
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Practice Test: Death and Dying

This free practice test includes information about caring for someone who is approaching death. It includes the stages of grief, physical changes related to death as well as vocabulary words commonly associated with caring for people who are terminally ill.

One of the best pieces of advice that I received when I became a nurse was to always remember that patients are either dead or alive. When they are alive, treat them as such. Providing compassionate, excellent care may not lessen the loss, but family members often do remember details of this most difficult time and appreciate those extra efforts.

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Death and Dying Practice Test
Free Nursing Practice Test
Stage of Grief Where Person May Yell Inappropriately
Anger Stage of Grief
Exam to Determine Cause of Death
Autopsy definition
Time When People Adapt to the Loss of a Loved One
Mourning Definition
Stage of Grief When Person Withdraws
Depression Stage of Grief
Holistic Care of Someone Terminally Ill
Hospice Care Examples
Mourning When Someone is Expected to Die
Anticipatory Grief Definition
Grief Stage When Someone Makes Preparations
Acceptance Stage of Grief
Type of Breathing When Death Approaches
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations Definition
Position to Help When Someone is Short of Breath
Fowler's Position Definition
Person's Body is Burned After Death
Cremation Definition
Blue Spots on a Dying Person's Skin
Mottling Definition
Stage of Grief Where People Make Bargains
Bargaining Stage of Grief
How to Speak With Someone Who is Dying
Communication Tips for Nurses
Rights of a Dying Person
Dying Person's Right to Information
Grief that Makes it Difficult to Function
Unresolved Grief Definition
Emotional Care of Dying Person

How to Provide Holistic Care for a Dying Person
Hospice Care Life Expectancy
How Long Person in Hospice is Likely to Live
Palliative Care Goals
Goals of Palliative Care
Stage of Grief Where Person Keeps Seeking Other Opinions
Denial Stage of Grief
Medical Doctor Who Performs an Autopsy
Pathologist Definition
Medical Term for Blue Lips and Fingernails
Cyanosis Definition
Physical Changes When a Person Dies
Changes in the Eye When a Person Dies
Care of the Body after Death
Postmortem Care Definition
Healthy Ways to Grieve
Healthy Ways to Deal with Death
Patient Care that Cares for Whole Person
Holistic Care Definition
Physical Care of a Terminally Ill Person
Care of a Person Who is Dying
Free Nursing Practice Test