
raise money for the war;
any of these

The correct answer is any of these.
The correct answer is any of these.

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