
Friday, April 27, 2012

Free Practice Test: Military Time and Standard Time

Many people find it difficult to convert between military time and standard time; however, many healthcare facilities require the use of military time. This practice test is designed to help people learn how to convert between the two ways of telling time through practical application. It is geared toward nurses, but the concepts can be used by anyone.

Here is a quick review and specific examples regarding how to convert between standard time and military time, also known as international time:

Standard Time
Military Time
May have 3-4 digits
Always has 4 digits
Based on a 12-hour system
Based on a 24-hour system
Has a colon between the hour and minutes
Never has a colon
Includes a.m., p.m., noon, or midnight after the numbers
Nothing is added after the numbers

Standard Time
Military Time
12:00 midnight (or a.m.)
2400 or 0000
For times between 12:01 a.m. & 12:59 a.m., change the 12 to 00 and remove the colon and a.m.
12:15 a.m.
12:22 a.m.
12:30 a.m.
12:50 a.m.
12:55 a.m.
For times between 1:00 a.m. and 11:59 a.m., leave out the colon and a.m. and place a 0 in front of single digit hours (before 10).
2:00 a.m.
3:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:59 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
11:48 a.m.
12:00 noon (or p.m.)
For times between 12:01 p.m. and 12:59 p.m., leave out the colon and p.m.
12:11 p.m.
12:21 p.m.
12:40 p.m.
12:55 p.m.
For times between 1:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m., add 12 to the hour and remove the colon and p.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:14 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
11:11 p.m.

How to use the practice test:
  1. Click on the first image below to enlarge.
  2. Click on the next thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to advance to the next slide.
I hope you find this free practice test on converting times to be helpful. Visit my Student Survive 2 Thrive blog site map for more practice tests, flash cards, and tips to help students excel in class!

Practice Converting Military Time and Standard Time
Practice Test for Military Time and Standard Time
Military Time for 3:00 p.m.
1500 in Standard Time
12:00 noon in Military Time
12:00 p.m. in Military Time
Military Time for 6:30 p.m.
Standard Time for 1830
Military Time for 12:45 a.m.

Standard Time for 0045
Military Time for 9:00 p.m.
Standard Time for 2100
Military time for 5:55 a.m.
Standard Time for 0555
Standard Time for 1300
Military time for 1:00 p.m.
Standard time for 0045
Military Time for 12:45 a.m.
Standard Time for 2000
Military Time for 8:00 p.m.
Military Time for 3:50 a.m.
Standard Time for 0350
Military Time for 1:00 p.m.
Standard Time for 1300
Military Time for 12:00 midnight
Standard Time for 2400 or 0000
Military Time for 10:10 p.m.
Standard Time for 2210
Military Time for 12:59 a.m.
Standard Time for 0059
Military Time for 11:45 p.m.
Standard Time for 2345
Nursing Skills Practice Test
Standard Time for 1800
Nursing Math Practice Test
Military Time for 10:30 a.m.
How to Convert Standard Time to Military Time
Military Time for 5:00 a.m.
Free Practice Converting to Military Time
Military Time for 12:30 a.m.
Free Nursing Practice Test
Military Time for 5:15 p.m.

Free Medical Practice Test

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Free Medical Terminology Practice Test: Joint Movement

Joints can move in a variety of ways, and this free med term practice test can serve as a great review for terms related to joint range of motion. I have also included a few tips that may help folks to remember these tricky terms!

How to use the practice test:
  1. Click on the first image to enlarge.
  2. Click on the next thumbnail to advance to the next slide.
Visit the Student Survive 2 Thrive site map for additional medical terminology practice tests and flash cards.

Free Practice Test for Joint Movement Medical Terminology
Free Medical Terminology Study Guide
Med term for turning palms up
Supination definition
Med term for increasing angle between bones
Extension definition
Med term for moving bone toward midline
Adduction definition
Med term for pointing the toes
Plantar flexion definition
Med term for moving joint in circular motion
Circumduction definition
Med term for flexing the foot
Dorsiflexion definition
Med term for turning a bone on its axis
Rotation definition
Med term for turning palm down
Pronation definition
Med term for moving bone away from midline of body
Abduction definition
Med term for decreasing angle between two bones
Flexion definition
Free joint movement practice test