
Monday, March 18, 2013

Cardiovascular Diagnostic Procedures Practice Test

This free practice test covers a variety of diagnostic treatments, procedures, and techniques related to the cardiovascular system.

  1. Click on the first graphic below to enlarge the picture.
  2. Click on the next thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to advance to the next slide.
I hope you find this practice test to be helpful as you study the CV system. See my Student Survive 2 Thrive site map for additional free practice tests, flash cards, and tips for success.

Free Practice Test on Cardiovascular Procedures
Medical Terminology Free Practice Test
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Exercise Stress Testing Definition
Tube Inserted into Vein to View Heart
Cardiac Cath Definition
Blood Test to Check Cholesterol
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Test for Heart that Uses Radio Waves
MRI Definition
Device under skin to monitor heart rhythm
ICD or Implanted Defibrillator Definition
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X-Ray Using Iodine to Visualize Heart and Blood Vessels
Angiography Definition
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Echocardiography Definition
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Heart Monitor You Wear for a Month
Event Monitor or King of Hearts Definition
Shows Electrical Impulses of Heart on Monitor or Paper
ECG or EKG Definition
X-Ray that Uses Ionizing Radiation to See Cross-Section of Heart
CAT or CT Scan Definition
Heart Monitor You Wear for 24 Hours
Holter Monitory Definition
Radioactive X-Ray to Look at Heart
PET Definition
Medical Terminology Practice Test by Katrena